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Posts posted by Confessit

  1. 8 minutes ago, ULIZOS said:

    It's happened: Trump announces new tariffs on Canada, Mexico and China

    Mark my words - in the coming days top officials from the 3 above countries are going to meet with Trump's team, they're going to agree to do things (e.g., Mexico will stop migrants entering their southern border versus letting them flow across the country to claim asylum, etc.), and he's going to lift the tariffs and cry "SUCCESS."

    If I'm wrong then I truly am afraid and we're all fucked and headed for another recession. 

    So Trump is doing it to get these countries to do other things?

    Thats what its really all about ?

  2. I understand the principal and the thought to try and get production and products made and exported inside America rather than being shipped in cheap from offshore cheap labour.

    However, this over night tariff introduction will only result in trade wars and will only work if America are in a position to roll out some major rejuvenation in industries.

    Is America in that position ? 

    I mean all countries in the West import cheap goods from China and elsewhere, the morality of that is one thing, but it’s been done now for years and is engraved into the industry culture and mechanics of the West.

    I just don’t know if the tariffs is going to benefit America, especially in the short term which it needs to.

    I can see prices going through the roof.

  3. 32 minutes ago, mtzlplk said:

    That is what I was wondering too... First time I encountered a SUPREME COURT ruling that can be overturned with just an EO from a new president... I guess the law works a lot differently there...

    It must do.

    But like you, I have never heard of a ruling being over turned by a president.

    I thought even the president bowed to the Supreme Court.

    Here in my country we have a Supreme Court and there’s been occasions it has ruled over the Prime Minister NOT the other way round.

    Our Supreme Court rulings are final our Prime Minister cannot just over turn it.

    I’m shocked that Trump has reversed the decision made by the Supreme Court.

    American Fans I have a Question….

    Is it usual protocol for a president to over rule The Supreme Court in America ?

    Mind you, this is the same court that declared an American President gets some immunity, something that has just been invented for Trump!

    It makes the system farcical. 

  4. 1 minute ago, zephyralexxx said:

    Just to think that this stupidity was her most viral one, says it all about that platform and its audience.


    It does indeed.

    But then again, one could argue Madonna herself was feeding into the stupidity here by being stupid.

    It’s a case of the tail wagging the dog.

  5. Just now, zephyralexxx said:

    What a great thing he did. TikTok destroyed lives anyway. The only reason  to go there from time to time was Madonna. But damn, her account was so useless for what she means in this world. I was glad when she deleted everything before Celebration Tour but now quite happy she will no longer post bullshit there. 
    Hope that one day it will be banned from Europe, as well. 

    I agree.

    However, I think it’s far to engrained into modern popular culture to think of it gone forever.

    I mean, having a viral sound clip on TicTok is as important as a radio hit now in the music industry.

    But I agree with what you are saying it is trashy and full of useless and often dangerous information…..

  6. 1 minute ago, Crux said:


    I've been reading the latest and have never been so scared at the possibility of WW3 in my life. My Mum (God rest her soul) was a little girl at the time of WW2, and the things she told me about it sent shivers down my spine, but now technology has advanced so much that we could end up blowing the world to smithereens. :scared:

    Me too precious x

  7. 6 minutes ago, Raider of the lost Ark said:

    It all comes down to education. 

    Regarding tariffs, they should have known because Trump put tariffs on certain products during his first term. Mainly steel because he wanted to save the American steel industry. Problem, American steel companies were not able to cope with demand. Not only quantity but also quality. I remember how there were reports about hatrdware stores running out of screws and such or oversee product being expansive. Even worse, large projects like skyscrapers had massive budget overruns or had to be put on hold because all of a sudden certain kinds of steel were no longer available. I think it was because of a certain kind of super high quality steel only available from Japan and Germany. Imagine what will happen if he puts tariffs on all goods imported. 

    The trouble is China has the mass market covered cheaply and readily.

    Most of the west totally depends on that but it is bad news for many local economies.

    Here in my country most of the things you buy in the shops are made in China.

    Many resources in local businesses here are ran offshore to keep costs cheap.

    But the west has allowed it to happen.

  8. 1 minute ago, ULIZOS said:

    Honestly… what was Harris’ and the Democratic Party’s vision this time around? Abortion, not being Trump, and proud support of Israel’s genocide? 

    They should have got rid of Biden last year and then she would have had a whole year to campaign.

    Oh well lessons learned hopefully 

  9. Enough is enough.

    But I don’t think she has it in the bag.

    I just hope the American people at crunch time vote for logic and reason.

    I can’t believe Trump has the huge following he has

    But I won’t be shocked one bit if he’s the president again by end of the week.

    Sorry but I think he could seriously win this.

  10. 8 minutes ago, svperstar said:

    Pretty much most of the polls have been wrong since 2012. Mitt Romney was projected to win late in the game yet he easily lost to Obama. Same in 2016, which gave Clinton a 91 percent edge over Trump.

    The fact is that pollsters target people with landlines who still pick up their phones even when caller IDs list them as unidentified. That's mostly the older demographic, not the younger sorts who only use a cellphone and wouldn't answer numbers they don't recognize. And don't even get me started on internet polls which are easily manipulated and allows people to vote more than once if they have different IPs (which are so easy to manipulate for anyone online that has half a brain anyway).

    Translation: polls are fucking bullshit.

    Thank you very insightful to read!!!!

  11. 3 minutes ago, Shaun said:

    That's a very tricky question. Even now, there are current polls that show Trump in the lead and current polls that show Harris in the lead. And it will flip-flop about ten more times before November 5. I'm sure polls have been close to spot-on at times, but it's not because they're reliable. It's because they got lucky. There are also reports that both Georgia and North Carolina have shattered previous early voting records. This is usually a good sign for Democrats. However, Trump encouraged early voting in 2024 as opposed to discouraging it in 2020. So who really knows?

    Just VOTE, all you Americans!

    I absolutely agree!

    But in past elections in America did the polls suggest the next president?

    Or were there major shocks?

    I mean everyone mostly is expecting Trump to do it (as most polls are suggesting).

    I mean was Obama expected to win was George Bush expected to win?

    For the Americans in here…..?

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