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Quando falo com brasileiros aqui , vou falar em português sempre , ver a grigalhada não entendendo nada é ótimo hahah .

ahahahaha, lets make the most annoying thing to gringos, our classic laugh: AUHEUAEHUEHUAEHUEAH


I wouldn't be happy having my entire album, even in demo form, and apparently final form, being leaked MONTHS before it's initial release date. Regardless of the "promo" and "attention" I would never call this a good thing.


Quando falo com brasileiros aqui , vou falar em português sempre , ver a grigalhada não entendendo nada é ótimo hahah .

jajajajajajajaja :s98:


Regardless of the "promo" and "attention" I would never call this a good thing.

I would call a pre-release album at number 1 in over 40 countries a quiet good thing.


Well it happened so not much can be done about it.

I do wonder why everything is slowly leaking rather than leaking all at once.


I'm not debating that. It's fucking MADONNA, of course she's going to skyrocket up the charts when she drops an album. But to call the leaks and the stealing of her music a "good thing" and something to be "happy about" is stupid. Especially when the majority of people who illegally download an album don't go out and purchase a physical or digital copy.

Guest Pud Whacker

I wouldn't be happy having my entire album, even in demo form, and apparently final form, being leaked MONTHS before it's initial release date. Regardless of the "promo" and "attention" I would never call this a good thing.

then leave the demo thread. NOW.

nobody wants your filthy negativity. not us, your boyfriend, your friends or your mother.

just leave.


Me and whoop are going to be premiering the mnation fan version of S.E.X. with our own fuck noises and moans soon. Preorder now!

Guest Pud Whacker

Me and whoop are going to be premiering the mnation fan version of S.E.X. with our own fuck noises and moans soon. Preorder now!

featuring Pud Whacker. :rotfl:


Me and whoop are going to be premiering the mnation fan version of S.E.X. with our own fuck noises and moans soon. Preorder now!

Link please! haha


Me and whoop are going to be premiering the mnation fan version of S.E.X. with our own fuck noises and moans soon. Preorder now!

I got time for that. :laugh:

dooooo it. :) putting in my credit card number now.


Madonna never had so much promotion and attention for an album before.

Really? :madgemanson:


Especially when the majority of people who illegally download an album don't go out and purchase a physical or digital copy.

The majority of them wouldn't buy the album without the leaks anyway - so it's no big loss.

But music lovers and fans who like to buy good albums will buy this one because they know it's Madonnas best album for decades.


Madonna is seriously gonna get me in trouble

Between SEX and Devil Pray and all these moans and fuck noises it's just too much :drama: When I sing along I do all the noises as well. I'm gonna get caught!!! I was just in the grocery store listening to SEX and I adlibbed a huge moan after the "come inside" line and im so glad no one was around :dead:


SEX is amazing!


Have Take It Back and Trust No Bitch leaked or just snippets?

I do think the average buyer isn't going to hunt down the leaks. It's mainly M loons like us. It would be worse if the final album leaked in full. That's what is likely to be downloaded.

All I know is, I'm going to end up with one amazing album that will be a mix of final versions and demos!

I'm calling it 'Rebel Heart - Bumbaclaat Edition'.


Madonnas best album for decades.

I agree. And I don't mean to bring any negativity, it's just my little two cent opinion. I don't mean my offense.

I want madonna to release a 15 minute remix of just her moaning :drama: and it would have interlays of Rebecca saying that's what I do I FUCK :drama:


I think a lot of people would have downloaded the first leak with the 13 demos as it was actually portrayed as the album for a few days.


Me and whoop are going to be premiering the mnation fan version of S.E.X. with our own fuck noises and moans soon. Preorder now!

The two world famous Horny hoes from Mnation, creeping out newbies since 2006 ! :laugh:


i just fucking love having all these versions. jamming to L4L...this new demo is great. I actually love Autotune Baby. I don't like what they did to borrowed time or wash all over me. AT ALL. very unmixed and messy.

the other snippets are whatever...

hold tight and joan of arc sound like they are going to be beautiful.

Guest HaveASit

Joan of Arc is growing on me now


Hold Tight, as long as your by my side on feb 9, cant wait, gonna work out to it

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