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Madonna Instagram thread continued: the queen continues to defy social media rules


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So guys, since I've complained so much about M's insta today, lemme get it all off my chest lol

Another thing I didn't like is that she posted a a photo of Lady Pizda right after Two steps behind leaked, it did not seem genuine, it actually seemed like she lied to her fans, I wasn't happy with that

Also, when she was accused of racism she immediately posted a pic of Lady Diana with ropes on her face, it seemed a bit forced, look .. I post white people too lol

Other controversies made me feel bad for her, when Rocco had a bottle of alcohol, I didn't think that was wrong at all, I think she's an amazing mother and I felt bad that a silly little photo brought negative press

I do like her bathroom pics though haha, and love pics with her kids and of course I love pics with her when she wears a lot of make up lol, I've always loved her eyes

Before you're rude to me please remember that I'm a massive fan and I'm allowed to an opinion too :-) :-)

Lady Pizda! Lol! <3

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So guys, since I've complained so much about M's insta today, lemme get it all off my chest lol

Another thing I didn't like is that she posted a a photo of Lady Pizda right after Two steps behind leaked, it did not seem genuine, it actually seemed like she lied to her fans, I wasn't happy with that


Also, when she was accused of racism she immediately posted a pic of Lady Diana with ropes on her face, it seemed a bit forced, look .. I post white heroes too lol


Other controversies made me feel bad for her, when Rocco had a bottle of alcohol, I didn't think that was wrong at all, I think she's an amazing mother and I felt bad that a silly little photo brought negative press

I do like her bathroom pics though haha, and love pics with her kids and of course I love pics with her when she wears a lot of make up lol, I've always loved her eyes


Before you're rude to me please remember that I'm a massive fan and I'm allowed to an opinion too :-) :-)


No worries, buddy.


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So guys, since I've complained so much about M's insta today, lemme get it all off my chest lol

Another thing I didn't like is that she posted a a photo of Lady Pizda right after Two steps behind leaked, it did not seem genuine, it actually seemed like she lied to her fans, I wasn't happy with that

Also, when she was accused of racism she immediately posted a pic of Lady Diana with ropes on her face, it seemed a bit forced, look .. I post white people too lol

Other controversies made me feel bad for her, when Rocco had a bottle of alcohol, I didn't think that was wrong at all, I think she's an amazing mother and I felt bad that a silly little photo brought negative press

I do like her bathroom pics though haha, and love pics with her kids and of course I love pics with her when she wears a lot of make up lol, I've always loved her eyes

Before you're rude to me please remember that I'm a massive fan and I'm allowed to an opinion too :-) :-)


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"While Madonna portrays herself as a leader to her followers, Taylor Swift, continues her open armed policy, aligning herself with her fans, suggesting she's one of them. Swift has remained a class act throughout the promotion of her hit album 1989 - further prove that grace and humility never go out of style."

I'm gonna puke! They said same things about Lady Gaga three years ago! This shit needs to stop.

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To put things in perspective i've just read the comments on the facebook page of a french newspaper about a mayor who refused a rom baby to buried in his city's cemetary with a picture of the mother crying. The vile and inhumans comments, almost only negative attacking the mother and like 500 hundreds of these horrible comments. It's not about Madonna even though she's polarizing, it's about how much people feel safe to say whatever they feel like saying on social medias. There's no filter like they would in everyday life.

the thing with Madonna is that she unrepentant, unapologetic. People love it when celebrities hit rock bottom and comeback, repentant. Madonna has never been in a sex, drug or money scandal. All her scandals were perfectly controled by herself (except David's adoption). This completly made up scandal and how fast and hard everybody band wagonned on it when it's out of proportion shows that they are out to get her by reacting about something that is not really offensive. The thing is what she did is so not rooted in something really bad that it won't change a thing for her and she'll look unrepentant and unapologetic again fueling their hatred even more. One of the many secrets to Madonna's success is that she likes being controversial and not universally liked and would die if it happenned. One of her many fuel in life is to seduce the ones who don't like her but not giving a damn at the same time, it's the challenge that she likes. Madonna is masochistic, she married guys who were not fans of her work and even mocking her fame in a way. In her love life, friendship, family or with her fans it's always about balance of power : you empower me but i don't really need you, fuck you but i love you anyway. I don't know if i get my point across clearly since i had ont too many drinks at happy hour :) But anyway, Madonna loves being controversial and wouldn't want it any other way. She's strong.

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"While Madonna portrays herself as a leader to her followers, Taylor Swift, continues her open armed policy, aligning herself with her fans, suggesting she's one of them. Swift has remained a class act throughout the promotion of her hit album 1989 - further prove that grace and humility never go out of style."



Madonna is not one of us and that's why I admire her. I can look up to her and try to be better myself. #queen

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People are really dumb. Yes, Taylor is such a role model, graciously giving her fans some cheap and stupid gifts. And all of thise was incidentially filmed for youtube. And Madonna, the evil cow, opened a pediatric intensive care unit she financed in one of the poorest countries on earth. And it was hardly published anywhere. Racist, white supremacist bitch Madonna.

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"While Madonna portrays herself as a leader to her followers, Taylor Swift, continues her open armed policy, aligning herself with her fans, suggesting she's one of them. Swift has remained a class act throughout the promotion of her hit album 1989 - further prove that grace and humility never go out of style."

I'm gonna puke! They said same things about Lady Gaga three years ago! This shit needs to stop.

