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Yes. I emailed them. I always email McDonalds too. They just send you loads of vouchers. YumYum (who own KFC) must have my email address stored, they now address me in emails as Rach :lmao:

Hmmm PF Changs!!!



Why the Hell did Drake have to make such a face? That lipstick tasted that bad?! Didn't he know he was beinfg filmed? Didn't M & Drake rehearse it? Madonna did rehearse the kiss w/ Britney and Christina, and it ensured everything went well. That was too damn embarassing. Maybe Madonna & Drake should kiss again, and this time, Drake would make sure he looks pleased.

This reminds me of Katy Perry that made a similar face after Miley Cyrus kissed her, and then said she wondered where had Miley's tongue been... What the Hell?!

Having said that, I'd tell Madonna to only pay attention to positive comments, and ignore all the rest. She knows what people think of her doesn't add or take anything away from her value.

I thought from the beginning that his reaction was from shock and delight but if you just see a pic of his face right after the moment she lifts her head up, it does look like a grimace. Seeing it in motion from beginning to end though, he seems more shocked. Sometimes someone's outside reaction to something isn't necessarily how they feel on the inside. Some people laugh when their in mourning. Look at Madonnas initial reaction in TOD the moment she found out Mama Makeup had been anally raped......she laughed. She got a lot of shit for that too. I never thought for a moment she found it funny, it's always seemed more of a nervous "omg wtf do I do now" kind of laugh vs a "hahaha that's so fucking funny" kind of laugh. Quite honestly, I've always found it odd so many people mistook it as the latter. People always want to assume the worst when it comes to Madonna.


The only interesting things in all this and not just the kiss but everything Madonna did for the last few months are the reactions she triggers in people. It's more interesting to understand or try to understand what nerves she hits to make them so angry at her even when she just breathes (it instantly gets interpreted negatively). It all comes down to who and what Madonna is and has been since day one : a controversial figure so meanest things she does cross the lines of entertainment and become news, in a very grotesque way because she's just an artist but that's what controversial figures and artists do. I was thinking about "Les demoiselles d'Avignon", the Picasso painting, it caused an uproar and huge scandale when it was unveiled in 1907 : prostitutes and that technique ! People were scandalized and outraged...about a painting. A painting that made cubism a worldwide thing. Braque did not get that coverage for creating cubism and why ? Because he was not a controversial figure like Picasso was. We live in very very tame times artistically speaking. Everything is so meh, we forget a whole century of controversial figures in art : litterature, movies, music, painting, theater...the way pop music was marketed in the 50's and 60's was to make the artist likable to sell more records but if the songs stayed we forgot about the artists. We only remember game changer and you can't be a game changer if you're not controversial.

Madonna is strong. She said so herself on Howard Stern when he started to pity her "Don't worry about me, i'm strong". Of course it hurts but she knows Art history, she knows how all these painters, dancers, writers she likes and admires were vilified and destroyed. She knows the challenge she faces, she more any of us is aware of the backlash and bullshit she got over the years and still gets because she read and reads it, because she's questionned about it constantly, because she lived through it and still does. This is the artist she wants to be, it's not easy and it hurts but she's willing to pay the price because that's the challenge that presented itself to her. A performer would just try to avoid it to please as many people as possible, an artist just takes the bull by its horns and tries to tame it, it's no easy task, you stumble, you fall, you're getting kicked but she won't give up because she can't, because she has children she is an example to, she can't teach them to quit because the tide is too high or the challenge too big or that popularity is more important than convictions.

Damn you make good points. :thumbsup:


The only interesting things in all this and not just the kiss but everything Madonna did for the last few months are the reactions she triggers in people. It's more interesting to understand or try to understand what nerves she hits to make them so angry at her even when she just breathes (it instantly gets interpreted negatively). It all comes down to who and what Madonna is and has been since day one : a controversial figure so meanest things she does cross the lines of entertainment and become news, in a very grotesque way because she's just an artist but that's what controversial figures and artists do. I was thinking about "Les demoiselles d'Avignon", the Picasso painting, it caused an uproar and huge scandale when it was unveiled in 1907 : prostitutes and that technique ! People were scandalized and outraged...about a painting. A painting that made cubism a worldwide thing. Braque did not get that coverage for creating cubism and why ? Because he was not a controversial figure like Picasso was. We live in very very tame times artistically speaking. Everything is so meh, we forget a whole century of controversial figures in art : litterature, movies, music, painting, theater...the way pop music was marketed in the 50's and 60's was to make the artist likable to sell more records but if the songs stayed we forgot about the artists. We only remember game changer and you can't be a game changer if you're not controversial.

