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Get Up Lisbon (RIT Tour) has leaked


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Guest edsalas

Ohh this sounds really cool. It would be a wet dream come true if this concert truly leaked. I don't care if it's an official release or not. I just wanna have this on my hands to finally see the WHOLE tour for once and for all.

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After watching the whole concert, i can only say that it's not as good as it's expected for a Madonna tour. Some parts are good: Vogue + Nobody Knows me are truly amazing. But then she sings Frozen and it has no sense at all. The whole American Life + Express Yourself + Burning Up part is simply stupid. I enjoyed the circus section and the next part, when she sings that fantastic version of Don't Tell Me. Having Scottish pipes with Into The Groove is one of the most silly things she's done and the Music finale sounds tired. Holiday was cool too. In general, a weak concert from a weak era. Thanks God she delivered the fantastic Confessions Tour, because i don't enjoy DWT, RIT or S&S very much. But Confessions Tour is truly amazing, both live and on DVD.

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The tour isn't as cohesive as some other tours, and it's not the first tour I would direct someone to, to appreciate her mastery of the concert stage. But it's enjoyable in its own right, and, let's be honest- a lot better than most others' efforts.

The sections I could skip right over:

Frozen (out of place, and she is not the type of singer to command attention by just standing still at a mic)

Hollywood (interlude; cool moves, but no Madonna, so what's the point)

Hanky Panky (fun, but non-essential)

Deeper and Deeper (not bad, but a drag to watch)

Nothing Fails (also not bad, but it's this tour's "I Deserve It")

Mother and Father

Imagine (nice touch, but non-essential)

Other than that, I enjoy everything else, even if the performances are basic (BU, MG, LAP).

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Guest Danny86

The final 2 songs are so not essential either. The choreography in "Music" is lame compared to CT or S&ST versions (the arrangement is nice though). She could have done something else for the finale instead of using the closing songs of DWT.

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The best thing about this tour is her energy, she seems to be on fire and i like it. One of the bad things is that you have to wait to the middle of the concert, to the Don't Tell Me part, to watch her enjoy herself. The first part, then the American Life part and later the Circus part, she seems bitter and hard all the time, not only on songs as American Life, when you would understand it. With Confessions Tour and S&S she enjoys herself so much that it's so good to watch, specially in S&S. I didn't like this last tour, but i recall she was simply having fun and letting herself go and that's a plus, that'w why i would put S&S above RIT in my list, although RIT is a bit better.

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After watching the whole concert, i can only say that it's not as good as it's expected for a Madonna tour. Some parts are good: Vogue + Nobody Knows me are truly amazing. But then she sings Frozen and it has no sense at all. The whole American Life + Express Yourself + Burning Up part is simply stupid. I enjoyed the circus section and the next part, when she sings that fantastic version of Don't Tell Me. Having Scottish pipes with Into The Groove is one of the most silly things she's done and the Music finale sounds tired. Holiday was cool too. In general, a weak concert from a weak era. Thanks God she delivered the fantastic Confessions Tour, because i don't enjoy DWT, RIT or S&S very much. But Confessions Tour is truly amazing, both live and on DVD.

I pretty much agree with you about 90%. I do love the bagpipes for "Into the Groove" and the rock guitar explosion of "Burning Up." Overall though, this tour just isn't as impressive (to me) as most of her other ones. To this day, it still feels like she was thinking "Well, my album tanked and my last movie flopped so I guess I will tour again."

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I didn't say all the performances tat I enjoy from the show necessarily are essential. :)

Yeah, she carried over the closing songs from DWT to re-Invention. But, at least they were presented differently ("Holiday" more so than "Music"). I like the "Holiday" performance more than "Music," which, while fine, I don't have an urge to watch like some of the other performances.

I like the ITG bagpipes, and even the perplexing dancing with the stick. :D

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Queenie, you can make a dvd with the downloaded files using Windows DVD maker. Even a jerk like me could do it, it takes like 6 hours, but you can leave the computer on and live your glamourous life meanwhile.

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Queenie, you can make a dvd with the downloaded files using Windows DVD maker. Even a jerk like me could do it, it takes like 6 hours, but you can leave the computer on and live your glamourous life meanwhile.

