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“God Control” thread

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Guest jamesshot
50 minutes ago, Genevieve Vavance said:

how Madonna deals with so many Backstabbing people is always a mystery to me

Same. Even her biggest admirers like Ariana and others don't usually, if ever, come to her defense. 

The stuff Elton has said about her is egregious. There isn't enough hyperbole to use to explain his despicable remarks about her. Yet, he isn't really called out, he receives no backlash, and it gets labeled a feud when Madonna hasn't engaged in the name calling.

I will stop reading an article if there is even a hint of back handed compliments or tries to diminish her talents in any way. I don't mind if she is criticized, and she has deserved to be, but no more of when I feel it isn't warranted. 

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5 hours ago, Nikki said:

Isn’t it telling how she didn’t even react to “I Rise”, which is basically a more PC version of a song of all that’s going on in the world? These kids grew up on tumblr and have a very entitled attitude, thinking they’re gonna solve all the world problems, but only by THEIR rules. That’s the problem with gen z unfortunately. It’s what I’ve noticed from sites like jezebel as well.. all women must follow their rules on feminism, otherwise they resent them.. it’s the black sheep effect.


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9 hours ago, Jazzy Jan said:

Emma to me,  has become like Rose McGowan became for the "me too"  movement.  Both admired initially for speaking out but unfortunately make the issue all about them and become more of a hindrance than a spokesperson. Expecting everyone to have the same reaction as them to the issue and criticising allies and taking the focus away from the real culprits.   Emma was extremely ignorant, judgemental and did not even have her facts straight when commenting on this video.  If someone is wanting to be a spokesperson for a cause,  they should always know exactly what they commenting on and not put down people that are supporting their cause and giving their cause much needed support and attention. 

Have thought this for years.  When wanting people to " wake up" so to speak,  and understand either discrimination, cruelty, unfairness or needing change,  it is always wrong to criticise those on your side just because they either have not gone through the same thing or are of a different gender, race, age group etc.   Have seen this done so often and it is so counter productive.  Same with women who think men should not comment on wanting women's rights because they are not women. When in fact, men who support women and equal opportunity are welcome, crucial, wanted and are appreciated so much.  Sexism, racism needs to be addressed by everyone and made a cause for everyone.  By Emma saying that only people who have been in a shooting should speak on this issue is just stupidly shutting out so many people and somewhat alienating some that the cause needs to reach.  

I am pretty sure for example that anyone who saw the horrific scenes in the movie "  The Stoning of Soraya M"  would never get those scenes out of their minds.  Things often have to be shown to people to make them realize just how obscene and horrific they are. 

Wonderful to see so many other groups supporting Madonna though and glad they come to her defence so strongly. 

Couldn't agree more with everything, well said Jan


7 hours ago, Nikki said:

Isn’t it telling how she didn’t even react to “I Rise”, which is basically a more PC version of a song of all that’s going on in the world? These kids grew up on tumblr and have a very entitled attitude, thinking they’re gonna solve all the world problems, but only by THEIR rules. That’s the problem with gen z unfortunately. It’s what I’ve noticed from sites like jezebel as well.. all women must follow their rules on feminism, otherwise they resent them.. it’s the black sheep effect.

Absolutely, noticed that too about I Rise and how silent this hormonally imbalanced teen stood about, very telling


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Guest Amelia aka Neutrocks
2 hours ago, jamesshot said:

Same. Even her biggest admirers like Ariana and others don't usually, if ever, come to her defense. 

The stuff Elton has said about her is egregious. There isn't enough hyperbole to use to explain his despicable remarks about her. Yet, he isn't really called out, he receives no backlash, and it gets labeled a feud when Madonna hasn't engaged in the name calling.

I will stop reading an article if there is even a hint of back handed compliments or tries to diminish her talents in any way. I don't mind if she is criticized, and she has deserved to be, but no more of when I feel it isn't warranted. 

I don't really expect even those who admire to jump to her defense. It's not like Madonna jumps to anyone's defense, especially back in the day when she was younger.  So I don't fault people like Ariana.

