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I love all the songs except Messiah (don't shoot me)

i listen to this album from start to finish

the Messiah Patrol in action: Consider yourself shot in the balls! ...enjoy


Ugh... I caved. This woman has always had a hex on me... She could slap all of these songs on a disc as-is and call it her album and I would be thrilled. It's all really great stuff. The fact that there is still more being done to the album just really speaks to her dedication to this project. All of these songs are fun, inspired, poignant and most of all, they are all very Madonna.

I feel a bit torn about listening to the demos, but, everyone else was doing it (or some excuse like that so that I can live with myself)... but, regardless - I will buy anything this woman puts out, many times over. I'm so excited to hear and see the art that she wants to put forward and wants us to have. So excited for this album.

aww, this is so cute :smooch:


I made my straight roommate listen BIM and he really liked it, the Queen really nailed it :sassy: But the guy didn't know any M song except Hung Up so I don't know if that's relevant or not.


Can I just say how utterly fabulous it is to hear her sing the big europhoric uplifting choruses on Rebel Heart and Living For Love. Nobody can sing a great chorus with such emotion and feeling like our Queen.

Oh Madonna how we have missed you


Bitch I'm Madonna


Borrowed Time


Heartbreak City


Joan Of Arc


Living For Love


Make The Devil Pray



Now I'm in the middle of heartbreak city

Cause I'm in the middle of a world not pretty

You never gained the best of me

But you ain't gonna get the rest of me

Cause I'm in heartbreak city

Guest Pud Whacker

Bitch I'm Madonna


Borrowed Time


Heartbreak City


Joan Of Arc


Living For Love


Make The Devil Pray


This is the greatest EVER!!!


Bitch I'm Madonna


Borrowed Time


Heartbreak City


Joan Of Arc


Living For Love


Make The Devil Pray


aww this is cute


Bitch I'm Madonna


Borrowed Time


Heartbreak City


Joan Of Arc


Living For Love


Make The Devil Pray


Pin this!!


Monday rumors are ridiculous, the world comes to a practical stand still over the holidays and is indeed overshadowed by Christmas songs on radio. Worst possible time to officially release a new track...


If Living For Love drops on Monday, it would be a great opportunity for a massive campaign to promote the single with a four day on top of every hour play rotation on radio. It has been done before and it will lead right into after Christmas.

Wishful think on my part but the smart thing to do.

Her biggest US radio format (AC) will be playing Christmas music through next week. It's horrible timing and I doubt it's happening.

Does anyone else agree that living for love is perfect besides the crow-like sounding versus? It has SO much potential. I just hope she fixes it. It should definitely be the lead single though. My favorite chorus since Music!

I've been biting my tongue about this. I'm hoping, no PRAYING, she re-recorded the vocals. One of the best demos with one of the worst vocals. I don't understand it. WHY did she sing it like that? And why hasn't anyone else talked about it?


I will translate


Le comeback de Madonna se précise ! Alors que les démos de son nouvel album, provisoirement intitulé "Iconic", ont fuité sur Internet hier, la décision a été prise de lancer un single en radio lundi 22 décembre. Une sortie précipitée ?

Encore quelques heures de patience et les nombreux fans de Madonna pourront se délecter avec son nouveau single. La chanteuse fera en effet son grand retour lundi 22 décembre avec un titre inédit, le premier extrait de son treizième opus dont elle a teasé l'enregistrement tout au long de l'année sur les réseaux sociaux, en postant des photos d'elle en studio aux côtés de producteurs prestigieux tels que Pharrell Williams, Diplo et Avicii.

On ne connaît pas encore le titre de cette chanson, mais on imagine qu'il pourrait s'agir de "Rebel Heart" ou "Living For Love", deux des noms qui circulé cette semaine sur le web. On sait que Madonna a posé sa voix sur ces deux titres puisque leurs démos ont fuité jeudi, créant le buzz. Car ce sont même une dizaine de pistes qui ont fait irruption le même jour, créant l'indignation de la popstar qui s'est immédiatement exprimée sur Facebook, en qualifiant ce leak de « viol ». Par ailleurs, l'artiste vient de poster un nouveau message sur Instagram, en légende d'une courte vidéo dans laquelle on voit deux danseurs s'entraîner. Comme hashtag, la Madone a inscrit #livingforlove. Le rendez-vous est pris.

Le nouvel album de Madonna est attendu pour le début de l'an prochain. Il succédera à "MDNA", sorti au printemps 2012 et accueilli assez tièdement par la critique. Écoulé à près d'1,5 million d'exemplaires, il avait notamment été promu par les singles "Give Me All Your Luvin'" et "Girl Gone Wild", et sur scène, dans la cadre d'une tournée mondiale qui a fait recette.

Madonna's comeback accurate! While the demos of his new album, tentatively titled "Iconic" were leaked on the Internet yesterday, the decision was made to launch a single on the radio Monday, December 22. A hasty release?
A few more hours of patience and the many Madonna fans will delight with her new single. The singer will indeed comeback Monday, December 22 with a new song, the first single from her thirteenth album which she tease recording throughout the year on social networks, posting photos of herself in studio with prestigious producers of sides such as Pharrell Williams, Diplo and Avicii.
We still don't know the title of this song, but we imagine that it could be "Rebel Heart" or "Living For Love", two names that circulated this week on the web. We know that Madonna put his voice on these two titles since their demos were leaked Thursday, creating the buzz. Ten tracks has also leaked the same day, creating the indignation of the popstar who immediately expressed on Facebook, calling the leak of "rape". Moreover, the artist just posted a new message on Instagram, legend of a short video in which we see two dancers train. With the hashtag #livingforlove. The appointment is made.
The new Madonna album is expected early next year. He will succeed "MDNA", released in spring 2012 and received fairly lukewarm by critics. Sold nearly 1.5 million copies, he had been promoted by including the singles "Give Me All Your Luvin '" and "Girl Gone Wild", and on stage, with the successful world tour.
we see two dancers train.

