Camacho Posted June 16, 2016 Posted June 16, 2016 Just a reminder to refrain from personal attacks, including passive aggressive remarks. If there is a problem blowing up in here, use the REPORT button instead of sniping back or jumping into somebody's bitchfest possibly getting yourself in trouble in the process too. This is a busy site. Things will get dealt with faster and taken more seriously when it gets reported.
Chimera Posted June 16, 2016 Posted June 16, 2016 uhm I don't give two shyts, the two of them get on the tip of my sexy tities.
Moka Posted June 16, 2016 Posted June 16, 2016 The Donald and the Dictator Overlooking terrorism that killed Americans, including the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, Donald Trump sought investment partnerships with Muammar al-Qaddafi and the Libyan regime. He rented his Westchester estate to the dictator, tried to set up a face-to-face meeting, and took the Libyan ambassador golfing.
Dannylex Posted June 16, 2016 Posted June 16, 2016 What do you guys think is the best possible solution to the GOP problem aka Trump? Trump co-chair to GOP: Support him 'or just shut the hell up' Graham on GOP: 'I'm so sorry we are where we are'
Moka Posted June 16, 2016 Posted June 16, 2016 Donald Trump: ‘Belgium is a beautiful city’ What a mess
Guest Rachelle of London Posted June 16, 2016 Posted June 16, 2016 Donald Trump: Belgium is a beautiful city What a mess
Rebel Saviour Posted June 16, 2016 Posted June 16, 2016 Donald Trump: Belgium is a beautiful city What a mess I can't. ......
Guest Pud Whacker Posted June 16, 2016 Posted June 16, 2016 PARIS IS BURNING Paris (AFP) - What with protesters and police clashing in Paris, football hooligans brawling at Euro 2016 matches and a deadly jihadist attack, France is hardly a picture-postcard destination these days. Not to mention the rubbish piling up on the streets of Paris last week after strikers blockaded incineration plants. Or the epic floods that hit the City of Light earlier this month, causing riverside museums to close. "We had helicopters and hysterical police sirens all day outside our (apartment's) back window," said Nancy Anderson, 61, a frequent visitor from the United States staying in the city's seventh district, which was at the heart of fierce clashes between police and protesters on Tuesday. It was the worst violence in a wave of anti-government protests which began in March. The most shocking incident saw hooded youths smashing the plate-glass windows of a nearby children's hospital. "It's really sad," 48-year-old film producer Natalie Dana told AFP. "It's obvious that the troublemakers are there to do damage, not to demonstrate." Just the day before, France was shaken when a police couple was stabbed to death at their home in the first deadly jihadist attack since the November bloodbath in Paris that claimed 130 lives. And on Saturday, Marseille saw the worst violence at an international football tournament since 1998 -- which also occurred in France -- with pitched battles between Russia and England fans in the southern city's old port. During the clashes, more than 30 people were hurt, including a Briton who was beaten over the head with an iron bar. Ten hooligans were later jailed. - 'It's catastrophic' - With France in the global spotlight, the serie noire of violence has prompted fears of lasting damage to the image of the world's premier tourist destination. "It is catastrophic, in a word," said Jean-Pierre Mas, head of Entreprises du Voyage, the national trade body for travel agents. "When you see a hospital being gutted it means it's dangerous to come to France," he told AFP, adding that a strike by Air France pilots had "hurt the country's image considerably." Paris already suffered a 13.7 percent drop in tourist arrivals in the first four months of the year, according to the regional tourism office CRT, with Japanese tourism down 50 percent. CRT chief Francois Navarro said hoteliers are reporting a drop-off in US bookings for June, following a travel advisory from the US embassy in Paris warning that Euro venues are "potential targets" for terror attacks. "This tourist season is probably the most difficult we have seen in 10 years," Navarro said. "The numbers aren't good." The Socialist government's multi-pronged response to the triple threat of violence has been less than reassuring. As alcohol is seen as a main driver of the football violence, strict measures are in place to curb drinking, especially with Russia and England supporters flocking to neighbouring cities for matches this week. But if the scene in northern Lille on Wednesday was any indication -- with beer flowing since the early morning -- the measures are seeing only partial success. As for the anti-government protests, Hollande has threatened to ban demonstrations altogether, sparking the ire of the left flank of his Socialist Party. "There's a much simpler way than banning demos," said backbencher Benoit Hamon. "That is to reopen negotiations (on hotly contested labour reforms), wanted by three in four French people." - An unlucky streak - On the terror front, Prime Minister Manuel Valls was little more comforting than the US embassy, saying isolated attacks such as Monday's were practically inevitable. "More innocent people will lose their lives. It's very hard to say this... but unfortunately it is the truth," he said. However dire the outlook seems now, Genevieve Joublin, a 66-year-old freelance communications specialist, thinks France's image will survive what she sees as an unlucky streak. "The fact that Ramadan and the exhortations of the Islamic State group are happening at the same time as the Euro and the protests against the labour law is sheer coincidence," she said. Muriel Penicaud, head of Business France, the agency in charge of promoting France abroad, also took the long view. "For investors who have not yet invested in France, it's more of a brake, a psychological brake," she told AFP. "We need to step up our efforts to inform, explain and put things in perspective."
