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Status Updates posted by loomer

  1. Ah, well that's a given! But what I can't decide is which is better between Baby, Harmony and You Make Me Feel. Establishing the true Kylie Klassics is so vexing!

  2. I love your festive Santa hat pic!

  3. Pector = se×

    Happy holidays! I feel like shyt after over indulging with some cheap and nasty liquor, but your pic makes me feel better. :) I can't believe you said you were phat before, I'd never have guessed! You must share your diet and exercise secrets. I need to go on the Pector plan.

  4. Awww bless Salman, happy holidays! And you're hot yourself, I loves me a bit of Arab.

    Who is that bytch in your avatar? I like the looks of her.

  5. lol Santa Miguel. I just wondered since I assumed you'd be taking the picture. And no, yours is much better of course! I was going to compliment you on the tattoo placement - the lower one anyway. But no, better off without one! At least not there. Cause Miguelito torso is the best thing ever. I like talking about you in the third person for some reason lol.

  6. Zwarte Piet sounds fun!

  7. Oh I am pleased! I just found out this gem -

    - IS actually by Kylie and not something sordid like her lesser sister. It can be added to the pantheon of Kylie Klassix post haste. When The Cat's Away sucks azz though!
  8. OMG is that Miguelito torso I see on the left? Get me a fan! lol @ the one on the right, looks like he was the main course.

  9. Haha. Well I had planned on changing the photo when I came across some new old pix from my digi camera that I deemed acceptable, but your prompting me made me get my arse in gear, sex kitten.

  10. You might think I'm CRAZY but I'm SERIOUS

  11. That Belgian shootout was awful. :( Almost enough to take the shine off your fabulous avatar/sig set. The world is so rotten.

  12. I hope you come to see them :fag: -

  13. You need somebody who likes themself

    Who lives for life and never calls for help

    You need somebody to walk you back

    Someone who loves you too before you ask

    You’re worth more than this

    You can take a leap without the risk

    There’s no time for this

    Take your love and start again

    So run for your life

    If you leave me behind

    You'll ge...

  14. It was actually pretty shyt! Much weaker than I thought it would be. Since I'm on the 8th floor of flats it can be pretty scary. But it was brief and nothing I haven't saw before. When I went out last night it was all but over.

  15. Sexy you're back! In photo form. *melts* hey wait a minute, who's that with their arm around my baby?! *seethes with jealousy*

  16. Yeah sexy, that's very true. The 70s was a peak era for film, never been near that level again. And it was something the whole family did. Still, it's quite amazing that it's still such a big thing, cinema going, and it keeps getting bigger all the time - thanks to rehashes of stuff they did before like 3D. Ho hum!

  17. Slow Motion is the ultimate in existential angst. Here Kylie postulates that we're all just willingly going through the mundanity of life without thinking about our actions - the very opposite of "time goes slowly for those who wait"! Kylie destroys Derrida.

  18. Living? I'm dying, babe! On a third course of antibiotics.. finally starting to feel a bit better - it was never bad, just annoying and energy sapping. It's so fucking cold now! Hope it isn't too snowy where you are. :-)

  19. Awww yeah I know. *blush* But you as well, pretty boy! You took your pic down. :( Put that SLR to good use. :p

  20. Oh lol! I think you would like QoL Viola Davis, the anti-Streep. The film is maybe a bit shyt and sugary, but she is amazeballs.

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