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MADLEY MTV Unplugged


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Disgraceful performance from a once great star. Sad to see such a faded artist sell herself out to that corporate puppet Miley just so she can be cool with the kids. Madonna is old and can barely dance and sounded bad she should've lip-synched the performance. What happened to the woman who gave us Like a prayer and Blonde Ambition?? What the hell is going with Madonna she just gets more disappointing each day. She participated in that stupid stunt performance at the Grammys and calls her children nigger for cheap publicity. It's like she's trying to alienate and get rid of her remaining true blue fans. Go get a therapist Madonna!

MNation is not a therapist board for little assholes like you, go listen to Hellton or Lady Cuntga.

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I actually enjoyed watching M sing DTM, but I can't help but still feel disappointed about her decision to have Miley in the duet.

When I saw her sing live with Psy that was a shitty sell out & I forgave her, but she continues to align herself with performers who will never achieve what she has in her lifetime.

Still can't wait for the new album anyway!

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Honey, WHO will achieve what she has? The only ones are dead, so no collaborations anytime soon or late.

I think you could expand nick00's comment by saying that she's not aligning herself with actual cool and talented artists that have something to offer to the world.

There are a lot of electropop/pop/dance acts that are far superior to all the lesser artists she has collaborated with since 2008.

Even her oldest daughter knows that.

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Well my one misgiving about QoL Miley has been The Tongue. Ugh.

And the Brittany shit is like the worst thing ever, BUT this is the 6th best Vadge moment of twenty 14 after Same Love, get a sense of humour, Rocco the douche, King Latifah singing Open Your Heart, Lolita's racy underwear pix (due in September) and ahead of N word.

It's also:

The 3rd most awkward medley/reinvention - she shoulda done a 3 way with Can't Stop and Don't Stop and it'd be as nightmarish and creepy as Miley's godlike video

The 31st best "controversy"

The 16th best live vocal (since 1996)

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joe henry:

I asked him on twitter (in mature-non-twitter lang :p) that I'd love for them to work together again.. doubt he'll reply, but if he will I'll post it :)
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I actually enjoyed watching M sing DTM, but I can't help but still feel disappointed about her decision to have Miley in the duet.

When I saw her sing live with Psy that was a shitty sell out & I forgave her, but she continues to align herself with performers who will never achieve what she has in her lifetime.

Still can't wait for the new album anyway!

Um...you got it wrong...MILEY had Madonna in the duet. :doh:

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yeah quite interesting how they're turning it around! it's miley's special. it's obvious she invited M. same for the grammys. one of the people from/behind/with macklemore or ryan lewis invited her!

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^ Macklemore said that he wanted Madonna because his gay Uncle is a big Madonna fan and she always did a lot for gay rights

Miley INVITED Madonna, she also wanted her Godmother Dolly Parton to come out and sing Jolene with her, but she couldn't due to scheduling conflicts

I bet if the MUCH OLDER AND HASN'T BEEN RELEVANT IN YEARS Parton came and sung with Miley, the same fucking Media that dragged Madonna would be all like "isn't that great, 2 generations together".

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Only thing i regret is that first time Madonna performs in MTV Unplugged since the 90's that they've started the series is for this performance.

I personally wasn't impressed(stop the bashing is only my opinion) and think the little accident she had days before shows that she wasn't at her best.

However i'm ok for whatever collaboration she wants to make, more moments for us to enjoy. She's having fun and that is pretty cool after more than 30 years in the bussines... when will your fave!

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^ Macklemore said that he wanted Madonna because his gay Uncle is a big Madonna fan and she always did a lot for gay rights

Miley INVITED Madonna, she also wanted her Godmother Dolly Parton to come out and sing Jolene with her, but she couldn't due to scheduling conflicts

I bet if the MUCH OLDER AND HASN'T BEEN RELEVANT IN YEARS Parton came and sung with Miley, the same fucking Media that dragged Madonna would be all like "isn't that great, 2 generations together".

Wtf you have a bad attitude. Queen Dolly dodged a bullet, seeing her iconic classic butchered. Being "relevant" is hardly the point(!)

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Finally watched this, madonna did a great job and looked waaaay better than the Grammys. Still not quite her usual energy but hey she's getting over an injury. Loved it for what it was!