Madonna is strong. She said so herself on Howard Stern when he started to pity her "Don't worry about me, i'm strong". Of course it hurts but she knows Art history, she knows how all these painters, dancers, writers she likes and admires were vilified and destroyed. She knows the challenge she faces, she more any of us is aware of the backlash and bullshit she got over the years and still gets because she read and reads it, because she's questionned about it constantly, because she lived through it and still does. This is the artist she wants to be, it's not easy and it hurts but she's willing to pay the price because that's the challenge that presented itself to her. A performer would just try to avoid it to please as many people as possible, an artist just takes the bull by its horns and tries to tame it, it's no easy task, you stumble, you fall, you're getting kicked but she won't give up because she can't, because she has children she is an example to, she can't teach them to quit because the tide is too high or the challenge too big or that popularity is more important than convictions.

Look, I don't think anybody is saying you can't "feel bad" for M, that is certainly up to you and to a degree it's sort of endearing. Ive been told on this very board that I'm over sensitive and a "Madonna apologist" before so I understand how you feel to an extent. My whole point is why the complete and total disregard for the facts of the situation? Drake basically said it was an honor to be kissed by the Queen, he flat out said "don't misinterpret my reaction" but you don't even acknowledge that. It's the same thing the press is doing, they refuse to acknowledge the facts so they can perpetuate their own distorted perception as fact. THAT is what I find disturbing. As a certified Madonna loon myself, it's just hard for me to see her fans being so easily swayed by the flat out lies of the press when reality is she probably got dicked the fuck down after that show on Sunday night. ;)

Thank you both for being the voices of rationality and peace making. Both types of reactions are understandable so its really bizarre what's been going on in this thread, with reactions about reactions. It's not even about the actual events anymore, its morphed from opinions on what happened to something more meta.

I don't see the thing about drake. i don't like his face. he always looks weird about everything. i even think its weird how he has so many fans who are young. he has that kind of face peeps would easily make fun of. not to be mean or anything, but he doesn't look very.. "hunky". sorry if i sound disrespectful, but he just doesn't have that "look". maybe a nice body though. and the way M and him interacted before the kiss was very flirty. like they were very comfortable with each other. the kiss as well until he made that face.

if they dated a few times I'm not sure if they'll keep dating. which is kinda sad. unless they want to keep it private. but knowing M i think she'd "hint" to them being together after this mess, or maybe not eh.. could all be bullshit.

is andy a big name or a wendy williams type who just gossips?

He is just so not good looking imo, don't understand M's taste in men at all


Look, I don't think anybody is saying you can't "feel bad" for M, that is certainly up to you and to a degree it's sort of endearing. Ive been told on this very board that I'm over sensitive and a "Madonna apologist" before so I understand how you feel to an extent. My whole point is why the complete and total disregard for the facts of the situation? Drake basically said it was an honor to be kissed by the Queen, he flat out said "don't misinterpret my reaction" but you don't even acknowledge that. It's the same thing the press is doing, they refuse to acknowledge the facts so they can perpetuate their own distorted perception as fact. THAT is what I find disturbing. As a certified Madonna loon myself, it's just hard for me to see her fans being so easily swayed by the flat out lies of the press when reality is she probably got dicked the fuck down after that show on Sunday night. ;)

What are you even talking about? I feel bad for Madonna. How has that got anything to do with any of what you have said. The events are the events. fact. i feel bad that she has to put up with the fall out of the event. That is all I have been expressing. i don't need you to explain to me what Drake said because I have repeatedly said, in my opinion, he should have addressed his initial reaction because his subsequent comments do not explain that away. That is all i have said. I have never not acknowledged that he said something. I do not care about the Press and what they acknowledge or not. I have been a Madonna fan all my life. So I know about the damn Press. I have said again, repeatedly, that my feelins on this particular scandal are exacerbated because Drake's reaction gives impetus to the typical distortion of the Press. So, I am not sure how else you want me to explain my opinion for you to get it. I could never be swayed by the Press on anything let alone Madonna, so I wonder where you are deducing that from.

I feel sorry for my girl about this humiliating event. I think this is one of those scandal backlash(es) that stings a bit more just because of Drake's reaction. As I have also repeatedly said, she has seen worse. But you and your ilk fail to see that and prefer to mock the fact that our little team may feel sorry for Madonna because apparently it is not True Madonna fan etiquette to feel bad about the "beatings." she takes because she invites it, has seen it all, has had her house egged. So having it appear like a man puked in his mouth after kissing you in front of the whole world, who have spent years bashing you for being old and disgusting, and this reaction in their stupid eyes validates their view, is just water off a ducks back. No problem. Be you. Let me be me,


Drake looks like Brahim's cousin or something, just another monkey face.