How do you make a dvd with Windows dvd maker using video ts files? I had to download a trial of Nero to finally get it right.

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Guest material_boy
The tour isn't as cohesive as some other tours, and it's not the first tour I would direct someone to, to appreciate her mastery of the concert stage. But it's enjoyable in its own right, and, let's be honest- a lot better than most others' efforts.

The sections I could skip right over:

Frozen (out of place, and she is not the type of singer to command attention by just standing still at a mic)

Hollywood (interlude; cool moves, but no Madonna, so what's the point)

Hanky Panky (fun, but non-essential)

Deeper and Deeper (not bad, but a drag to watch)

Nothing Fails (also not bad, but it's this tour's "I Deserve It")

Mother and Father

Imagine (nice touch, but non-essential)

Other than that, I enjoy everything else, even if the performances are basic (BU, MG, LAP).

I have to agree with this almost 100 percent, including your specific problem spots. I will disagree you on a couple of points, though.

First, "Hollywood" was a highlight. It was colorful (literally, the lighting was divine), it was fun and high-energy, and its bass line was relentless. Undoubtedly the most enjoyable interlude of the 2000-2009 tours and one of the most enjoyable performances of the 2004 tour, despite the fact that Madonna was offstage.

Second, comparing "Nothing Fails" to "I Deserve It" is just wrong -- "I Deserve It" was a delight. The Drowned World Tour was a dark, violent show. Madonna was more a character of herself than herself. She was removed from us, part of a larger performance -- almost an actress in a theater production. "I Deserve It," which marks almost the perfect halfway point of the show, is the first time she takes off her mask. She breaks character and actually becomes Madonna, the person. It's the first time she smiles in the entire show, the first time she interacts with the audience and somehow it still makes sense in the context of the larger show considering the piece kicks off the cowgirl set, where Madonna's latest character is meant to be folksy and personable. It was also a delightful singalong interlude / breather for the audience after the eye-popping "Sky Fits Heaven" and the disjointed "What it Feels like for a Girl" remix interlude. It's almost perfect. "Nothing Fails" contains none of the emotional or theatrical impact that "I Deserve It" had for the audience. "Nothing Fails" was just... there.

Still, you missed the show's biggest misstep: "Die Another Day" and "Lament." Why on earth didn't these performances follow "American Life" in the military set? As it was performed, the military set opened with a big, theatrical performance of "American Life" -- an otherwise awful song -- and then shifted awkwardly into a bland, robotic performance of "Express Yourself" and ended with two '80s classics badly banged out on electric guitar. The set was a mess.

"Die Another Day" was a simple, dramatic piece and the choreography was sexy and violent. "Lament" was gorgeous. Combined with "American Life," they would have told a real story in the military set -- of combat, violence and death -- and would have given the show (and especially the military set) a much stronger, clearer political message. Truly a missed opportunity.

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You are so right, Material Boy. The AL set would have been better that way. Those guitar songs were simply downers. Just like 99% of the songs that she takes the guitar and tries to be what she's not. Only I Love New York and Paradise from CT are worth, the rest you can forget about them: if she grabs the guitar, you can go to the toilet.

And i agree about that idea of her having a mask and being far away from the public. Thanks God that CT and SS are entirely different and she is again talking and interacting with the public.

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mboy, I agree that DADay and Lament would have worked better elsewhere (after AL is a good idea!)- but as back-to-back performances, they worked well enough. "Lament" leading into the "Bedtime Story" interlude also was effective, and fitting.

I likened "Nothing Fails" to "I Deserve It" because it starts a new section of its tour, they're songs wher she's strumming the guitar sitting down and she's in almost the exact same setup- just on the opposite side of the stage. :)

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The great performances were (The Beast Within-not really a performance) Vogue, NKM, Frozen, Hanky Panky, Deeper and Deeper, DAD, Lament, DTM, Mother and Father, LAP, Papa Dont Preach, Crazy For You, Bedtime Story.

The ok parts: Express Yourself, American life, Into the Groove

The stupid parts: The whole "rock" section, Imagine, Music.

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