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Well its a given that she will collaborate with people beneath her to mix things up I mean Elvis is dead MJ is dead Half of the Beatles are dead so might as well do it with the flavor of the moment and i am not just talking about Miley.

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from Madonnarama
Miley Cyrus: I’m not trying to replicate Madonna, we’re standing for a similar freedom!

Miley Cyrus talked with Keltie Knight on The Insider about her latest performance with Madonna for “Miley Cyrus: MTV Unplugged”.

Here’s a transcript by Madonnarama…

I hope I’m next to the young one, the up and comer in the whatever it is…

I want to always embrace new artists.

I want to continue to evolve with the artists.

That’s what’s so cool about Madonna doing that.

Not looking at me as someone that just looks at her and tries… because I’m not trying to replicate her or be her.

We’re standing for a similar freedom.

About encouraging women to embrace their sexual freedom…

It’s even easier for me than it was for Madonna.

So I think it’s going to get easier and easier as generations go on.

Women are gonna be more accepted to be free and embrace sexuality.

Hopefully I can be there to kind of encourage that for the artists of the time in 20 years.

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^ Macklemore said that he wanted Madonna because his gay Uncle is a big Madonna fan and she always did a lot for gay rights

Miley INVITED Madonna, she also wanted her Godmother Dolly Parton to come out and sing Jolene with her, but she couldn't due to scheduling conflicts

I bet if the MUCH OLDER AND HASN'T BEEN RELEVANT IN YEARS Parton came and sung with Miley, the same fucking Media that dragged Madonna would be all like "isn't that great, 2 generations together".


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Dear Madonna and Miley: Don’t Stop!

By Bachelor Uncut | January 31, 20140 Comments

If I could fuck anyone right now, it’d be Madonna. It would be the slam session to end all slamsessions.

It’ll never happen though. For one thing, at 33, I’m already past my prime, and more importantly, the sheer magnitude of the occasion, and the pressure to impress, might cause me to turn into a scared, insecure little boy…like a virgin.

I mean, seriously: How do you sleep with someone who literally wrote the book on sex?

But I can’t think of a more proper (or fun) way to thank Madonna for not only getting better with age (the term “MILF” doesn’t even do her justice), but for showing women worldwide that sex and sexuality don’t just sell records, they make millions of people—especially bachelors—feel sooo good!

It’s no surprise Madonna and Miley teamed up this week (on Miley’s MTV “Unplugged”special). Together, with both tongues sticking way out, they represent the full spectrum of what real women should aspire to be, including looks, attitude and career. No one has mastered these three better than these two. And for that, they have my eternal applause.


…and I emphasize the word “had,” my wife would be just like Madonna: Tough. Independent. Strong. She has her own life, makes her own money, and would be so busy with work that there’d be no time to get on each other’s nerves. Marital bliss!

Bonus: She’s always looked like the kind of woman who’s not afraid to put a guy in his place which,as mentioned in a previous article, is one of those bitchy qualities that guys love to get off on, even if they don’t want to admit it.

Madonna proves time and time again that great music—and even better sex—is what brings people together. If she isn’t Nobel Peace Prize material, I don’t know who is.


…she’d be just like Miley Cyrus. A tough, street-smart, no-nonsense young woman who knows what she wants and goes after it at all costs.

Some might call her a puppet for the music industry, but you gotta appreciate that she’s smart enough to play the game, knowing full well what it takes to get noticed and move merchandise. Exploitation…or shrewd business move?

You should have been so intelligent at 21!


So whether you’re a feminist, a horny dude, or a gay man, the greatest charitable act you can perform right now is to share this article with every woman you know in the hopes of creating greater public awareness on the importance of letting your sexuality—and confidence—run free.

It is my dream for humanity that the world’s female population will one day consist solely of Madonna’s and Miley’s. It would be a much more amusing (and scantily-dressed) world to live in.

Now if only they’d make out…
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Opinion: Why Miley Cyrus Is Not The New Madonna WITHOUT A CAUSE Before Miley Cyrus trespassed urban music culture, Madonna showed us how to stunt with a greater purpose in mind

In the space of one unicorn-suit twerk in March, Miley Cyrus morphed from countrified Hannah Montana into culture vulture of the century. Producers Mike WiLL Made It, Pharrell and Future—not to mention collaborators Big Sean, Ludacris and Nelly—ushered the reborn pop princess into the urban space in a fashion unseen since Timbaland first rolled out the black carpet for Justin Timberlake. But where white chicks touring a black space are concerned, one name still looms large over all the others. Miley’s just a lowercase m. Even in 2014, the Big M is still Madonna. When it came to pushing the mainstream’s buttons, Madonna went way beyond twerking; she used her headline-grabbing escapades as bait to school her followers, an archetype from which Ms. Miley could learn.