I find him very beautiful and sexy. At least from the outside.

I think this issue is dried and done. Don't you think guys? Even the ones that suffered for Madonna and lighted a candle and watched it throw tears on their pillows are calmed now.

Let's move on.


Drake looks like Brahim's cousin or something, just another monkey face.

I thought Brahim was handsome, but very dumb bimbo in how he came across


Yes. I emailed them. I always email McDonalds too. They just send you loads of vouchers. YumYum (who own KFC) must have my email address stored, they now address me in emails as Rach :lmao:

Hmmm PF Changs!!!

What a beautiful line to start a intimate song called like "If Only"

(little girl voice, a bit retard like Björk or Ellie Goulding)

Let me flourish, let me meltown

Let this mad, mad world at bay

Let me conquer, let me lay down

Let the sun burn down on me

If only....

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


That animal comparison is no bueno

right? eeeek

Guest Rachelle of London

That animal comparison is no bueno

IKR :lmao:

Guest Rocco Papa

On one hand, I'm glad that people are recognizing that if an older man did this to a younger female singer, there would be a huge outcry over it. This proves my point that I made in another thread that ageism in regards to sexual expression isn't exclusive to women.

However, the way people are going about it is where I start to have a problem. People are saying that Madonna should be punished in the same way older men are. How about you don't punish ANYONE for being openly sexual after a certain age?

And when it comes to the whole consent conversation, I don't think it applies to this situation. I have a hard time believing the kiss wasn't staged. First of all, Drake came on stage and sat in the chair during Madonna's set for a reason. Second of all, Madonna always says she doesn't do anything live that she hasn't rehearsed! :laugh:

And even if it wasn't planned, I don't think Madonna thought she was "violating" Drake. Drake wrote a song about Madonna and they were flirting with each other back and forth on Instagram. I don't think she would've gone for it if she didn't know if it was okay.


This will be my lost post in this thread: yes, I feel he humiliated her, and I feel bad for her.Other people here feel the same way I do, and others simply the opposite, or in a different way. It´s ok, we are not going to change our minds.That said, I hope nobody takes our words here as something personal.This is a great place to post,full of great people, but even great people sometimes can behave as cunts, of course, me being the first an biggest of all.I love it when people arguee here, buut sometimes we can be too bitchy when somebody doesn´t agree with us.

So, I will give you some topics to change the subjects, if you don´t want to talk about the (humilieting) reaction to the kiss, and then start killing me!!!!:

She looked bad in Deeper and Deeper, papa don´t preach, everybody, the girlie show, Fever,the real AL video...

All her books are crap

She´s a bad actress

She should date older men-women, worth of her brain (letterman...)

LFL´s video, it´s simply ok.

that´s it: I´m back to mariah´s thread. CU there


don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!



Who’s acting more like a senior citizen in this situation: the woman who can still pull off an extended dance routine without running out of breath, or the crotchety twentysomething who can barely eke out 140 characters of criticism while lying in bed?



^^^^She needs to get over it all ready my god she is so weak and pathetic to keep banging on about it!! She doesn't deserve to be Madonna with that attitude ;)


I actually now hope she's dating Drake and they go out in public, that would mindfuck the internet all over again.


like stephen says 'sometimes it gets racial' ask for a ban or a delete of his messages....but start a new thread about it instead of fighting in here please.

anywhoo, she probably feels isolated but she's gotten through worse things that she has done. I am pretty sure she knows the consequences of her actions and she can feel proud that she is still hitting a huge nerve for america. What's the media like around the world on this?


What the fuck? the fact that I think Drake or Brahim look like monkey has nothing to do with their race or the color of their skin, it's their faces! at least in no way I wanted it to come across that way, jesus christ...


where are Ingrid and Rosie to console her??

There' s a life outside social media, i'm sure her friends and family are supporting her. Now i want to see how she's gonna transcend this in her art. I wonder how this will translate in the tour. She toyed with the idea of ageism on the MDNA tour (TOO OLD FOR POP ? in NKM) i'm curious to see what form it's gonna take this time.


What the fuck? the fact that I think Drake or Brahim look like monkey has nothing to do with their race or the color of their skin, it's their faces! at least in no way I wanted it to come across that way, jesus christ...

It could very well be that was not your intent, but now you know you cannot compare a black person to a monkey ever in any situation. It's one of those things

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