iasonas Posted May 22, 2015 Posted May 22, 2015 Why such difficulty to sell tickets in Glasgow? She has never been there. The market is not saturated at all. Did all the Scots go to the disastrous MDNA show in Edinburgh or what?
Cal1974 Posted May 22, 2015 Posted May 22, 2015 Why such difficulty to sell tickets in Glasgow? She has never been there. The market is not saturated at all. Did all the Scots go to the disastrous MDNA show in Edinburgh or what? Well I don't know if sales are low? Can someone confirm for definite? If they are then I would guess a combination of what you suggest and the ticket prices. I know loads of people who would go, but refuse to pay the prices.
Guest Rachelle of London Posted May 22, 2015 Posted May 22, 2015 Yes ticket sales are low. Go online now you can get seats for any section. At least the other shows some sections are sold out.
Confessit Posted May 22, 2015 Posted May 22, 2015 I remember loads of fans debating over the years in here saying "she doesn't NEED a hit record to sell out a tour".......
Barney Posted May 22, 2015 Posted May 22, 2015 Can I just add (like I usually do) Take that were half price in Birmingham today. Please dont think its just Madge.
Guest Rachelle of London Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 usher tickets were £19.50 at O2 arena towards the end.
XXL Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 I remember loads of fans debating over the years in here saying "she doesn't NEED a hit record to sell out a tour"....... American Life wasn't a hit record at all and it came attached with one of the most maligned Madonna eras ever around these parts, "the Kabbalah Matronly Slave of Guy Ritchie, snooty Children Books authoress" (like they constantly love to repeat ) and yet the tour tied to that release was a smash critically and commercially everywhere. same thing with HC and its S&S Tour, even bigger than its predecessor which was actually tied to a 10m copies album. I'm sure someone is now going to tell me that S&S was sold and marketed as a GH Tour "just like RIT was" The problems with this era: The LEAK Madonna is 56, radio/media etc are never going to embrace her anymore like they would embrace a 20-30-40 year old. particularly when she's producing with people like Diplo etc etc (people that work with the various Katys, Mileys, Rhianna etc etc, people that actually are in their 20s and 30s and are favoured because are closer the the teenage demographics that's filling the pockets of the corporate world). Still some fans would deny that radio is in fact putting her on ignore and that if these songs were sung/released/attached to Rihanna, Katy whomever they'd be singing their praises day and night and be playing them on a loop Releasing the song in December and a video for it in Feb Touching the lessers like Drake, backfired spectacularly, daddy's prince was totally undeserving of the honour We all know she's still going to put on a fantastic show at the end of the day. It's amazing how U2 are in the same situation doing an arena tour and all (despite having toured less frequently than she has in the past 10 years) and yet people are only talking about Madonna sluggish sales and making all sorts of excuses for them, "oh Bono fell off his bike, poor Bono", their postponement is more justified than Madonna's in some mysterious way It's really all just feeding into the kind of sensationalistic headlines that we're used to seeing about her Madonna falls on stage: she's getting old Radio 1 bans Madonna Is Madonna trying to be too young? Madonna tour is not selling What next? Madonna careers soon to be over? Please
XXL Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 Can I just add (like I usually do) Take that were half price in Birmingham today. Please dont think its just Madge. Thanks Some people here have a habit of making the most pathetic excuses for some of the most derelict pop stars or artists in general that are not selling at all and haven't in years, yet are ready to scream "Madonna's poor ticket sales" after 5 minutes or a faulty promotional campaign, the leak, whatever How are U2 ticket sales going by the way? Did they cash in their $100m cheque from Apple for their latest work which they had the nerve of saying they put on Itunes "for free" for the fans Madonna must be a real greedy meanie I guess and the one "who's making excuses because her tickets are not selling"
iasonas Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 American Life was not a hit? It was the no1 song in the world for like a whole month. Also, the only reason Sticky was so big was because she finally did stadiums and many dates. Had he done stadiums and many shows for Confessions too, it would have destroyed Sticky. The demand was unbelievable in 2005-6. Sticky was so big because of the insane demand Confessions created and her legacy of course. So don't even go there...
Ai Papi Si. Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 ^ And 4 Minutes was a big summer hit and was just about peaking when the tour was announced. Another incentive. MDNA had the Super Bowl, which is why demand was insane in the USA in 2012. Again, 115 million people watched her, many of which had probably decided right then and there to see Madonna perform after that grand performance. It was a perfect tour advertisement. There is literally NO higher profile program to perform on than the Super Bowl. It's not rocket science. But I'll have people telling me I'm a hater or a whiner or worse yet, not a legitimate fan.
