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I am deceased. The visuals. I can't.

I think this tour will end up being one of my faves. And if the rumored set list being passed around is real it's definitely one of my faves. Perfect balance.

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OSCARDONNA has been on her mind for quite some time.. I really want the rest of the projection (if it is that at all) to also include other iconic images not necessarily from the videos only like we've had in the past.. She is Pop Culture Iconography in everything she ever does.

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Definitely some type or projection/hologram but wow it looks awesome.

but what do you guys mean by that? it's a video so it can't be a hologram on the stage...?

can you bitches imagine she drops an Iconic video and we had no fucking idea about it!

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but what do you guys mean by that? it's a video so it can't be a hologram on the stage...?

can you bitches imagine she drops an Iconic video and we had no fucking idea about it!

Im stuck between thinking it's a music video and then part of the actual Tour.

but if it was just a video then why tag the Tour....?

and to me it looks like a projection on the top half of the body, with arms stretch out behind. Either a statue or M herself?

Believe me it would be awesome to get a new video

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It looks like a funeral..we can see someone with a little thurible.. people are wearing a blonde wig

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There is not enough emoticons. The font size does not go high enough, the bold not dark enough, to express the rapture.

I have been mortally wounded by that clip.

I'm done. If this is all we got on the tour, I'm done.


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Im stuck between thinking it's a music video and then part of the actual Tour.

but if it was just a video then why tag the Tour....?

and to me it looks like a projection on the top half of the body, with arms stretch out behind. Either a statue or M herself?

Believe me it would be awesome to get a new video

yeah i'm guessing it'll be like a video but really an interlude and i doubt it's the opening interlude... i don't think she'd spoil it for us ...i can see her mixing different lines in songs together in other interludes...idk why but i get the feeling this is the supposed illuminati bit and she sings a line from iconic...maybe thats why it was so short cause then it would've changed into something else and she doesn't want to give it away but...

why do people keep saying a vogue pose? it looks like she's standing backwards with her arms stretched out like sooner or later

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