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this was getting boring, and then again...the drama!!!!!!!!! lots of them!!!!


first, the two queens don´t get on well, but that´s not a problem if it´s not done it publicly...and there have been images of the new queen stopping the old one from getting pictures with the grandaughters! I find it fuuny, because for decades they have sold an image of perfection and now nobody in that family is close to that. Of course, they blame the new one for everything.basically, they balem the only person in that family that knows what people really think about them, and that it´s not super self entitled, although she looks like it. team letizia? team republic! by the way. this happened after a mass, and the church was surrounded  by journalists, paparazzis...and the images we have are from a blogger? how come we don´t have other images? I guess official spain still controls real spain. If you check the magazines this week, everything is about the looks of the prrincess and how old she is getting. meanwhile, the internet is more difficult to control, and the images had leaked...people say the Borbons are down to earth people, I don´t see that. I see them self entitled and always thinking that are bigger than the rest. I think the new queen tries to do things so perfectly that looks like a robot...and the old queen? people like her because she has been the perfect mother/queen. That means, always quiet and with a smile everytime her husband as gone with one of his "friends", and taking care of the children.

believee me, for 20 years, this seemed impossible to happen. I remember jorunalist laughing at the UK royal family.Shit, even my father had to go to a trail for talking against the monarchy in the 80s! of all the trials, that´s the only one he lost...and now even family member talk shit about them!


second drama: Puigdemon!!!!!!!!!!! in germany!!!! all the super right winged people from the media were so happpppyyyy!!!!! yes! germany is a serious country!!they are gonna fuck him in the ass and he will be accused of rebellion and all the worst things are going to happen to that anti spaniard asshole! how come germany is not going to do that if our presidents get on so well!!! they love to come to Mallorca on holidays! they love the song "que viva españa"!! yes, the germans are going to show that catalan asshole how is it done, unlike the cunts in belgium or dennmark! germany is serious!

really, all the things above, have been said by politicians on tv, even journalists that are supposed to be serious. and what has happened? well, germany, well, the lander´s justice happens not to care about our presidents´ good personal relations...and puigdemont is not being accused of rebellion!!! he is "only" accused of stealling money/using public money in a wrong way, for worng purposes...and the journalists are so disappointed!!!! how come a serious country like germany has done this to us!! it´s because it´s not a federeal justice, but from a lander! everything is descentralisation´s fault!!!


really, everytime the right winged politicians in spàin think the laws in other countries are the ones in spain...well,no.they get ridiculous.and suspicious. Separation of powers???? my ass!!!


third drama: Cristina cifuentes, madrid´s president, has been caught cheating about her studies. she has a master in her CV that basically, it´s a lie. it seems it´s false, she didn´t do it. but the university was so pp friendly that it wasn´t a problem.she has been caught lying, and trying to defend herself about it, the lie has become bigger and bigger.The funny thing is that I bet the ones that gave the info to the journalists were from the PP, from her own party, because it´s true that she has been doing things to clean her party´s corruption. and some of them, inside it, hate her. I personally, without any proof, blame esperanza aguirre, former president of madrid´s autonomous community, and the closest a human being can be from  angela channing.


apparently, the next step will be to talk about Pedro sanchez´PHD. Pedro is supposed to be the leader of PSOE, but that´s what the voters from his political party decided. The big names in the same political party, think otherways, and they hate him.He tries to be more left winged, and they hate him big time.He nearly doean´t appear on the TV/radio, I wonder if the big names are behind it. In an interview, he said that Telefonica (the phone company, also related to some television channels, and who knows what more)tried to ,well,  tell him what to do and what to say.Apparently he has a phd in a university that is psoe friendly, and they will use it against him.


fourth drama: this time, local.more than a year ago, in a town in the basque country, well, in  a part of navarre that is more basque than any other in the world ,there was a fight between some people from the town, Altsasua, and some guardia civils.most of the people in the basque country think it was a simple fight by drunk people  that should have been left there, but, well, in this part of spain we have different laws and...tadah! yes, they are blamed of terrorism!!! so they have been in jail for more than a year, without a trial, and now the judge the have asigned to them...is married to a guardia civil.and, when they have the trial,who knows when, they will accuse them of being part of ETA, yes , the one that has left the weapons and wants to disappear, and they will be in jail more than any of this people that have stolen half of spain.


I really don´t know what to believe, the heart tells me it was a simple fight, but, it could have been a fight because they were guradia civils. who started? both parts could have been the ones to blame for it. people that were there tell that it was a regular fight between young people...but really? more than  ayear in jail without being judged? and what the hell with that woman judging them? they shoudl have gone to fought to germany!