Guest Mauro Posted June 16, 2016 Posted June 16, 2016 ^What does this have to do with the 2016 American Presidential elections?
Guest Pud Whacker Posted June 16, 2016 Posted June 16, 2016 ^What does this have to do with the 2016 American Presidential elections?I was told yesterday that the AMERICAN ELECTIONS have a direct result ON THE REST OF THE WORLD. And I think Hillary can help put out the fire. ARE YOU QUESTIONING ME?!!!
Kim Posted June 16, 2016 Posted June 16, 2016 Have you still not calmed your overactive hole, PUD? #votehillary My dear, we both know you are a Trumpeter through and through!
Guest Pud Whacker Posted June 16, 2016 Posted June 16, 2016 Have you still not calmed your overactive hole, PUD? Im always calm like Mount Vesuvius was in 79 AD!!! Don't mind me, Kim. Go take some naked selfies for me.
Kim Posted June 16, 2016 Posted June 16, 2016 No, honey. Yes, sweets. But then, maybe he is a little too moderate for you Don't mind me, Kim. Go take some naked selfies for me. The purchase price has risen (like Donnie's rug on a windy day) Now keep playing nice!
Dannylex Posted June 16, 2016 Posted June 16, 2016 Mess at top republicans jumping ship. Mark Kirk: Trump 'too bigoted and racist to be president Exclusive: Armitage to back Clinton over Trump
Skin Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 Go Hillary!!!!!!! Bernie just spoke and said he is looking forward to working with Hillary in making the dem party the most progressive party we have seen in recent memory and insisted his #1 goal is to make sure Trump never becomes President. Obama Hillary Warren Bernie Keep those jabs against this clown coming.
JR! Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 Go Hillary!!!!!!! Bernie just spoke and said he is looking forward to working with Hillary in making the dem party the most progressive party we have seen in recent memory and insisted his #1 goal is to make sure Trump never becomes President. Obama Hillary Warren Bernie Keep those jabs against this clown coming. Yaaaaaaaasssssss!
