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Jazzy Jan

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Posts posted by Jazzy Jan

  1. 2 hours ago, karbatal said:

    To be fair, only very simple people would think he was a political prisoner. The very same people who compare the vaccination campaign to the Nazis. 

    His a moron and he can win a thousand slams but he'll be remembered for being a moron. Remember when dismissed the mental struggles of the female tennis player? Simone something. And then he has to wait a couple of days in a hotel and he feels like a war prisoner. Typical toxic male mentality. 


    Unfortunately he is a hero to anti vaxxers worldwide and they see him now even more as a hero.  The guy who took on a country and won etc 😒The amount of publicity and attention he is getting is staggering.  

  2. I am so furious with Tennis Australia.  They gave him all the information for medical exemptions - medical exemptions that were meant for people who were Australian citizens and not for people from overseas.  The Victorian government had already made it clear that unvaxxed players from overseas were not welcome at the Australia open.  The Federal Australian government should never have granted him a visa to enter.  The Federal government provide international visas and were sleeping at the wheel.  Tennis Australia though provided him with the paperwork that is used for Australians to apply for medical exemptions.  Tennis Australia obviously wanted him to come.  He was using their information that was meant for people in Australia.  Such a mess. 

    He is very cunning though.  His opinions on vaccinations have been discussed for well over a year now and he knew that.  Tennis Australia should have told him straight out that he could not enter Australia.  So now this is a huge mess and had already left a nasty taste in everyone's mouth.  

    He was NEVER a prisoner though or arrested.  He was held in a government hotel while his visa application was appealed.  He was always free to return to his home if he wanted to.  So all of the "Political prisoner" exaggerated garbage was manipulative talk aimed at victimisation.  


  3. 3 hours ago, Confessit said:

    I think the fact he is likely to win another tournament with a huge financial reward and prestige means he can put up with the druggies and anti social behaviour you say is happening.

    Creepy Insane Person is just mucking around.  Tennis players are treated like Gods in Australia and he has always been well looked after in Melbourne.  The Australian open is one of the 4 world wide grand slams so he will always want to come here. 

  4. On 1/5/2022 at 11:51 AM, LSD said:



    13 hours ago, runa said:

    That’s exactly why I have ZERO respect for these uneducated assholes. :sick:


    Terrifying how many of these idiots proudly compare themselves to Holocaust victims. They are sickening and shockingly ignorant and offensive. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Gaudet said:

    Selfish, to say the least, is what the Catholic Church's mafia of clergy pedos have done to countless vulnerable children for decades. 


    Exactly. They should look at their record involving child abuse before critiquing anyone for loving their pets. 
    Popes and religious leaders of all faiths should stop their pathetic lecturing of how people should conduct their own personal choices regarding having children. 

  6. Seriously though, WTF is the Australian government doing.  His visa was approved and then revoked when he got here. Just seems so inept. Everyone and their dog knows he is not vaccinated. He is a well known anti vaxxer.  They just should of told him straight out that unvaccinated people can’t enter Australia and not remotely have given him the option. Would of saved everyone time and energy. 

  7. 1 hour ago, runa said:

    :rotfl:, I’m sure @Jazzy Jan has something to do with what happened. She was at the airport to kick his ass out, :rotfl:


    Hilarious news to wake up to :rotfl: He is such an idiot. He is obviously unaware of how furious Australians are that he could even get in the country without being vaccinated. He would be booed relentlessly. 

  8. On 12/28/2021 at 9:52 AM, KalamazooJay said:

    No, he shouldn't be in his position. And I say this with tremendous sadness to be honest. He's a good, decent, and kind man. And I believe that he truly thought he was the only one who could defeat Trump - and he was right. He was the man this country needed in the moment, but sadly, he's not what we need in the long run. 

    But the tragic part is, is that I have no idea who in the Democratic party could step up against Trump. While I despise the man, he has a devoted, cult like following that will walk barefoot across boiling water to vote for him. The only two people that dems have that even come close are the Obamas. And Michelle ain't gonna run. 

    I feel like I'm in the political wilderness right now as I simply can not get behind either of these two parties in any way. I'm voting for D's for the sole reason that republicans are truly a cult right now. But it's not like I'm enjoying much progressives are putting out there.

    Sad, sad, sad state of affairs here in American right now. 

    Trump is such an obvious idiot and compulsive liar who is repeatedly exposed for the lying cruel buffoon he is.  I will never understand what anyone sees in Trump. For those who try to say that he is a great business man - he is not as inherited his fortune and has been bankrupt many times.  The religious people that follow him must be aware of his multiple marriages and past. His filthy talk that has been exposed many times.   He flirts with and supports dangerous conspiracy theorists.  Members of the Republican party that had to work with him when he was president have continually exposed how stupid, stubborn and dangerous he is.  I truly don't get why this man is so idolised.  The Republican party is now a conspiracy theory obsessed and dangerous party. The decent Republicans are now hated and treated like traitors.   I worry for the entire world if he is elected again.  It is bad enough dealing with the power hungry and dangerous Chinese government at the moment and the thought of Trump gaining power again is terrifying.  How we desperately need some great leadership around the world but I fear it won't happen.  

  9. I find it very sad how so much of America seems to see vaccination as a political issue. Well, from what I have seen on media reports.   I don't see it here in Australia  ( apart from people who are in the deep conspiracy theory crowd )  I have found in Australia,  it is NOT any political issue.  People in general regardless of political affiliation all get vaccinated to be safe from severe sickness.  I truly don't see why so many Republicans are anti vaccination and masks.  It is a health issue, not a political issue at all. 

  10. 8 hours ago, Cyber-Raga said:

    I hate this argument people here in Germany use when it comes to personal liberties. In my mind, your personal liberty ends when you become a menace to somebody else, especially those with underlying conditions. 
    And it’s not only that! Intensive care units are overrun by unvaccinated people who either underestimated the virus, who bluntly reject its existence, who are conspiracy nut jobs, but also by those who are “lifestyle organic this and that influencers”. Meanwhile if you have a heart attack or stroke or whatever, you risk being rejected at the door because the hospital does not have any capacities left. 
    It is insane. I don’t get this world sometimes. 

    It is maddening. We have the exact same groups of people you mentioned in Australia too. A very noisy group that compare vaccine mandates to taking over their freedom and even have the nerve to compare Melbourne to Nazi Germany during the war.  So offensive and selfish. Meanwhile, ambulance wait times are now an issue. 

  11. 6 hours ago, swimtoshore said:

    LOL OMG 

    So he calls people who called for his firing because he refused to take a vaccine that is designed to protect his cast mates from getting covid since they would have to do scenes with him in close proximity without masks  - morons, bigots and horrible horrible people and that he would 'never do that to them' (but he is happy to call them morons, bigots and horrible horrible people)...... 

    Please don't come back to Australia FUCKWIT

    Oh, what a hypocritical idiot. I doubt he will return to Australia as we have vaccination mandates too. 

    2 hours ago, Junior said:

    @Jazzy Jan are you familiar with this nut Ingo?

    I had never heard of him. He sounds like a complete moron.  

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