Guest Posted July 22, 2012 Posted July 22, 2012 I was saying "please" to the whole "I WAS GOBSMACKED! SHAKEN TO THE CORE!! APPALLED!! MYSTIFIED AT HOW EMPTY IT WAS" way of pointing it out. Really now. Really now, if you're going to "quote" me, quote me properly. And without the use of the stray exclamation marks please. You don't live here. You don't know what an event it was among fans to have Madonna come here. There were Madonna Days in bars. Madonna Lunches in cafes. Madonna Nights in clubs afterwards. There was a real attempt in the city to make it a big fucking deal. So, yes, it t was saddening to see the crowd because there is no way she's coming back here. That's it for us! and it would matter if i could see the pics, I'm not a goober like some people who can't admit when they're wrongAnd lastly I wasn't there, but my mom was, and she sees LOTS of concerts (it's kind of her thing) and I have no reason to think my mom (not a Madonna fan at all really) would exaggerate something ridiculous like that just to make me happy... I was the one who basically urged her to go to this show anyway Post the URL of the pics into another browser. They are what they are. I am delighted your mother showed up. I wish more of them did ... and had as much of a good time as she did!
Ai Papi Si. Posted July 22, 2012 Author Posted July 22, 2012 Really now, if you're going to "quote" me, quote me properly. And without the use of the stray exclamation marks please. You don't live here. You don't know what an event it was among fans to have Madonna come here. There were Madonna Days in bars. Madonna Lunches in cafes. Madonna Nights in clubs afterwards. There was a real attempt in the city to make it a big fucking deal. So, yes, it t was saddening to see the crowd because there is no way she's coming back here. That's it for us! Jimi titi, if she's going back to VIENNA, I'm sure she'd come back to Edinburgh And it's not like the show completely tanked sales wise, I mean come ON... 40,000 people?! She played to under 30,000 in a stadium in Scandinavia...
Kim Posted July 22, 2012 Posted July 22, 2012 Ok people weren't WALKING OUT *after the first section" It's SCOTLAND - people go to the bar (they ran out of red, white and rose wine btw - shocking) and subsequently peolpe need the loo which were always packed. The only time I left the triangle was during the Best Friend interlude and yeah the loos and bars were crowded. Obviously in the DAYLIGHT it looks worse cos you can actually see people goin in and out. Yes I felt it was a little rushed and detached but I think it was in the back of her mind that she had time issues but that was her fault and there was nothing stopping her coming on 10-15 minutes earlier. I particularly wanted to see the songs she cut out so that was a personal bummer for me but it was still a great show and she dazzles with her showmanship as always Oh and when we got there bout half 8 they'd ran out of their allocation of red golden circle wristbands and loads of people were waiting for more to arrive from somewhere before being allowed in. We already had our triangle bands so got straight thru. And i'm sorry but general admission and gold circle was SOLD OUT on ticketmaster within hours of the general sale for MONTHS. Only in the last week or so did more suddenly appear so the fact that the floor wasn't packed is surely just allocation issues. Anyway GC SHOULD be roomy for people to move about and dance. 45,000 or so is nothing to turn your nose up at, but Murrayfield is slightly too big for concerts and does have sound issues. If she comes back to Scotland and insists on playing outdoors, I assume she'd do Hampden in Glasgow where EVERY big stadium act usually plays. It's our largest city and much more of a live music centre than Edinburgh which is more.....genteel.
tuckeye Posted July 22, 2012 Posted July 22, 2012 obviously u cant see the stage from there, remember obstructed views as well i love how the media and twitter people just say something and all o sudden ITS TRUE?! lol but the video of the crowd is amazing
Guest Posted July 22, 2012 Posted July 22, 2012 Jimi titi, if she's going back to VIENNA, I'm sure she'd come back to Edinburgh And it's not like the show completely tanked sales wise, I mean come ON... 40,000 people?! She played to under 30,000 in a stadium in Scandinavia... No, she didn't tank sales wise. But ... let's revisit our Edinburgh Again chat over the next few tours. I really hope you're right ... But ... I ... suspect ... I wish your mother was beside me for the gig, rather than the torn-faced trout I had with her face down by her ankles (keeping her tits company). Might have livened up my section.