Kim Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 I cant imagine the stage fitting in Glasgow or Brum. The Hydro is a 13k venue that's hosted just about everybody perfectly fine, including the EMAs etc. In fact I'd say it's the perfect venue for Madge (get buying everybody!) and the MDNA arena stage fitted in just fine in Brum - no it wasn't a mini stage Barney, before you say it, It was the same arena stage as everywhere else ;-) Why such difficulty to sell tickets in Glasgow? She has never been there. The market is not saturated at all. Did all the Scots go to the disastrous MDNA show in Edinburgh or what? Glasgow's doing okay from what I can see. All level 4 tix are gone, One block in level 3 stll has tix, 2 blocks in level 2 at the far side, all floor tix are sold. People are just going by ticketmaster availability. But unlike the rest of the UK shows, ticketmaster is the ONLY official place to get Glasgow tix. You may not see many Brum tix on ticketmaster, but their OWN ticketing site has plenty still available, same for Manchester where you can buy 6-8 tickets in a row on the FLOOR which IS bad. I can't see any shows being cancelled unless sales are REALLY bad. Sub 10k. Birmingham MDNA still had tix left on showday for an 11k capacity. Besides, what are they gonna replace them with? Start all over again with some euro show with cheapo general admission while admitting that she's DONE as a live act in the UK? (that's what will happen if they cancel shows) But yes, playing her first Scots gig in Edinburgh (no-one does that) in a rugby stadium with shit sound, cutting out songs etc wasn't the greatest introduction for the casual fan.
loomer Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 She can always downsize to the Glasgow 02 academy Now there's a thought
XXL Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 American Life was not a hit? It was the no1 song in the world for like a whole month. Also, the only reason Sticky was so big was because she finally did stadiums and many dates. Had he done stadiums and many shows for Confessions too, it would have destroyed Sticky. The demand was unbelievable in 2005-6. Sticky was so big because of the insane demand Confessions created and her legacy of course. So don't even go there... American Life the song? Who's talking about AL the song? I mentioned tours and their relative albums, I didn't mention any song. American Life sandwhiched between Music and COADF wouldn't be classified as a hit Madonna album by a M fan on average, especially online where often that album and era get critically butchered to pieces Judging by the reception AL had, the accompanying media backlash and the fact that the album wasn't full of chart toppers (and particularly on US charts of all places) you'd have thought nobody would have shown up at RIT which quite to the contrary turned out to be a spectacular success by 2004 standards. RH doesn't have hit singles anywhere because radio is hardly touching her at all, this time around also in Europe, shockingly. But if you look at its sales it's currently well in line with what HC, Celebration and MDNA did globally (Top 15). The funny thing is that HC had 4M briefly carrying it globally and MDNA had that Clear Channel deal for GMAYL and the massive success of the SB in the US. This time the Rebel Heart singles haven't had radio exposure at all I was merely addressing the notion that without a hit Madonna won't have a tour so by this measure S&S and MDNA shouldn't have happened alltogether. And the Superbowl is mainly a US event, a huge one but it hardly pushed sales in Europe, the Middle East or South America. Obviously the hardcore fans watched it from every country but most GP people outside of the US were absolutely oblivious to the fact that it even happened except for a sporting magazine cover in Italy perhaps but that's hardly the case anywhere else in Europe. Would you have me to believe GMAYL, GGW etc were hits that filled venues in Europe? She did 3 gorgeous videos, did a couple of facebook chats and that was it. With this album she's already done the HC, Celebration, MDNA promotional treks combined, isn't that what everyone seem to want? Radio doesn't play her anymore, what can she do about it? She could drop all the kiddie producers, drop the grills, go indie, go ROL again and they still wouldn't play her. Does that mean that she can't go on tour anymore? I don't get it Look at U2's sales they are not doing ANY better than she is because it is a general situation and we're talking about two out of a five top tier acts here, imagine the rest of the lot.
Tvat Jens Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 I remember loads of fans debating over the years in here saying "she doesn't NEED a hit record to sell out a tour"....... You have to remember that she has been touring quite a lot, so some years ago... it might have been the case, because back then a lot of people never had the chance to see her live... These days fans will of still attend the concerts, but without the hit singles the general public might be less interested, simply because they already had the chance to see her live.
