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Guest Rachelle of London

Nemo is LIFE


and i agree whats with the people who are quiet for months popping up when shit like this occurs? :lmao:

glad to hear your friend billy had a great time, chelle :) when are you gonna tell him the show really takes longer? or are you gonna let him be surprised when he finds out @ another show?

Guest Rachelle of London

and i agree whats with the people who are quiet for months popping up when shit like this occurs? :lmao:

glad to hear your friend billy had a great time, chelle :) when are you gonna tell him the show really takes longer? or are you gonna let him be surprised when he finds out @ another show?

Yup. They stay quiet when she's receiving rave reviews even from the daily mail, performing in the streets of Paris, grossing millions yet when one bad thing happens they're in here like lightening.


That was the thing it shocked me the most. What was up with them and this empty area they refused to let people in? Ridiculous!

Was that after the doors were first opened? It sounded like they let us in before the soundcheck finished (I think I heard Burning Up).

So annoyed by the staff guy being "you're not allowed to queue yet as you won't be let in [to the seating area] for 20 minutes". He was so rude too.


Awwww she posted on Instagram explaining the situation. I wish people would aim their anger at the arena and not her.


Wasn't it in Manchester also that the motel for Gang Bang did not come onstage ?

edit : yes it was

That was Birmingham. But I was there too. I'm a curse :'(


Sorry! I don't know how to embed an instagram post :/ https://www.instagram.com/p/_UFHYcmESh/?taken-by=madonna

A photo posted by Madonna (@madonna) on
Dec 15, 2015 at 5:14am PST

FACTS: its good to have them before you jump to conclusions! The Entire video for my show crashed as I arrived for sound check. The back up file was corrupt. We had no choice but to reboot and pray for a good outcome. The video lights 75 % of my show. We cant play in the dark. We were rebooted and ready by 9:30 even though we planned to go in earlier. I had to make cuts in show before show started. Dress you Up was one of them and my 3rd guitar song. This still brought us past the 11:00 curfew! But we went on and the venue was kind enough to extend till 111:39!! It was there choice not mine to end the show!! always want to finish. So we all missed the last 3 songs! And I'm sorry about that. And i thank all my Rebel Heart fans for understanding! We did our best! And we still had to pay a fine! That life. 😂. The ❤️#rebelhearttour goes on

All is well what ends well.

As for me I am glad she's okay, I was truly worried for her - I hope I have not upset anyone for my concern... :(


I wanna see your footage Jamesy!!!!

Can't wait for u to see it chelle. Watched it on train down to Birmingham on my laptop lol. Was a great show for sure. This tour is amazing. She's so fucking funny. That moment when she shut down Monte was especially epic. And the stuff about telling the mayor of manc she didn't want a parking lot in the arena. Lol!


hope now everyone will be ok....

hey whatatramp.....did you see the show?


I'm sorry but some stuff I'm reading here is just so damn silly. She's not contractually obligated to do the same show? Oh how cool. I guess she can just perform the first segment for the next show and leave after Devil Pray then, because hey, her contract allows her to and apparently she doesn't owe anything to the audience anyway.

Don't get me wrong, this time the late start really didn't seem to be her fault and cutting the last songs was obviously a decision she was forced to make. Still, it doesn't mean we should drag the complaining concert goers down the dirt. It's great that many people still seemed very happy about the show, and we should definitely welcome any praise. However it is just as justified if some others were disappointed and if fans come here and voice their complaints then they have every right to (unless they're trolling of course).

I certainly know if it was my only show and paid lots of cash for it, I would have been disappointed. Not with her, but with the whole situation. There's a difference between cutting the medley and cutting 3 songs that were performed at every single show before. Once again we know she had no other choice, it wasn't her fault. Doesn't mean people shouldn't be allowed to still feel disappointed with what happened.


i may be knit-picking, but i want M to be more grammar-conscious :tongue: (maybe it was her auto-correct)


Perhaps if there had been an announcement at the beginning telling people they had some technical issues, I think more people would have understood. To be kept waiting with no explanation is very frustrating


"Madonna bashed her head badly which she told us at the front off mic. A friend said she saw this when she was dropping down into the stage. She looked in agony close up during the acoustic part. So with this, screens not working due to technical issues and the poor security it was a hell of a night!

She still kicked ass! See you in Birmingham for the next chapter."


Perhaps if there had been an announcement at the beginning telling people they had some technical issues, I think more people would have understood. To be kept waiting with no explanation is very frustrating

They made an announcement just after the support finished saying that due to an issue out of control of the artist and the promotor that the show would be finishing (and therefore starting) late. We all thought they were announcing that it had been cancelled.

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