Guest Mauro Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 TRUMP PLANS TO CREATE HIS OWN RIGHT-WING TELEVISION NETWORK TO RIVAL FOX NEWS, TRUMP TV Fox News has been trying its hardest to be Donald Trump’s cheerleader during this election, but apparently Trump still isn’t satisfied. According to sources working close to the Republican presumptive nominee, Trump is angry that he’s not getting any of the profits he thinks his candidacy brings to the news networks. So like any good grifter, he plans on cutting out the middle men and creating his own Trump-branded cable empire. All Trump. All the time. As if the idea of running for president merely for the chance to be of service to the country is fundamentally abhorrent to him, Trump has been spending a lot of time dreaming up his own Trump Television Network – a 24-hour propaganda center that can pump out pro-Trump stories for the supporters Trump views as dollar signs. As Vanity Fair reports: Trump, this person close to the matter suggests, has become irked by his ability to create revenue for other media organizations without being able to take a cut himself. Such a situation “brings him to the conclusion that he has the business acumen and the ratings for his own network.” Trump has “gotten the bug,” according to this person. “So now he wants to figure out if he can monetize it. Obviously, tipping his hand before he can set up the network would mean all-out war with Fox News and other right-wing media outlets. It would also further prove to many voters that Trump is in this exclusively for the money. It may explain why his spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, freaked out when Vanity Fair first asked her about it: There is absolutely no truth to this whatsoever. This hasn’t been even uttered. Not even thought about. Only to later to look foolish when Trump himself seemed to tip his hand by tweeting: The press is so totally biased that we have no choice but to take our tough but fair and smart message directly to the people! Vanity Fair‘s sources say that Trump would likely hold off on launching Trump TV until after the election, namely to avoid enraging Fox News, but partly because doing so would be patently illegal. It’s also unclear whether Trump thinks he will be allowed to run a for-profit right-wing news network while also being president of the United States. Trump has certainly pushed the boundaries of what portions of fascism Americans are comfortable with, but the idea of a money-making propaganda network run by the President of the United States might be a bit much. Even Hitler didn’t have the stones to actually charge people for his propaganda. It would suggest that even Trump may believe, in his heart of hearts, that he’s on the cusp of a walloping defeat in November. He may view a media center as his golden parachute when things go south. He might not be wrong. Leveraging failure into right-wing media jobs is, of course, a popular ploy for many Republican also-rans. For reasons that will forever remain unclear, getting demolished in elections actually gives some conservatives more credibility with their base. They are so “anti-establishment” that they can’t even become the establishment when they try to! At one point or another, nearly every Republican nominee to go down in flames in the primaries has worked for Fox News. Sarah Palin, ever the trailblazer in outrageous cons, even led the way for Trump TV by launching her own web-based Palin TV. For a monthly subscription, conservatives could watch the Palin family reality show, glorified ads for Sarah Palin’s dormant political career, and spectacularly incoherent ramblings by Palin herself. It didn’t last. Less than a year after she started taking people’s money, Palin lost interest and announced she was done with Palin TV. Now she’s a Trump adviser,= and is no doubt the go-to point person on questions of grift, scams, cons, and publicity whoring. Trump’s going to need her particular set of skills. More: New York Magazine - Is Trump’s ‘Campaign’ Just a Scheme to Launch Trump TV?
GOD Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 Donald Fart is not my sort of thing in ANY way. Thatcher, Donald, and hawkish Hilary.
Skin Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 Donald probably knows he is going to lose, and probably never in his life thought he would get this far as he did and this has all been one big scam to start his own dumb ass network that his crazy cult following will sign up for in droves. It's all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
Guest Mauro Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 Too bad he can't get any donors and now the RNC is finding that companies are pulling out of its convention. No one wants to be part of this shit show. Major companies pull sponsorship of GOP convention
Guest Pud Whacker Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 Donald probably knows he is going to lose, and probably never in his life thought he would get this far as he did and this has all been one big scam to start his own dumb ass network that his crazy cult following will sign up for in droves. It's all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Skin got cocky before saying Trump would never make it this far and like 2008 when social media let people like Onothing and lady ugly into rooms they didn't belong in, we might be headed in the same direction. Like Madonna 1985, the more opposition to this megalomaniac personality type is like throwing gasoline into a fire.
Guest Mauro Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 Well Chump better do something soon, because when you start talking about 12 point drops and 70 point negatives, you're talking about an electoral blowout victory for Hillary.
SOS Posted June 17, 2016 Posted June 17, 2016 Y'all know that for YEARS I have been pro Hillary to the point thus even many of you poked fun. Now where did that get you ? GO HILLARY!
Skin Posted June 18, 2016 Posted June 18, 2016 Delegates are trying to come together to yet again deny Trump the nomination at the Convention. This convention is going to be the biggest circus ever.
jacket Posted June 18, 2016 Posted June 18, 2016 They should overturn their ban on guns at the convention. Very un-American.
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