Mmmmm Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 Can I just add (like I usually do) Take that were half price in Birmingham today. Please dont think its just Madge. Exactly, I just think we are overreacting here. Let's wait and see if South America is added. Take That, the biggest act here and yet can't sell out, it's just sooooo many acts, so little money lol
Guest Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 well...S&S had more than a hit, was following a huge successfull era and gone to new places.....all things that aren't happening before....and outside US, with few exceptions, she sold a lot less in cities were she has been before....if you add bad experience for the GP in some occasions and bad behaviour by her, insane prices and lack of hits that can draw the GP you have the results...she's not rolling stones, nor springsteen nor u2 (8 nights MSG, 6 at O2 london and at list double show in every city), something that her, her team and LN didn't realized....
Mmmmm Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 People want hits to be performed at end of the day and she needs to realise that.
XXL Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 well...S&S had more than a hit No it absolutely didn't GITM had a better run in Europe of course in fact you could say that it was her only other hit off that album but hardly a global smash. HC much like MDNA and AL were is not what you'd define an album packed with hits yet they gave her more than solid tours and not just in terms of box office revenue Even COADF that with its 10m copies sold gave her a year end top 5 global album at 47 was hardly packed with hits aside the first two singles. And again, talking about the US, look at the difference in reception and radio airplay allotted between Hung Up and the brilliant follow-up Sorry which did have another great video. In Europe it's now happening what's been going on in the US for years and years. If she doesn't have a Clear Channel type of deal or is featuring a Justin Timberlake act radio will not play her. This pattern started as soon as the Music era was over and it's not because of her AL statements either The industry is mysoginistic and ageist especially for a pop act yet somehow she managed to circumvent many barriers in her 40s and 50s compared to other acts who are the same age and that don't get nearly half the shit from the press she regularly does. U2, Springsteen are not selling more records than she is and even the difference with younger counterparts, male or female, in terms of units shipped is hardly that vast considering the difference in terms of radio exposure etc (minus the one off exceptions of in vogue boy bands du jour and the Adeles, Taylor Swifts)
XXL Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 she's not rolling stones, nor springsteen nor u2 (8 nights MSG, 6 at O2 london and at list double show in every city), something that her, her team and LN didn't realized.... Well this part is certainly way off the mark because she's de facto the only woman who can compete with the acts you mentioned, even more so when you name Springsteen. And what's your point about U2 playing 8 MSG nights etc she played two MSG gigs and two packed Yankee Stadiums gigs on her last tour alone, she played 6 packed MSG nights 4 years before .... does she need to have the same identical itinerary that U2 have or something? Acts like U2 or RS are only reaching the $500m/$700m touring final figures because they have tours that extend for years and years So the "she's not Rolling Stones etc" argument is slightly baffling
XXL Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 Exactly, I just think we are overreacting here. Let's wait and see if South America is added. Take That, the biggest act here and yet can't sell out, it's just sooooo many acts, so little money lol I agree One thing is people rightly being upset by the fact that their plans have been disrupted by a postponement. Another is saying "Madonna is purposely screwing her fans over in order to cover up the fact that the tour is shaping up to be a flop". It reads like a Daily Mail headline. If that were the case she could have simply cancelled any date, she didn't, did she
Guest Rachelle of London Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 XXL, I understand you love Madonna but no one is even saying she's flopping it's just that she's not selling well at all. It can't be denied. Even her key markets. By covering up and scrambling for excuses is probably why her and her team are in this mess. They overestimated her touring pull and are now frantically trying to fix everything hence the rescheduling of shows. We all know the next step is to exploit the South Americans with stadium shows charging ridiculous amounts they couldn't charge elsewhere. Anyone that thinks this tour is selling well is just choosing to see it that way.
Guest Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 well....you asked how are doing u2 with their tour...that's my point.... and if you read correctly, or maybe it's my fault for not expressing properly.....i'm not dismissing madonna, her status or her achievements..... but male "heritage" rock bands sell out stadiums without having hit albums because they have loyal fanbases and audience that will flock just to see them singin their hits.... madonna is in a totally different league and some damages have been done and now we're seeing the results....i remember the times when people here ere saying "madonna makes soectacular show that everyone want to see...she's a tour artist force....etc etc...." oh well....