Ahaha come on!!!


I will translate


Le comeback de Madonna se précise ! Alors que les démos de son nouvel album, provisoirement intitulé "Iconic", ont fuité sur Internet hier, la décision a été prise de lancer un single en radio lundi 22 décembre. Une sortie précipitée ?

Encore quelques heures de patience et les nombreux fans de Madonna pourront se délecter avec son nouveau single. La chanteuse fera en effet son grand retour lundi 22 décembre avec un titre inédit, le premier extrait de son treizième opus dont elle a teasé l'enregistrement tout au long de l'année sur les réseaux sociaux, en postant des photos d'elle en studio aux côtés de producteurs prestigieux tels que Pharrell Williams, Diplo et Avicii.

On ne connaît pas encore le titre de cette chanson, mais on imagine qu'il pourrait s'agir de "Rebel Heart" ou "Living For Love", deux des noms qui circulé cette semaine sur le web. On sait que Madonna a posé sa voix sur ces deux titres puisque leurs démos ont fuité jeudi, créant le buzz. Car ce sont même une dizaine de pistes qui ont fait irruption le même jour, créant l'indignation de la popstar qui s'est immédiatement exprimée sur Facebook, en qualifiant ce leak de « viol ». Par ailleurs, l'artiste vient de poster un nouveau message sur Instagram, en légende d'une courte vidéo dans laquelle on voit deux danseurs s'entraîner. Comme hashtag, la Madone a inscrit #livingforlove. Le rendez-vous est pris.

Le nouvel album de Madonna est attendu pour le début de l'an prochain. Il succédera à "MDNA", sorti au printemps 2012 et accueilli assez tièdement par la critique. Écoulé à près d'1,5 million d'exemplaires, il avait notamment été promu par les singles "Give Me All Your Luvin'" et "Girl Gone Wild", et sur scène, dans la cadre d'une tournée mondiale qui a fait recette.

I don't believe a single word of what's written there. This is all Internet/tabloid rumors bullshit.


So Monday is confirmed? I keep seeing it reported by more and more sources....


I'm glad Madonna will release something next Monday. I really loved the two first singles : "We R Superstars" and "Unapologetic Bitch/Center of Attention ft. Miley Cyrus ft. Katy Perry".

Maybe this time it's the duet with Siri???



As of right now, if the 102 Mnation members that voted on the poll had a say on which 5 songs would make the final cut, the score would be:

1. 86% - Rebel Heart

2. 68% - Living For Love

3. 54% - Unapologetic Bitch

4. 46% - Heartbreak City

5. 46% - Wash All Over Me

These would be cut:

6. 43% - Joan of Arc (I know the poll says 5 but I just can't live with an album without this song, so let's call this the bonus track).

7. 38% - Make The Devil Pray

8. 35% - Addicted (The One That Got Away)

9. 30% - Messiah

10. 25% - Bitch, I'm Madonna

11. 23% - Illuminati

12. 13% - Borrowed Time

13. 6% - Revolution

Given that I love a lot of the songs not included in that Top 5, I can only imagine how good this album will be if she's willing to not use half of these tracks. I think that so far we probably can guess that the first three singles are RH, LFL and UB in whatever order.

I would really like a double album or at least a deluxe edition that will include the songs that don't make the cut.


Borrowed Time is good....but compared to the other demos, it doesn't seem as strong, and certainly is one of the ones that still feels most in "demo" form.


As of right now, if the 102 Mnation members that voted on the poll had a say on which 5 songs would make the final cut, the score would be:

1. 86% - Rebel Heart

2. 68% - Living For Love

3. 54% - Unapologetic Bitch

4. 46% - Heartbreak City

5. 46% - Wash All Over Me

These would be cut:

6. 43% - Joan of Arc (I know the poll says 5 but I just can't live with an album without this song, so let's call this the bonus track).

7. 38% - Make The Devil Pray

8. 35% - Addicted (The One That Got Away)

9. 30% - Messiah

10. 25% - Bitch, I'm Madonna

11. 23% - Illuminati

12. 13% - Borrowed Time

13. 6% - Revolution

Given that I love a lot of the songs not included in that Top 5, I can only imagine how good this album will be if she's willing to not use half of these tracks. I think that so far we probably can guess that the first three singles are RH, LFL and UB in whatever order.

I would really like a double album or at least a deluxe edition that will include the songs that don't make the cut.

Remember some of the songs we haven't heard yet might be single material too!



Her biggest US radio format (AC) will be playing Christmas music through next week. It's horrible timing and I doubt it's happening.

I've been biting my tongue about this. I'm hoping, no PRAYING, she re-recorded the vocals. One of the best demos with one of the worst vocals. I don't understand it. WHY did she sing it like that? And why hasn't anyone else talked about it?

I agree with you, but like I said before (and obviously nobody gave a damn on it - lol) when lowering the pitch the song sounds way better and of course her voice. I'll say once and for last, I LOATH her high pitched voice, sounds absurd, too childish and ordinary, especially she having a beautiful natural voice.


Bring on the deluxe 2CDs version and release it all :(


I don't get the love for "Wash All Over Me" :manson: sounds dated and half baked at best.

I think the demo I've listened to the least is "Illuminati", but it's the one that has played most in my head. So I say KEEP it.

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