LOL Taylor can pretend that she is one of the fans as much as she wants to, but the fact is she is NOT one of them. She is a millionaire who people idolize. The media (and her fans) are so stupid for buying it.

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To put things in perspective i've just read the comments on the facebook page of a french newspaper about a mayor who refused a rom baby to buried in his city's cemetary with a picture of the mother crying. The vile and inhumans comments, almost only negative attacking the mother and like 500 hundreds of these horrible comments. It's not about Madonna even though she's polarizing, it's about how much people feel safe to say whatever they feel like saying on social medias. There's no filter like they would in everyday life.

the thing with Madonna is that she unrepentant, unapologetic. People love it when celebrities hit rock bottom and comeback, repentant. Madonna has never been in a sex, drug or money scandal. All her scandals were perfectly controled by herself (except David's adoption). This completly made up scandal and how fast and hard everybody band wagonned on it when it's out of proportion shows that they are out to get her by reacting about something that is not really offensive. The thing is what she did is so not rooted in something really bad that it won't change a thing for her and she'll look unrepentant and unapologetic again fueling their hatred even more. One of the many secrets to Madonna's success is that she likes being controversial and not universally liked and would die if it happenned. One of her many fuel in life is to seduce the ones who don't like her but not giving a damn at the same time, it's the challenge that she likes. Madonna is masochistic, she married guys who were not fans of her work and even mocking her fame in a way. In her love life, friendship, family or with her fans it's always about balance of power : you empower me but i don't really need you, fuck you but i love you anyway. I don't know if i get my point across clearly since i had ont too many drinks at happy hour :) But anyway, Madonna loves being controversial and wouldn't want it any other way. She's strong.



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"Taylor Swift, continues her open armed policy, aligning herself with her fans, suggesting she's one of them"

but she isn´t one of them! she earns millions a year and stands in the world´s media focus. same with others. she may be a nice person but sorry, this is a cheesy promotion. and to film the fan´s reaction (as if christ himself is calling) is as much pretentious as seeing oneself as a leader.

i really like madonna for behaving the way she does. she is superlative in many ways and it would be hypocrite if she wouldn´t behave like she is not. this whole personal-relation-to-fans bullshit is (sorry) for idiots.

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Taylor Swift made a mockery of black culture in her Shake it off video. Don't they remember or is it ok for Vanilla Swift whose music and personality are so white and aseptized ? Is she really a role model to put down people she's been with publicly ? So this is all about that cunt after all ? Of course people who like Vanilla Swift, gaga or even Beyonce won't like Madonna because she's not PC like they are, aseptized like they are and in the end bland. I love Beyonce's last album but she can't speak and when she does she comes across as stupid, her documentary was embarrasing, she was saying platitudes on the level of Forrest Gump with the exact same accent and voice.

I have friends who love Madonna but like Kylie better because they don't feel lectured when they go to her concerts like Madonna does with her political stances.

Don't say anything, don't think, don't have an opinion and people will love you, universally....until who you really are will surface in a scandal (Cosby).

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It's not like she's denying the holocaust or calling the prophet Mohammad a pedophile. :dazed:

I'd like her to do something really shocking to put it all into perspective, like wearing black face while calling a down syndrome kid a retard.

Or she could just post the prophet Muhammad with Rebel Heart wires :lol:

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Taylor Swift made a mockery of black culture in her Shake it off video. Don't they remember or is it ok for Vanilla Swift whose music and personality are so white and aseptized ? Is she really a role model to put down people she's been with publicly ? So this is all about that cunt after all ? Of course people who like Vanilla Swift, gaga or even Beyonce won't like Madonna because she's not PC like they are, aseptized like they are and in the end bland. I love Beyonce's last album but she can't speak and when she does she comes across as stupid, her documentary was embarrasing, she was saying platitudes on the level of Forrest Gump with the exact same accent and voice.

I have friends who love Madonna but like Kylie better because they don't feel lectured when they go to her concerts like Madonna does with her political stances.

Don't say anything, don't think, don't have an opinion and people will love you, universally....until who you really are will surface in a scandal (Cosby).

"When you open up your mouth to speak... could you be a little weak??"



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I think this negativity and attacks from the media will definitely continue, but time will tell if it will be any different from the past thirty years.

M is viewed in the age of equality and PC as arrogant, old and elitist, and privilege due to wealth and skin color. This sentiment has been brewing online for a long time, and it's breaking thru on mainstream news outlets. :drama:

The recent put downs and comparisons to bey, gags, and now taylor has been dreadful to read about. :rolleyes:

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I'm glad to be fan of someone who challenges people thoughts and social barriers. That's one of the reasons why she's an icon and a legend.

Let the boring stars be boring and let Madonna be Madonna...

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I'm glad to be fan of someone who challenges people thoughts and social barriers. That's one of the reasons why she's an icon and a legend.

Let the boring stars be boring and let Madonna be Madonna...


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"While Madonna portrays herself as a leader to her followers, Taylor Swift, continues her open armed policy, aligning herself with her fans, suggesting she's one of them. Swift has remained a class act throughout the promotion of her hit album 1989 - further prove that grace and humility never go out of style."

I'm gonna puke! They said same things about Lady Gaga three years ago! This shit needs to stop.

Comparing Taylor Swift to Madonna is like comparing a slice of Wonder Bread to a baguette purchased from a Paris bakery.

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