Oh, the Queens fight was so funny because of the Internet memes, hahaha. Love it

You live too much dramas, Promise, you should do as I do and start watching foreing tv and listen to foreign radio. Nowadays I only watch Bulgarian tv and listen to Bulgarian radio and I live SO HAPPY! (I have to read the newspapers, though :( ) 

I am very happy that Germany didn't find that Puigdemont was guilty of rebelion, I hope the Spanish judicial system start realising they are embarassing us all! Ugh. Between the stupid separatists and the stupid right wing parties here, they are behaving like cunts. It is like when Gaga fans fight with Beyonce fans. I always want to scream "you both are shit, shut the fuck up and let us create and enjoy our life without extremist stupid absurd ideas, thank you". 

As I said, no more drama, mama! Next elections we have to vote for OTHERS, and we have to demonstrate whenever we find a case being just, as I did with the big women march or the retired people claiming for good pensions. WE have to support all minorities who we think are being misstreated. So they maybe will support us when we are in need. But no more drama, but MORE MOVEMENT! 


spain´s politic have become a huge soap opera!! and when I got bored and I stop following it...bang!!! the queens!!!! this is alexis and kristle in the lilith´s pond!!!! and the old queen´s niece using twitter to against the new one! so unprofessional!!!! please! I want Concha velasco as queen of spain!!!!:queenbitch:

25 minutes ago, promise to try said:

spain´s politic have become a huge soap opera!! and when I got bored and I stop following it...bang!!! the queens!!!! this is alexis and kristle in the lilith´s pond!!!! and the old queen´s niece using twitter to against the new one! so unprofessional!!!! please! I want Concha velasco as queen of spain!!!!:queenbitch:

It is endearing that Spanish people are supporting the grandmother :inlove: Grandmothers always rule. 

Just now, karbatal said:

It is endearing that Spanish people are supporting the grandmother :inlove: Grandmothers always rule. 

because she only wanted a fucking picture with her grandaughters! but this is the same old queen that went to switzerland to show support to her daughter while there was a trial in which her paper wasn´t clear.well, it is, but it will never will her fault, everything will be her husband´s fault.this is the same odl queen that talk against abortion in a book (not that she doesn´t have the right, but privatelly, not publickly as a queen), this is the same super queen that waited a couple of days to visit her whore friendly husband in the hospital...I find it normal that the new queen doesn´t want her children to be seen with her, but, everyonce in a while it´s imposible not to stop it

  • 3 weeks later...

ok, the last movement in the spanish politics has been a really hard one. I´m not talking about the spanish police taking off people´s yellow t shirts or scarf from the football final (the yellow is now the colour of the pro independence people in catalonia). That was a really stupid and probably ilegal thing to do, that has made a lot of non pro independence people in catalonia get angry and be closer to the yellow ones...I´m talking about what is happening in madrid.

long story short, the president of madrid´s region, cristina cifuentes, from the people´s party, since the beginnig has been trying to help discover corruption cases from the past, when her party was in charge, but she wasn´t there. Some big names have had to left politics because of this.

And a month ago, a huge scandal started around her.apparently there was some info that she has lied in her CV. A huge scandal involving also a public university that is handled by pp´s friends...she should have left in the first day, in my opinion. but she has beinggiving stupir reasons for more than a month...and yesterday, a video from a cam in a supermarket appeared, apparently she is cleptomaniac! or she has stolen one thing, or as right winged newspapers are saying, she has a problem. and I find it humilliating that they are publising that. Who would have told me that I would be simpathetic with cifuentes´situation a few weeks ago. But I think this is a personal thing, even a medical thing, and that from her own party they are using very bad tricks to get rid of her.


Depressing. Our government is a mafia. 

We need them out!!!! Spain and Spanish people deserve better. Right now so many Spanish people are working hard, coming with new ideas and creativity and those mongs in the government are fucking it up. 


9 hours ago, promise to try said:

and when you thought that nobody could top that...La manada are not considered rapers by the law!

Did you see the big demonstrations of people????? It’s really great that so many people in Spain are moving, especially women :clap:


7 hours ago, karbatal said:

Did you see the big demonstrations of people????? It’s really great that so many people in Spain are moving, especially women :clap:


yes!!!! it´s beautiful!!!!especially because you can see all type of people, not only the kind of people that go to all the marchs!!!

2 hours ago, promise to try said:

yes!!!! it´s beautiful!!!!especially because you can see all type of people, not only the kind of people that go to all the marchs!!!