XXL Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 insane prices ?? Because going to see U2, RS and the people you mentioned comes cheap, right? (And without half the worth in terms of production value)
XXL Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 well....you asked how are doing u2 with their tour...that's my point.... and if you read correctly, or maybe it's my fault for not expressing properly.....i'm not dismissing madonna, her status or her achievements..... but male "heritage" rock bands sell out stadiums without having hit albums because they have loyal fanbases and audience that will flock just to see them singin their hits.... madonna is in a totally different league and some damages have been done and now we're seeing the results....i remember the times when people here ere saying "madonna makes soectacular show that everyone want to see...she's a tour artist force....etc etc...." oh well.... I didn't think you were I'm saying that the comparisons are kind of inappropriate. I could understand if they were cancelling dates every day. There's 3 months left for the tour to kick off and even 6 months for some other dates. I'm just saying people might be overreacting a little bit and going into speculation mode A LOT I'm just baffled as to why people would be much more easily inclined to believe that Bono's bike fall was genuine ( ) but for Madonna they don't even have the slightest doubt and classify the unfolding events as "she's poorly trying to hide the truth at the expense of her paying fans".
Guest Rachelle of London Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 The prices are insane. You know it's bad when diehard fans choose not to pay. I can because I'm childless with zero responsibilities. I can't even imagine how much the next tour is gonna cost though.
DreamTheater Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 Madonna has toured a lot and it's just a case of diminishing returns. Casual fans have already seen her live, maybe even twice. It is unrealistic to expect the same numbers time after time. The same rule applies to all acts, including male rock bands. U2 follow a stadium tour (comparable to S&S) with a smaller arena tour (comparable to MDNA). And they have toured less than Madonna since 2000. It may appear that rock acts tour all the time, perhaps because they perform at festivals, a few summer appearances. But they don't do as many worldwide tours with over 40 dates.
XXL Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 but male "heritage" rock bands sell out stadiums without having hit albums because they have loyal fanbases and audience that will flock just to see them singin their hits... It may be true for RS who are from another generation, in fact the very first rock star generation Certainly it doesn't work that way for U2 who are actually a pop/rock act not a straight rock act like the RS. Moroever U2s last three studio albums have similarly followed Madonna's promotional patterns and sold the same amount of copies in the respective years with the band playing between half and 2/3 of new material exactly like Madonna does. It's clear that they share with her the willingness to highlight the new songs as much as playing some of the "80s/90s classics"
Guest Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 ?? Because going to see U2, RS and the people you mentioned comes cheap, right? (And without half the worth in terms of production value) I didn't think you were I'm saying that the comparisons are kind of inappropriate. I could understand if they were cancelling dates every day. There's 3 months left for the tour to kick off and even 6 months for some other dates. I'm just saying people might be overreacting a little bit and going into speculation mode A LOT I'm just baffled as to why people would be much more easily inclined to believe that Bono's bike fall was genuine ( ) but for Madonna they don't even have the slightest doubt and classify the unfolding events as "she's poorly trying to hide the truth at the expense of her paying fans". don't know about RS but i can tell you u2 or springsteen tix are totally affordable (and i know madonna has insane production costs, but still....) i'm not overdramatic, but on the other side it would be blind to say it's all good and wonderful
XXL Posted May 23, 2015 Posted May 23, 2015 XXL, I understand you love Madonna but no one is even saying she's flopping it's just that she's not selling well at all. It can't be denied. Even her key markets. By covering up and scrambling for excuses is probably why her and her team are in this mess. They overestimated her touring pull and are now frantically trying to fix everything hence the rescheduling of shows. We all know the next step is to exploit the South Americans with stadium shows charging ridiculous amounts they couldn't charge elsewhere. Anyone that thinks this tour is selling well is just choosing to see it that way. We all love her I think, that's not the point though, it's just that when you make a statement or even express an opinion you need to have arguments and facts to back it up. And isn't "not selling well" a synonym for flopping anyway? There's not that much difference. Why are U2 doing an arena tour as well if I may ask? Did people even ever question the corporate BS of putting your album out "for free" (or should I say forcing it into millions of Itunes accounts) and then collecting your $100m cheque from Apple? Oh right Bono fell off a bike Somehow some Madonna fans seem to have suddenly discovered that "Madonna is greedy". When we see dates actually being cancelled, that will be a cause for "concern" I guess. Can I just ask how many officially sold out shows U2 already have out of this tour? Because otherwise we're just talking in circles
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