Kim Posted July 22, 2012 Posted July 22, 2012 http://www.scotsman....adium-1-2426641 By GARY FLOCKHART Published on Sunday 22 July 2012 17:33 AS emphatic as you please, Madonna played her first ever gig on Scottish soil and answered her critics in resounding fashion. Madonna Murrayfield Stadium **** It was a slaughter of the naysayers on a grand scale, one that looked unlikely after a string of negative reviews from her MDNA world tour. The 53-year-old icon is only a couple of months on the road but at almost every date she has courted controversy. Already she has flashed audiences, made some ridiculous statements about drug use, and incurred the wrath of Marine Le Pen after showing an image of the French far right leader with a swastika on her forehead during a concert in Paris. There was nothing so controversial at the home of Scottish rugby. No nipple flashes. No Nazi imagery. Just a slice of Gaga-baiting, a bit of blasphemy, and the decision to defy warnings from police not to brandish a machine gun and a six-shooter pistol on stage - as if she was ever likely toto the local constabulary. Instead, what Murrayfield got was a top-notch performance from a world-class phenomenon who shows no sign of relinquishing her Queen of Pop title. Her Madge-esty kicked off with an opening salvo of Girl Gone Wild, Revolver and Gang Bang, which was stage set in a motel bedroom where the singer swigged whisky and gunned down masked men. It was exhilarating to watch, if in bad taste during a week when a cinema in Colorado suffered multiple killings as a result of a random act of violence.The mood then lightened as the singer threw on a cheerleader outfit for a mash-up of Express Yourself, with excerpts of Lady Gaga’s Born This Way, during which she taunted her biggest rival by singing “She’s not me, she’s not me”. Other classics given an airing were Vogue, Open Your Heart and Like A Prayer. Admittedly, it would have been great to hear a few more of the singer’s vintage hits, though to be fair this was never billed as a greatest hits tour. Despite the unfamiliarity of the material, Madonna is still a class act.
Apples388 Posted July 22, 2012 Posted July 22, 2012 All her UK shows will be reported as sellouts. Mark my words.
Guest Posted July 22, 2012 Posted July 22, 2012 Ok people weren't WALKING OUT *after the first section" It's SCOTLAND - people go to the bar They were walking out, Kim. Sorry. 16 of my mates were there. 9 were gone before Express Yourself. And these were punters who were up for the show. The further back you went the worse the sound issues were, apparently. (they ran out of red, white and rose wine btw - shocking) Ran out or the lawyers insisted it be used as bog cleaner? Having sampled the white, and then being foolish enough to try the red because "it can't be much worse" (but fucking hell was it), I can't believe I haven't lost four layers of enamel. Lawsuits akimbo, methinks. Obviously in the DAYLIGHT it looks worse cos you can actually see people goin in and out. That would make sense if the back end of the floor wasn't sparse when the show kicked off, but it was. But that chat about the ticket allocation balls up is heartening. Because I genuinely was rather sad (etc. add exclamation marks and capital letters here) to see the floor as it was. Anyway GC SHOULD be roomy for people to move about and dance. Never looked at the Gold Circle (saw some punters going in and they all looked bleedin' common) but, in terms of the back end of the floor, there's "roomy" and there's being able to hold your own ceilidh. 45,000 or so is nothing to turn your nose up at, No, of course it isn't. Fucking hell ... I never thought posting a couple of snaps to show the stadium was 'roomy" rather than 'full" would make me feel like the bad fairy!!! For the record.... MADONNA, I REALLY LIKED YOUR SHOW. COME BACK TO EDINBURGH. STAY AT MY HOUSE. MY HUSBAND MAKES GREAT TURKEY BURGERS.
Guest ditaluver Posted July 22, 2012 Posted July 22, 2012 can you people just shut the fuck up about if the stadium was full or not? good god. does it even matter? 12:51 glad your mom had a great time. that's all that counts!!!!
FreeMySoul Posted July 22, 2012 Posted July 22, 2012 if Madonna were to read any of these threads she would probably cancel the rest of the tour and go cry in a closet somewhere
Ai Papi Si. Posted July 22, 2012 Author Posted July 22, 2012 Why the cock would someone pay $400 just to walk out right in the mdidle of the show? The MDNA Tour isn't exactly the By The Way ball let's not be thilly gootheth now
Guest Posted July 22, 2012 Posted July 22, 2012 Why the cock would someone pay $400 just to walk out right in the mdidle of the show? Because they weren't enjoying it? Stadium shows need casual fans/interested parties. Not everyone is a diehard fan. If people wanted to walk out and moan about it, that's up to them. And who paid $400 dollars? My ticket was £150 but they started at £80 (or thereabouts).