Whenever someone cries about how bad is the situation in Spain I always answer: go out, meet people. There’s such a positive energy outside... Social media is distorting and obscuring a very different reality.


well, a good news that it´s becoming not such a good news. ETA has finally say they disappear.Late, but good.The thing is that a lot of spanish journalists are using the news to stop talking about other problems and situations that we have been talking about. I may be old, but if ETA had said what they are saying now 20 years ago, we would have been drinking in the streets to celebrate it.But what is happening is that some people are complaining about the different ways of saying sorry to different types of victims.To the ones that weren´t related "to the problem" they tell them that they are really sorry and they ask them for forgiveness.But in the paragraph that is before that, they also tell , to  the victims related to the conflict (Iguess they talk about militars, different polices, politicians...) they want to show respect to them and their suffering."Lo sentimos the veras", "we are really sorry". well. this differentiation is giving a certain type of politicians and journalists more than I would have never thought, a reason to be saying stupid things on the TV.

and of course, some people that thought that ETA was more than, well, ETA ( schools, television, journalits, actors,newspapers, music groups...), they still continue saying that ETA is alive.

and, the fact that ETA has said that they have always say which their actions were is making the same people angry too,because there have been some killings that nobody has said was done by them.really, ETA is humiliating itself in a way that I would have never thought. If they would have killed 10 people more, they would have said it.

Really, this is a situation that never, in my best dreams, I would have thought about 20 years ago, they are doing more than they were suppose to do.But still...I´m starting to believe that what some people around ETA used to say it´s true. That the spanish state, some political parties, important people...weren´t that unconfortable with ETA.because they were the reason to stop talking about anything else, they wre the reason to stop talking about the shit that they were creating. "They are killing us and you are asking me about  our people stealing money? are you one of these trerrorists that are against us?"


I don't agree with you, Iholdi. Don't know how it is being lived these story in the BAsque Country, but in the rest of Spain this is a big "okey, so you are useless, you have zero support, now you tell us you won't kill anymore, and then your proposals of becoming politicians and having better deals with those in prison start". 

They don't give up and give their arms because they realise they were killing innocent people, they simply have nothing else to do, and have zero empathy for the victims. We are talking about like 900 people MURDERED by them. You say "this differentiation is giving a certain type of politicians and journalists more than I would have never thought, a reason to be saying stupid things on the TV.". Well, look at this twins: 

Resultado de imagen de gemelas casa cuartel zaragoza

They were murdered in the attack in Zaragoza in 1985. They were the daughters from a military man. An ordinary man that had zero power and had zero responsibility on any political situation. The fact that these MONSTERS are making a difference about victims show that they are simply crazy. 

I will never in my life forget this day. I was a kid, it made such an imprint! 

Resultado de imagen de gemelas casa cuartel zaragoza


Resultado de imagen de gemelas casa cuartel zaragoza


Can you imagine Islamic State giving their arms and then thinking they have done enough, and claiming that those killed were because of the political situation???? WE would tell them to fuck off. 

It is true, though, that the media has never informed as it should when it came to terror: giving them lots of coverage meant, as you said, less space for real problems, but on he other hand media was a big speaker for their acts. Terrorism only brings terror when pages and pages of newspapers are filled with their stories. The second they stop being in the news, their existence is in peril. I recall when I was starting as a journalist, year 2000, whenever there was a terrror atack, I always told my boss "if nobody informed about it, the attack would be meaningless and they wouldn't do another attack". It may sound simply, and it is, too simplistic, but in the end it's a bit true. 

Anway, it is good news but all people related with terrorism can FUCK OFF and if possible, go into a pit and live miserably. 


I knew we were going to disagree in some things, but, I find it ok to disagree, I don´t like it when everybody around me thinks the same: it seems that only one is thinking and the rest are following him/her.

of course, that bomb in zaragoza was disgusting, and irene villa´s, and hipercor´s...for some reason I remember more irene and hipercor than zaragoza´s. I guess my parents decided that in 1985 I was two young to watch these things...I don´t know.But the things that I remember, they are disgusting.

But what I was trying to say is that they ask for forgiveness to some victims (I guess they are talking about the Irenes, the people that just happen to be there in a bad moment) and they say that they are sorry to the rest, the ones related to the spanish state.I can´t understand how can they live with the things that they have done, but I guess that´s the reason I´m against them and have been in groups that have been publicly against them.

