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Paris Olympia Viewing Thread!


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then fucking leave!

you';re a brainless idiot who keeps hanging around complaining about waiting.

they have said its starting late. she cant be blamed for every fucking technical difficulty..shit like this brings.

If the bitch states that she is streaming a live show at a certain time then she should perform at that time...fuck the technical difficulties...this show was announced days ago...plenty of time to iron these things out. If it was 15 minutes late then fair enough but this is running later than that. It's a sheer lack of professionalism on her part but useless sycophants like you will continue to blow smoke up her ass thinking 'wow, Madonna's such a great diva...she keeps us bitches waiting' and other nonsense to justify her lack of professionalism.

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jeez is there any reason why you are so rude to other members?

You need to follow the thread from the start before hurling judgments so I'd advise you to pipe down.

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I'm hearing the audio, but no video here, just says an erfor occured

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AN ERROR HAS OCCURED. PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER - WTF?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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