Ai Papi Si. Posted July 22, 2012 Author Posted July 22, 2012 Because they weren't enjoying it? Stadium shows need casual fans/interested parties. Not everyone is a diehard fan. If people wanted to walk out and moan about it, that's up to them. And who paid $400 dollars? My ticket was £150 but they started at £80 (or thereabouts). Oh here in the USA the floor tickets are usually about $375
Kim Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 Jimmy I can't understand the mentality of people paying £100 plus then walking out after 4 songs because they felt alienated. It's ridiculous. Maybe you should have warned them Madonna rarely does Greatest Hits tours. Oh and your pictures aren't showing up so i'm just reacting to what you said compared to what I could see from the front looking back. It looked packed People may be being a teeny tiny bit defensive as you spend (or I asume you still do) time at The Other Shore with strange people that spew disgusting bile about all things Madonna on a daily basis. Guilty by association and all that.
Guest Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 Jimmy I can't understand the mentality of people paying £100 plus then walking out after 4 songs because they felt alienated. It's ridiculous. Maybe you should have warned them Madonna rarely does Greatest Hits tours. Oh, I can only concur. But if you're at the back of a stadium and the sound is rubbish, and you can't make the songs out anyway (which, *apparently*, was the case) then it's a different experience to the one we had. Oh and your pictures aren't showing up so i'm just reacting to what you said compared to what I could see from the front looking back. It looked packed Ok. Shall try and repost them tomorrow ... If only to prove I'm not a strange person spewing disgusting bile about all things Madonna. People may be being a teeny tiny bit defensive as you spend (or I asume you still do) time at The Other Shore with strange people that spew disgusting bile about all things Madonna on a daily basis. Guilty by association and all that. Well, there are some very nice people there too, you know. But in the advent of Madge's first ever Scottish gig, let's not get into all THAT shall we!
Skin Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 The stadium looked pretty packed to me when that camera panned around. And if it was empty maybe tacky and cheap is in these days and people are saving their money for Gaga's shitty looking tour instead?
Skin Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 Oh, and I lost count how many times my mom has confused Born This Way as being a Madonna song like your mom Miguel.
Louise Oriole Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 Looks pretty packed here too. This song is perfect for a stadium sing-along. The guy recording sings the whole song.
Skin Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 Looks pretty packed here too. This song is perfect for a stadium sing-along. The guy recording sings the whole song. Look at all those empty seats and people walking out!
Louise Oriole Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 Madonna at Murrayfield: Queen of Pop proves she's still in vogue Good review (minus the gun part).
Ai Papi Si. Posted July 23, 2012 Author Posted July 23, 2012 Looks pretty packed here too. This song is perfect for a stadium sing-along. The guy recording sings the whole song. Wtf. That's a full house. Maybe Jimi's friends walked out, but apparently all the other people who walked were happy to come back with their beers for Like A Prayer at least
peter Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 Just spoke to my mom OMG I'm so happy my mom got to see this show!!! Highlights from the phone call - "oh mai gah, it was FANTASTIQUE hijo, it was amazing, I hab neber seen anyting like that bifor" - "the SOUND it is so loud en de stadium, de gun shots and glass breaking it feels like its rai in fron of your face!!" - "What is the name of de love song from de movie? Oh it is so biutiful, can you send me that song?" - "I lob her outfit for Vog, I want to buy somsing like that, with the blouse and the slacks, so classic!!" - "She never said any bad word!!" - "Never boring, she gets rai to de poin, she never sits and talks for 10 minutes like other people do" (SHE ACTUALLY SAID THIS ) - "The stadium was so full I couldn't believe it!" (take that haters, WHO BLATANTLY LIE ) - "There was this fat girl behind me screaming, I wanted to kill her" - "Hijo it was the best concert I hab EBER SEEN" Gonna post pics of her when I get them Also: - "I had no idea it was Lady Gaga's song!! I thought it was Madonna's song!!" - "I hab neber seen so many biutiful men in my life, BIUTIFUL GAY MEN EVERYWHERE" I join the throngs of fans of your madre, 12:51! She's maravillosa -- and so is your transcription of her comments! Adorable. (But -- I don't know if you still have it up a few pages back -- you have a screen cap of her email to you, I think? It had her email address visible earlier today. You might want to blank that out or something... You don't want her getting spam or anything.)
Ai Papi Si. Posted July 23, 2012 Author Posted July 23, 2012 Thanks for pointing that out Pita Bread... fixed
iainmdna Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 The corners of the stadium and some rows nearer the back were cordened off with tape. She wasn't full. But she was damn well near it. Plus the Scottish crowd were well up for it and it was a great night! That's all that matters.