The 55-year-old icon hasn’t really made waves in the 21st century, despite record-breaking concert revenue (Forbes named her the highest-paid musician of 2013 for pulling in $125 million) and stabs at youthful relevance via Nicki Minaj and Kanye West collabos. But once upon a time, in the 1980s and ’90s, Michael Jackson, Prince and Madonna formed pop’s holy trinity. After Penthousepublished her unauthorized nudie pics two years into her career, the Material Girl became a master at folding controversy into her marketing, effortlessly turning out pop classics at the same time.

At 21 years young, Smiley Virus has plenty of time to piss people off. More crucially, what she seems to lack is someplace to lead her flock once their parents are all up in arms. In her prime, Madonna would appear on talk shows and name-drop the Mexican surrealist painter Frida Kahlo in interviews; she helped fund the first major posthumous exhibit of her ex-bf Jean-Michel Basquiat’s artwork; she arguably introduced many of her fans to Argentinian first lady Eva Perón, playing the lead role in the 1996 biopic, Evita. Madonna always seemed cultured. Miley Cyrus doesn’t give you that sense just yet. In all fairness, Madonna came of age on New York City’s Danceteria scene when hip-hop and punk first flourished, a far cry away from the Disney machine. But following Madonna might actually have taught you something back in the day, about the arts or feminism orhaute couture or LGBT culture.

Related: Watch: Miley Cyrus & Madonna Bump & Grind On MTV Unplugged

Of course at Miley’s age, Madonna Ciccone was enrolled in ballet classes at the University of Michigan, still trying to sort her life out. And Britney Spears once leapfrogged from the Disney factory into the urban arms of The Neptunes and will.i.am too, doing her own culture vulturing without much Madonna-esque sophistication either. On the other hand, Lady Gaga—hosting R. Kelly, T.I. and Too Short on November’s ARTPOP—isn’t too shy (or shallow) to be pretentious. She might actually teach her Little Monsters a thing or two about, say, artists Jeff Koons and Botticelli. Those painters’ influence is all over her ARTPOP cover. Miley Cyrus’ Bangerz artwork only recalls the neon and pastels of Miami Vice. But then Gaga is 27, and six years can make a big difference.

Pop stars with little substance are hardly new. If anything, maybe 140-character literate fan bases with the social media-addled attention spans are the new normal. If millennials wanted cultural sophistication from pop stars nowadays, it’d take a lot more than twerking to move units. But Madonna was the originator of manipulating controversy to get our attention. And once she had it, she fed us a little bit. It’s a worldliness Miley Cyrus may or may not grow into. Stay tuned. —Miles Marshall Lewis

This story appears in VIBE’s Winter 2014 Race Issue, featuring Drake and Kevin Hart.


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from Madonnarama

Miley Cyrus: I’m not trying to replicate Madonna, we’re standing for a similar freedom!

Miley Cyrus talked with Keltie Knight on The Insider about her latest performance with Madonna for “Miley Cyrus: MTV Unplugged”.

Here’s a transcript by Madonnarama…

I hope I’m next to the young one, the up and comer in the whatever it is…

I want to always embrace new artists.

I want to continue to evolve with the artists.

That’s what’s so cool about Madonna doing that.

Not looking at me as someone that just looks at her and tries… because I’m not trying to replicate her or be her.

We’re standing for a similar freedom.

About encouraging women to embrace their sexual freedom…

It’s even easier for me than it was for Madonna.

So I think it’s going to get easier and easier as generations go on.

Women are gonna be more accepted to be free and embrace sexuality.

Hopefully I can be there to kind of encourage that for the artists of the time in 20 years.


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Madonna needs to do more performances like this on America TV.

To show that she actually has other great soulfull tunes than LAP or Vogue.

And that she can actually sing.

She could easily score adult hit with something like "I Deserve it" or "Gone".

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