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Supreme Elitists
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Status Updates posted by peter

  1. Tony, did you see my message to you? Or that I tagged you in the ticket alert thread? Please check it and let me know ASAP! Pittsburgh show is on Monday night and I have tickets I can give you for free if you can go and don’t already have tickets… Thanks!

  2. KURT!!! Read your messages, please!! :angel: xoxo

    1. peter


      Kurt, Kurt, KURT!!! Please check your messages … it’s urgent!! xo

  3. Happy New Year, Snap!

    Hope you are well! What show(s) are you going to attend — now that the itinerary has settled down and the US leg is well underway? My first show is next week in New York, and then the Pittsburgh show in the first full week of February. Hoping the travel and weather is cooperative.

    Sorry to keep this super brief, but it is approaching 5 AM here and I need to get a little sleep. Just saw you were on the forum, and I’d been thinking about you! Thought I’d try to catch you. Miss you… Take good care.



    1. peter


      (Tried to send the above as a message, but when I tried to send it, it said you cannot receive messages, so … sorry!)

  4. peter

    Missed you, ackito… So glad to see you back. (Totally get why you needed a little break, though.) Life’s been a bit bumpy — have been meaning to write, because I know I owe you a message, but just haven’t found time. Sorry for dropping the ball. Will try to remedy that soon. Hope all is well for you. Take good care of yourself, sweets. xo. :inlove: 

  5. :inlove: :brenspin: :kiss2:

    Hope you are able to get tickets, dear friend!!

    1. Nightshade


      Not just yet, but I am sure I will get some from a reseller (which is my typical avenue). I really want to be up close as my opportunities to do so are running out. 🙂

      Let me know if you get some good seats and which city. 

  6. Happy New Year!! :brenspin:

    1. LoveBoxx


      Happy new year, lovely Peter! I hope you are doing well! 😘

  7. xo. :brenspin: :kiss2: :inlove: 

    (miss you!)

    1. Nightshade


      Awww, I hope you are doing well, my friend.

  8. xo. :brenspin:

    1. LoveBoxx


      Hey there! I hope you are doing well! XO

  9. xo. :brenspin:

    1. VogueMusic


      😘 Hey there, what's up?

  10. Thanks for being so sweet and kind, @pithy. Sorry I’ve been more quiet and MIA lately … I do enjoy reading your posts, though! Hoping to be visiting a little more often now, with the premiere of Madame X. Always fun to celebrate a release with our community here. Am recovering from recent surgery, though, too, so … might me a little spotty yet. Take care, friend! xo. 

    1. pithy


      Jeez, the surgery mention threw me for a loop somewhat. In that case, do everything at your own pace, of course. Hope it was nothing too major and that you're in for a speedy recovery, already well underway. 🙏 Stay safe and please be well!

  11. xoxoxoxo!!!

    1. Nightshade


      Hey there! How are you? 🙂

  12. Hugs to you, funkydita. Just read what you wrote in acko’s “year later” thread and ... my heart really went out to you. I really can empathize with almost everything you wrote. I’m so sorry it’s been so sad and discouraging for you. I’ll be thinking about you and hoping things improve for you. Sending hugs and sunshine your way, friend. xoxo

    1. funkydita


      Bless you, Peter, you’re a sweetheart and very kind.  Hope the last year’s been OK for you (mine sounds much more gloomy and dramatic than it’s actually been). xx

  13. Sending you positive vibes! Wishing you all the best in making changes that you need to make. (I just caught up in acko’s “year later” thread and read your post ... so was thinking about you and what you wrote.) xoxo

    1. MadFan


      You're a doll. ❤️ Thanks a lot, reading that message brought a smile to my face. Are you holding up okay amidst all this yourself?

  14. peter

    That “year later” thread ... whew! Everything you wrote, I was feeling and the “that’s your costume” reference — can’t tell you how many times I said things to co-workers with that inflection. I know we do ToD a lot around here, but ... it *really* increased in the cluster that was 2020. (And 2021 has not been an improvement yet...)

    I love you — just want you to know that. :kiss2:I know I’m like a nobody, so whatever, but I hope it encourages you as you pursue a new venture, because it speaks to your complete ability to excel at it and really engage students in a meaningful way. If you can connect with anonymous internet loser, how much more so in real life with your charming personality and considerable talents. You’re gonna be so awesome at this. I wish I could be in the House of Acko. Not younger than you, but I feel I would learn much from you and your wisdom. Thanks for sharing on here.  xo

    1. acko


      Thank you for all the kind words... I'm glad you still visit here... You are positivity personified.. Huggzz and YOU ARE IN MY HOUSE! 