Msig Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 Why the cock would someone pay $400 just to walk out right in the mdidle of the show? People can have different reasons for that. In Copenhagen, a couple that were front row in the Golden Circle, stading close to me, left before the show had even started because the girl was suffering a claustrophobic panic attack and had trouble breathing. That must have sucked really hard!
Ai Papi Si. Posted July 23, 2012 Author Posted July 23, 2012 Yeah, I'd walk out too if I had that problem
jonski43 Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 I saw one woman carried into the sick tent at Hyde Park before the start of the show. Also, there was this really tall, lanky by the catwalk who looked really out of it, he walked to the sick tent and never came back. Not sure if he'd taken a dodgy pill! He was right by the triangle and didn't even see the start!
hyper Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 Oh here in the USA the floor tickets are usually about $375 That's because you have allocated seating in the US, all the Euro gigs are GA/standing and the floor is usually the cheapest category. I'm not going to go into discussing how empty or full the stadium was but usually there's some room left in the back of the floor, even if a stadium is filled to its maximum capacity because once the show starts everyone pushes to the front. I've been to MANY stadium gigs and it's always like that.
Cal1974 Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 In a stadium gig with GA standing in Europe, each person is allocated a specific amount of space on the pitch. What happens is everyone pushes forward so there will always be a gap at the back and side. This has happened in every stadium gig I have been to in Europe. Its due to health and safety law and to avoid the pitch being so full people cannot move. I was there, the stadium was 90% full. There were a couple of empty sections on the back left hand side, but everywhere else was full or near full. This show is a success, and will probably be the biggest single grossing show in Scottish history. There is no other female artist in the world right now who would be able to fill the stadium like Madonna did. When she tours next we will have the new 12,000 seat arena in Glasgow. Hopefully she will come and do two or three nights at that.
Kim Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 Another great review in The Herald this morning. Monday 23 July 2012 by marianne gunn madonna, murrayfield stadium, edinburgh Madonna’s still the Queen but even she can’t break a capital curfew Asking Madonna to be less controversial is like asking a leopard to change its spots.So it's unsurprising the furore she created by continuing with her opening numbers, which featured graphic violence and sexualised weaponry, not to mention digital portrayals of the resulting sprayed brain matter. The Queen of Pop was displeased with the city's curfew too and, in fact, tracks had to be cut from the MDNA set (Like A Virgin Waltz and I'm Addicted had to go to bring the show in on time). As the hydraulics lowered her for the final time, her gasped "We made it!" sounded full of relief as if the whole evening had been a bit of a race against time for the star who will turn 54 next month. Madge is reputedly a lady who gets what she wants, so to cut short her set to comply with the authorities was about as big a compromise as she makes. The abruptness of how she closed the show could have been remedied by a prompt start, as her show started 45 minutes after the advertised time, following an equally tardy set by Alesso, a Swedish DJ act. It didn't feel as if she was playing in Scotland for the first time, it felt more like a homecoming gig. She briefly touched upon the subject of her marriage, as that was the last time she was in the country. "Let's hope this visit has a more beautiful ending," she quipped, with a slight bitterness that still compounded her No Regrets mantra. For the sequences of narrative in the show, first up was the guns, army fatigues and gratuitous violence but then entered Madonna in cheerleader garb, with a broad smile on her red-painted lips as if to say "fooled you all again" – as she had. Twirling her baton while the ideal Americana images of domesticity appeared on screens behind her, this cookie-cutter persona is just as big a charade as the gun-wielding Girl Gone Wild. Dancing like a fiend below her aerial drummer boys, Give Me All Your Luvin' proved one of the visual highlights, until Like A Prayer with its full gospel choir and raindance effect. Vocally, a lot of auto-tune was used in the opening numbers and more classic tracks such as Papa Don't Preach were rendered very different by these techniques. Tracks from album MDNA such as Turn Up The Radio and Masterpiece were clearly still invigorating Madonna's artistic side, while for those looking for nostalgia, Vogue (complete with breathtaking costumes from Jean Paul Gaultier, including a corseted bra) saw the phenomenal dancers stomping along the "catwalk" giving Golden Circle ticket holders a real treat. With younger acts such as Nicki Minaj and Lady Gaga competing for supremacy, you could argue the Queen has had her day. But splicing Express Yourself with Gaga's Born This Way and having Minaj pronounce on screen "There is only one Queen and that's Madonna" it's as if she has the competition completely worked out, if not altogether sewn up. http://www.heraldsco...t-time.18223736
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