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Everything posted by Confessit

  1. they should of got a reward anything to get those sausage rolls off the shelves !
  2. It’s horrendous and has brought out some nasty racism and violence. It’s been carnage today I can’t believe it it’s shocking to the core. We should be thinking about those poor children murdered and trying to come together in the name of love. Knife crime is at all time high and these violent outbursts are frighteningly becoming the norm here in the U.K.
  3. Nottingham (where I live) was torn to pieces shops burnt and violent protest in the city centre all afternoon. Armed response we saw some it earlier loads of police riot vans and they brought the dogs out. Its been a very a scary Saturday here in the UK
  4. I think Harris can give Trump a run for his money. She communicates very well and I welcome the up and coming debates. But I do think Trumps hold is to strong now for it to swing round to a democratic win
  5. Interesting ones please. With some crunch, some fruit and plenty of olive oil
  6. Totally! Don’t forget Margaret Thatcher was a woman but no way was she in favour of woman or woman’s choices. She had no woman in her first cabinets and never appointed a woman to any key government job in her entire 11 years as prime minister. Queen Victoria loathed the idea of woman getting the vote. There are plenty of right wing woman!
  7. I suspect he will officially stand down in the coming days actually. I think the time limits going behind the scene and his own people will be calling him to step down.
  8. So do I. It must be soul destroying when everyone around you are saying step down.
  9. I think this bout of Covid could just about do it. He is obviously frail and this could really affect him. I hope it doesn’t! But I know after my own nanna got it she wasn’t the same again. A bad cold can really be bad news for a old person, especially one who is frail.
  10. Would they make those kinds of reports public though? Is it usual in America (I’m a Brit) I know medical reports are available about JKK following the assassination, but he died. Is it usual for American politicians to have medical records made available? Its not here in the U.K. all medical reports are kept private for our Royal Family & our Politicians. Medical records are private material here in the U.K.
  11. I take your point. And I appreciate they are investigating motives and such. But a shooter hitched up and was aiming bullets at Trump that missed him by inches. I totally understand it getting reported as an assassination attempt. If he hadn’t of moved his head or if he was in a different position by a few inches, he would have been shot in the head. And most likely dead. They are the bare bones of what happened he wasn’t there to take tea and biscuits with Trump.
  12. Me too. But personally, I thought he would win against a Biden anyways without this.
  13. To me it’s a young lad lunatic who genuinely wanted to kill Trump. I just don’t know I know the internet is full of he was a plant God knows. Imaginations are running absolutely wild on this. If it was staged, it came dangerously close to killing him. And the murder of a supporter. The whole thing is horrifying. Gun Control NOW!
  14. Conspiracies are to be expected and I fully understand why. Trump is corrupt, openly so in some ways. And no doubt this will benefit him and the campaign. But it appears to me to be a real attempt to hurt him. I don’t think he would agree to hurting himself for the glory of staging an heroic survivor of an assassination attempt. I could be wrong the blood might be fake everyone might be in on it and lives were maybe sacrificed to fake it. I think we will agree to disagree and no doubt there’s a lot more to come out on this story…
  15. Yes that’s what I meant actually when I said he was shot not an actual bullet but fragments that caught his ear, I should of been more specific. There are many first hand witness accounts coming out now from the 100s of people there that saw the blood and it happening. From the footage I’ve seen and the accounts that are now flooding through I believe it’s genuine. I appreciate where you are coming from but to my eyes I think he was caught in live open fire from a shooter. Thats how it appears to me.
  16. Perhaps so. But Trump got shot in the ear and was very obviously hurt. If it was to be staged I think they would of missed and it would still of done the job in causing the after math. I don’t think Trump and his team would of agreed to Trump himself getting shot. That would be far to dangerous and it could of gone very wrong and seriously hurt him or even killed him. I just don’t believe it’s been staged I think it’s real there’s plenty of people willing to do this to Trump.
  17. I totally accept what you’re saying in terms of innocent people being collateral damage in general terms. But I find it hard to believe Trump and his people have gone to the extent of staging an assassination attempt and agreed to kill people in the crowd as part of it….to make it look believable It just doesn’t sit so well with me. I might be wrong totally but I find it hard to believe.
  18. They never ever learn. I think it’s too embedded into American culture having arms in your house and defending yourself.
  19. There’s no way it’s staged. Someones been killed in the crowd as well.
  20. I doubt it. Trumps security have shot and killed the attacker !
  21. It appears to me from seeing the footage something was fired at his head perhaps a Bebe gun and that caused the blood. This is seriously terrifying because if that was a bullet. He would be dead
  22. I fully agree. I mean I hope he’s okay it’s total wrong an act of violence like that towards anybody even Trump. But this will whip up even more support
  23. I’ve seen footage of him with blood down his face. Something hit him not a bullet but something happened on that podium.
  24. He’s just getting the simplest things wrong time and time again. But it appears he is going to hang on all the way until the inevitable defeat in November
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