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Madonna and Paltrow Friends No More??


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Gwyneth on Tracy no longer training Madonna:

When Vogue brought up the fact that her trainer Tracy Anderson no longer works with Vadge, Fishy said, "Yeah, it's good that she doesn't train Madonna any more. It was too much. She keeps people waiting - it takes up your whole day."

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Fishsticks Paltrow Hates Somebody


When Fishsticks Paltrow is awakened by her dawn simulation device in the morning, she rips off her $5000 Frette sheets, slips on her organic silk robe (a gift from the Dalai Lama), locks herself in the bathroom (or "the loo" as she calls it) and violently punches at a voodoo doll in between her breathing exercises. That's because POOPY is currently angry at a friend!

Fishy tells British Vogue (via Telegraph), "Oh yes, I can be mean. I can cave in to gossip. I can ice people out and I can definitely harbour revenge. In fact, I'm having a situation right now with a friend where I'm feeling pretty angry. But revenge is corrosive and it doesn't make me feel good. I'll wake up in the morning and think, 'Ugh, I feel terrible', and suddenly realise, "Ah, I'm a pretentious bitch. That's why I feel terrible."

No, she didn't say that end part. I stuffed that into her lips. This is what she really said, "'Ah, that's why. I'm holding on to so much hate.'"

Fishy does realize that if she just unclenches her asshole, the stick will fall out along with all the hate? But honestly I don't want the hate to fall out, because I like Fishy best when she brings out the cuntness. Speaking of...

When Vogue brought up the fact that her trainer Tracy Anderson no longer works with Vadge, Fishy said, "Yeah, it's good that she doesn't train Madonna any more. It was too much. She keeps people waiting - it takes up your whole day."

Did I say a voodoo doll earlier? I meant that she yoga punches at a Mad Hatter doll. It's the closest thing she could get to a Vadge doll.

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Is Madonna and Gwyneth’s friendship over?

US Weekly is reporting that former BFFs and expats Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow are no longer speaking to each other. It’s all due to competing egos and changing lifestyles now that Madonna ditched her British husband and Goop is sticking with hers. This isn’t the first time we’ve heard this rumor, and there’s plenty of circumstantial evidence to support it.

Gossip Cop refutes this report in their typical “the rep denies it, so it must be false” way, but it has a ring of truth to me. US Weekly gives a vague quote from Gwyneth’s May Vogue UK interview in which she hinted at trouble with a friend, “I’m having a situation right now with a friend where I’m feeling pretty angry.” From that quote, it could be anyone and the issue might be minor. However, Gwynnie took a direct jab at Madge in that interview, saying that it was a good thing Madonna was no longer working with their trainer Tracy Anderson, because Madonna “keeps people waiting - it takes up your whole day.” Gwyneth also devoted a whole issue of Goop to “friendship divorce” on February 25.

A source close to Madonna, 51, and Gwyneth Paltrow, 37, tells Us Weekly the dear pals, BFFs since 1999, are dunzo.

“They don’t speak,” says the insider. “I can’t tell you exactly why they had the falling out, but Gwyneth can be jealous and competitive.”

Although Madonna’s rep denies the “breakup,” the source says things went downhill slowly for the duo after Madonna split from Guy Ritchie in 2008, leaving “Gwyneth and Madonna with less in common.” (Paltrow’s been wed to U.K.-born singer Chris Martin since 2003.)

And to be sure, both women have a history of bagging their besties: Madge fell out with Sandra Bernhard around 1991; Paltrow cut ties with Winona Ryder in 1998.

In fact, Paltrow (who once called the singer “like an older sister”) hinted at a new feud in May’s British Vogue: “I’m having a situation right now with a friend where I’m feeling pretty angry.”

[From US Weekly]

I’m thinking this is true. Madonna dropped Tracy Anderson as her trainer in October of last year, and just a few months later we heard that Madonna and Gwyneth had a falling out over some business issue. That earlier report noted that they are “both Type-A personalities” and we surely know that’s true. They were probably glad to get rid of each other once their mutually aggrandizing relationship was no longer working for them. They both have enough people around them blowing smoke up their asses to fill the role they once played in each other’s lives.

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That's all good, but whose side will Stella be on? I bet it'll be Madonna. After all she needs a big name to flog her average designs. :queenbitch:

Gwyn at Stella's latest fashion show...OMG at Naomi's filled up face


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