  15. Hope you forgive me! Extra kisses to Lola! xoxo

    1. Flip The Switch

      Flip The Switch

      Hey! For what hun? Lola says hi! lol

    2. peter


      Oh, nothing!! :shy: :angel: I was in a rush and posted something that, in retrospect, I was afraid you’d think I was just ... I don’t know, snotty or petty or something. But then it looked like you might have revised, so I later edited my original post to just show you some love, as you deserve! (It was really just that I was in a hurry and didn’t add any emoji or emoticons or anything, like a wink or something, to make sure I didn’t sound like I was being bluntly critical or worse. So I’m glad if you didn’t see it!) 

      Also, I overthink sometimes?

      Anyway, hi back to Lola, with a few pats on the head for extra good measure! 


  16. You have a boxer?!? 😍 I had no idea!! So cute and adorable! (We had two growing up... and have since had two bull mastiffs.) What’s your puppy’s name? Sending extra smooches for you gorgeous pooch! 😘

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. peter


      :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: Lola is beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing her glamour shots! She looks so happy — I bet she adores you. And how could you not adore her?! Congrats — 8 months is just a puppy yet! (Though, I don’t think they ever get too far beyond puppy in their minds. Haha!) xoxo to both of you!! (Sorry if I’m late to the party in welcoming Lola to the furry MadonnaNation family... I have found the “post a photo of your pet” thread to be heartbreaking sometimes ... so I’ve done the immature thing of avoiding it altogether for the most part. I should probably re-visit — look at all that cuteness I’d be missing!)

    3. Flip The Switch

      Flip The Switch

      OMG sorry for the delay! Thank you Peter! Love Lola so much. Such a loyal and cute little boxer. She gives me so much life! 


    4. peter


      Oh, no worries, friend! You didn’t have to reply at all — I’m so grateful you did, though! Hope you and Lola have been enjoying a lovely weekend together! xo

  17. Hope you are well, VogueMusic. xoxo.

    1. VogueMusic


      Ah, thanks @peter. yes, I'm well..or as well as one can be in times like these. 😆   Hope you are doing well too.

    2. peter


      Ha! Right — I know! I should have probably said “as well as one can be” — definitely didn’t mean to be insensitive! Just was thinking of you and hoping you doing okay and managing as best you can. Hadn’t seen many posts from you and was just hoping everything was all right. I know things are somehow even busier for me now, so I can understand if that’s the case for you, too! Just wanted you to know you’re missed. Thanks for taking the time to reply, and take good care! xo. 

  18. peter

    A rare sighting of the elusive @acko😍 Gorgeous. 


  19. Hugs especially for Hector. 😰 💔 xo.

  20. :inlove:  :kiss2: :brenspin: 

    Nice to see you enjoying the sunshine! Thanks for brightening up our days with your sunny self! 

    1. MadFan



      You're the nicest dude I swear...a real class act.

    2. peter


      Aw ... you’re kind to say that, but I’m sure it’s not the case. It’s easy to find the positive with fellow Madonna fans. (I had to look up the definition of “RBF,” by the way ... :lmao: I felt so dumb when I realized what it was! I did know it, just not the abbreviation. And it didn’t look so much like RBF to me, but your eyes did look really beautiful in the light!!) Glad you had a good day, and hope today is another just like it! :gent:

  21. Spotlight!!! :inlove:

    You’re back!! Missed you!! Glad you’re LEVITATING along with us! :kiss2:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. spotlight


      Love you Pete

    3. peter


      Love you, too, SugarBoo! 

    4. peter


      (Sometimes, when I’m singing along to “Levitating,” I substitute your name for “starlight” or “moonlight” ... like so: “I got you ... moonlight ... you’re my SPOTLIGHT ... I need you ... all night ... c’mon, dance with me...” :chuckle: :inlove: xoxo)

  22. peter

    Your new profile photo!! :wow: :inlove: xoxo

    1. Bill


      Aww I’m glad you like it!

    2. peter


      Of course! Love it — love you! Have missed you a bit! Good to see you around the forum a little more... (Also jealous of your haircut! I haven’t been able to get mine cut since February... so it is an unruly mane right now! Yours looks so clean and sleek! So handsome!) Happy belated birthday, by the way! I hope you were still able to find ways to celebrate, despite the challenging circumstances. Take care, Bill, and don’t be a stranger! xo

    3. Bill


      Thank you my friend. Love you too and to be honest that pic is pre-pandemic so my haircut isn’t quite as sleek right now since I’m cutting it myself 😂 I had a very nice birthday though, thank you for the wish!  It’s really nice to hear from you and I’ve found a lot of comfort in being more active here with some of my long time friends still posting. ❤️

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