As for Elton, I think he's pure jealous.  I feel the same with Boy George, but George seems to finally own up to it.  But I agree how Madonna wasn't really part of the "feud".  I still recall when she spoke on the Red Carpet at the Golden Globes before winning her "Masterpiece", and brushed off what Elton said.  Elton probably gets away with it is because he is truly a legend in his own right. He doesn't rely on the technology she and many acts do now to alter their voices or sing along with their tracks when performing.  Of course, I don't agree with anything he said about her.  He was definitely an ass for saying what he did.  But anymore, I look at his as that really old Aunt or Grandma in families who just speak their mind with no filter and no care. 

The fact is people love to hate on Madonna.  I love how Madonna just lets it roll offer back.  She's strong and she's proven she doesn't melt under pressure. 

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Guest jamesshot
32 minutes ago, Amelia said:

I don't really expect even those who admire to jump to her defense. It's not like Madonna jumps to anyone's defense, especially back in the day when she was younger.  So I don't fault people like Ariana.

As for Elton, I think he's pure jealous.  I feel the same with Boy George, but George seems to finally own up to it.  But I agree how Madonna wasn't really part of the "feud".  I still recall when she spoke on the Red Carpet at the Golden Globes before winning her "Masterpiece", and brushed off what Elton said.  Elton probably gets away with it is because he is truly a legend in his own right. He doesn't rely on the technology she and many acts do now to alter their voices or sing along with their tracks when performing.  Of course, I don't agree with anything he said about her.  He was definitely an ass for saying what he did.  But anymore, I look at his as that really old Aunt or Grandma in families who just speak their mind with no filter and no care. 

The fact is people love to hate on Madonna.  I love how Madonna just lets it roll offer back.  She's strong and she's proven she doesn't melt under pressure. 

She doesn't do this on every track though it has gotten worse over time. He flat out lied about her lipping. He made it seem like she lipped the entire RIT. He knew what he was doing. He was trying to diminish her talents. 

She has said pretty clearly how some of it hurts her despite sometimes when she claims she doesn't GAF. 

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Guest Amelia aka Neutrocks
1 hour ago, jamesshot said:

She doesn't do this on every track though it has gotten worse over time. He flat out lied about her lipping. He made it seem like she lipped the entire RIT. He knew what he was doing. He was trying to diminish her talents. 

She has said pretty clearly how some of it hurts her despite sometimes when she claims she doesn't GAF. 

Oh there is no doubt he was diminishing her talents.  It's just she's forgiven and moved on.  From what I read and heard, they've been out many times since his last tirade.  I think we as fans focus on what others say about her too much.  Yes, we want to defend her, but if you think about it, it's silly.  I consider Elton and Lady Gaga the two entertainers who seem to have a love/hate relationship with Madonna. While we go on hating them for what they said and did, Madonna's hanging out with them having a good time.  Now if we're talking about someone like Piers Morgan, that's a different story. He's just a hateful and despicable man.  I don't try to pay much mind what he says because most sane people know he's a joke and loves attention.

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27 minutes ago, Morrigan said:



One Pulse for America, which was among the organizations listed, expressed support of Madonna’s work in an email to HuffPost on Sunday, adding that in the past it has asked video contributors who wish to amplify their message through them to be mindful of the sensitivity around graphic depictions.

"In Madonna’s case, we made no such request, and we are not here to judge her decisions. That is the nature of artistic or political expression. Critics are free as well to point out their problems with her video, but there is no doubt she shares the same goal as we and even her critics do: reducing gun violence and drawing attention to the crisis,” said the organization’s co-founder, Jay Kuo.

“Madonna has always pushed the envelope with her videos. As she is an artist, we do not believe she is required to self-censor her work, and that she is also able on her own to defend her artistic choices,” Kuo added. “We are happy that she donated to the cause, and believe her voice is another important one in this fight.”

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, also among the organizations listed, praised Madonna’s video in a statement on Wednesday, calling it a “visually-arresting video” that juxtaposes “unbridled freedom of dancing in a club with the brutal and silencing violence wrought by an intruder brandishing a gun.”

“We are so pleased to have Madonna support our organization and bring awareness to the often and sometimes lethal intersection of firearms and domestic violence,” said Ruth M. Glenn, the group’s president and CEO. “In partnership with Madonna and others we will continue to raise awareness on the issue and the need for preventing, disarming domestic violence and what we can to reduce homicides.”