But that doesn´t mean that I don´t understand that some men, while the dictatorship, tried to do something against it, In the first 10 years, in a very naive way, I must say (painting basque flags on the walls, teaching about people going on strikes,teaching basque language, writing books for children in basque...). And in the next 10-15 years, also with the use of violence.I don´t know what I would have done in that situation.would I have been in favour of killing a policeman that was a very well known raper, torturer and nazi collaboratir like Meliton manzana´s was? would I have been against killing the president of Franco´s government? Even though it´s really hard for me to put myself in that position, because I know what happened next, I think I would have been in favour, like a lot of basque, and a lot of spanish people , were.

and after franco´s dead? in the beginning I wouldn´t believe the politicians in control of the change to a democratic system.I mean, the most important ones came from franco´s government. And I don´t know if I would have been happy with all those criminals not being punished.I mean, after a coup in the 30´s, these people started a civil war, killed thousands of people even in places were the war finished really fast (navarre, for example),and, suddenly, all of the were free in the streets, with all the money that they have done robbing to the rest, without having an spanish´nurember´s trial? I would have been very angry, that´s for sure.But, I like to think that, in the very first moment that I would have sen another way of ucking the system, I would have gone there, without killing anybody.And not only because I´m against killing innocent (and not inocent people, I guess), but also  because by doing that, they were helping what they were suppose to fight.I remember reading somwhere that Argala (one of the most important people involved in killing carrero blanco) and txomin iturbe ( one of the most important people in ETA in the first 80s,respected by different political parties because he came from the anti dictatorship movement) wrote that they thought that they wre taking care of the sheeps, but instead they were feeding the wolf...


by the way, I donn´t know what it´s going to happen in the rest of the counry, but in the basque counrty we only have ETA in the headlines now. Well, ETA and jsoe maria iñigo, but ETA will continue to be there, and nobody will talk about pnv helping pp, for example. And I´m sure that will spread to other newspapers too. It´s  a very easy way of hidding things.It´s been wotrking for decades.hopefully, it won´t happen, but I´m afraid I´ve seen El mundo´s headlines and they are already talking about that, and not about la manada, or other things...yes, hear it is "eta comenzó a matar con una piistola encargada por adolf hitler(?)" "las mordidas de ETA"...nothing in El país! nice!


Sorry but the ETA before 1975 had nothing to do with the one that killed hundreds of innocent people during the 80s, 90s and part of the 00s. Besides, who cares? Tell that to any victim. "oh, your father died but you know, 35 years ago they were against a dictator". 

If the Islamic State decided to give up their arms and only aknowledge some victims, I'm sure that French or Belgian people, for example, would tell them to FUCK OFF. And nobody would care if they were helping some democracy in 1995 or whatever. They were murderers. Just like ETA was a band of murderers. 

I'm sorry but in terrorism there's no lukewarm feeling. Those people were cruel murderers, fanatic about an idea and ONE THOUSAND people have died and what for??? Nothing! the Basque Country is better since they were gone! And we mention one thousand people killed, but how many thousands of relatives have suffered for years and years???? 

Just now, karbatal said:

Sorry but the ETA before 1975 had nothing to do with the one that killed hundreds of innocent people during the 80s, 90s and part of the 00s. Besides, who cares? Tell that to any victim. "oh, your father died but you know, 35 years ago they were against a dictator". 

If the Islamic State decided to give up their arms and only aknowledge some victims, I'm sure that French or Belgian people, for example, would tell them to FUCK OFF. And nobody would care if they were helping some democracy in 1995 or whatever. They were murderers. Just like ETA was a band of murderers. 

I'm sorry but in terrorism there's no lukewarm feeling. Those people were cruel murderers, fanatic about an idea and ONE THOUSAND people have died and what for??? Nothing! the Basque Country is better since they were gone! And we mention one thousand people killed, but how many thousands of relatives have suffered for years and years???? 

that´s what I was saying, I don´t think I would have been in ETA prior 1975, probably in something culture related yes. and until a couple of years in the 80s I can understand that a train is impossible to be stopped in one day. but after that. crazyness. IUt´s weird, the people that started the killings, ETA PM, finished their actions in 1979-1980, and the ones that wanted to continue got in ETA (they were called Bereziak) and that´s when ETA (m) became super bloody. the ones that stopped entry in PSOE, well PSE-EE

and what you said about the lukewarm feeling, that´s what has happened with their last letters to the basque country and spain/france. rMost of the People haven´t paid attention to them. They stopped in 2011 and that´s it, most of the people don´t want to know more about them. but then again, when ETA was killing, most of the people here didn´t move a muscle against them. yes, they were against them, but they didn´t do anything...maybe with miguel angel blanco.but the rest of the times, only a few of us go to the marches against them, or the 5 minutes of silence everytime they killed somebody.A lot of people here, I don´t know in spain, in the rest of spain, say it as you feel it, a lot of people here never moved a muscle againts ETA or against franco. And now some are afraid that the statu quo may change because of ETa`s disappearance.a lot of promises were made about this day, and now some are scared of losing votes if they say something about this.Or even scared about having another catalonia´s like process now that ETA doesn´t stop anything.But I think PNV, most of it, will try to get PSOE-PPs votes here, instead of going for the "catalonian way".PNV always wins, no matter what happens, I have to say that, they really know their target.

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