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44 minutes ago, Morrigan said:

And now that woman is askin Madonna to grovel to her with an apology wtf 🤦‍♀️ 


You could point out that the video triggers painful memories but still THANK Madonna for bringing awareness to the problem that you suffered, you MORONIC ASSHOLES. How can you disrespect and attack someone who is ON YOUR SIDE, who actually has the guts to call attention on such a delicate issue? 

It's because of stupid bitches like her that some problems are just so hard to change.

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Oh ok thanks , such an annoying element to the whole album is the rant . Crazy annoying . So now she’s bitching about Madonna . Wowza . Some people ...

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Guest jamesshot
4 hours ago, Morrigan said:

And now that woman is askin Madonna to grovel to her with an apology wtf 🤦‍♀️ 


Huffpost almost always posts negative articles about Madonna. I visit their site often and they are one of the worst. I've been getting frustrated with their overall coverage of things anyway so no more clicks from me.

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4 hours ago, Morrigan said:

And now that woman is askin Madonna to grovel to her with an apology wtf 🤦‍♀️ 


Now huffpost will stir the shit even more. They’ve been ready to write something bad about M. 

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23 hours ago, I Don’t Search I Find said:

Emma Gonzalez is getting schooled a lot on Twitter not only by Madonna fans but also gun control groups that applaud Madonna’s video.

Good. She's not smart and a literalist, two things Madonna can't stand. And yes, of Gen Z who expect apologies and retractions when they feel personally offended by something. That's not how it works.

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2 hours ago, RyanAnth4 said:

Who is Emma Gonzales ?


2 hours ago, frzndrwnwrld said:

That screaming person at the beginning of I Rise.

The worst part of "I Rise"

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5 hours ago, Morrigan said:

And now that woman is askin Madonna to grovel to her with an apology wtf 🤦‍♀️ 


What a nasty vile excuse of a human being who squaks about being a survivor and wanting change yet throws a bitch fit if things don't go HER way.

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That brat is actively stumping the growth of the GC video. People will read her comments, and take her at value and assume she's telling the truth and Madonna is a cunt. And then they wont watch the video!

Why oh why would the brat do that?

I've been reading people saying that girl has been looking for money on her social media but has since deleted those tweets. Could she be getting paid to do what she did?

It would be something major if she was. But to actively try stop a very valuable message on gun control reaching as much of the public as possible is just not making sense to me!

It's all very bizarre.

If she genuinely didn't watch the video, but commented being a smart arse, fair enough. But she has been put right on that topic and yet she's still not backtracked or apologised for any confusion. Just Weird!

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13 hours ago, roma said:

I now need an edit of I Rise to remove the distraction from a great track

Oh god yes, it literally ruins the whole song! Before I even new who she was I hated that audio clip thing... its just sooooooooo irritating. If we're on the subject of tweaking the album;  I would definitely cut Quavo off of Future too, it'd be so much better without him - he was boring as fuck to watch on Eurovision, he sounds bored as fuck on the song. Cut Quavo and cut I Rise screaming girl!

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18 hours ago, Morrigan said:

And now that woman is askin Madonna to grovel to her with an apology wtf 🤦‍♀️ 


I call Bullshit! Some people are so full of shit!  She should have said "Thank you Madonna, for giving me a platform for my voice to be heard again and for being an example champion for the cause." 

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Ugh Emma. 

I understand she is a survivor and I can’t tell her how to feel or even how she should say it.  But my gosh!

Its ok if she thought it was triggering. Or if she thinks it’s tacky when celebs do stuff like this. Or whatever. But why couldn’t she say “I wasn’t the biggest fan of the video BUT I APPRECIATE WHAT M IS TRYING TO DO AND RAISING AWARENESS IS IMPORTANT AND THAT WAS BRAVE etc.” 

She just dissed it. And M is clearly on her SIDE. And yes, M DID have a warning.  Sooooo disappointing. 

Thanks Emma. For making my generation (well actually, the one that comes after) look absolutely ridiculous. 

Edited by imakicola
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This bitch is not woke. Playing the victim card. A horrible tragedy but using it for her own gain.

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3 hours ago, Landon79411 said:

I call Bullshit! Some people are so full of shit!  She should have said "Thank you Madonna, for giving me a platform for my voice to be heard again and for being an example champion for the cause." 

Fame & Money Hungry Gonzalez will forever be associated with Madonna thanks to her speech in "I Rise" unfortunately. The bitch probably never even heard the song.

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