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A different take on the Arab Spring, Greek woes, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, (Syria)


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Author and historian F. William Engdahl talks about what really lied behind the 2011 events that led to the start of the so called Arab Spring, among other things such as US intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq, US debt, Chinese and Russian interests and the Eurozone crisis


He also mentions a book by Zbigniew Brzezinski titled The Grand Chessboard published in 1998




The Arab Spring has State Department and US Intelligence written all over it.

And they are doing this for two reasons:
1) There is vast wealth in the leading circles of the Arab world. Sovereign wealth funds of countries like Kuwait etc and other resources. One of the agendas is to introduce, as it was done in the former Soviet Union after 1991 with its collapse, IMF privatisations, free market economy, so on so forth, so that western banks and financial agencies and corporations could come in and take the plunder
2) Military in places like Libya and South Sudan to militarize those oil resources that are directly strategic to China for its future economic growth, so it is all about controlling Eurasia, something Brezinsky talked about in his 1998 book The Great Chessboard. Controlling Russia and China in particular and any potential cohesion of the Eurasian countries, political or economical
As a result of the so called Arab Spring can we honestly say that Middle Eastern and North African countries that have gone through this have they really become more democratic?
Egyptians and Tunisian friends of mine say that it's just the opposite. The economy is in far worse shape than it was before. Lybia had the highest living standard in North Africa before the bombings of NATO. Today the country is in ruins because of the UK, France, Italy backed bombings not because of Gaddafi. The economy of Egypt is in dire straits, while the military remains in control
Do you think the instigators of those conflicts who seems to be the US and some European countries have any interest in the stabilisation of the region?
I think on the contrary they have an interest in complete militarisation. The next step is this so called transitional national council. to have that puppet governement give NATO permanent basing rights inside Lybia which is something they never had under Gaddafi. The Pentagon African Command is coordinating this, interestingly enough created after China's 2006 invitation of 40 African head of states to Bejing, when enormous deals were signed with the Chinese companies for oil exploration, to build hospitals, give soft loans. Everything the IMF hasn't done in Africa for the past 30 years and that had enormous results for China
We have to go back to the 80s with the role of the Dollar as world reserve currency. China has an enormous trade surplus, Walmart is essentially an outpost of Chinese manufacturing in America today. So the $300bn + that the Central Bank of China amasses every year, what do you do with that?
There's few markets big enough to invest in, supposedly they could buy gold for their central bank reserves, which they are doing by the way, but the only currencies thet could invest it into is either in dollar or the euro.
They've got something like $3tr of American Treasury bonds or bills as their reserve today, so in effect the US would not be able to finance the deficit that they're running to wage those wars in Afghanistan or Iraq or Lybia unless the Chinese were buying US Treasury bonds
So ironically the Chinese are financing wars directed against Chinese national interests for energy security
The only way Wall Street can survive and keep the dollar as their instrument is to find new areas of loot so the so-called Arab Spring is directed at grabbing and privatising that vast oil wealth of the Middle East, just as the use of the IMF in the former Soviet Union, consciously designed by WAll Street and Washington to plunder the vast resources of Russia
So if the dollar doesn't retain its status do you think that the Euro will retain it or inherit it from it?
One reason you see this situation with Greece and the so-called Eurozone crisis is that this is part of a covert financial warfare between the dollar and the euro, it started when China started to complain publicly about the flawed economic policies of Washington running up deficit and endagering the value of Chinese Treasury bonds
So enters the scene the so called Greek crisis which was masterminded in 2002 by none other than Goldman Sachs, the most powerful American bank, arguably still today, politically well connected.
So it is very clear if you follow the money trail that the Greek crisis was programmed to be detonated at command by Wall Street, the US Treasury as well as the Fed Reserve in order to defend the reserve currency role of the US dollar but I don't see the European economies in danger as the US economy because of one great difference: Europe still produces things, Europe still has real industry
Do you think there are some European countries that benefit from the situation unravelling now in Lybia? France?
I was going to say. Sarkozy had a meeting in March when the whole drama in Lybia kicked off and invited leaders of the so called transitional national council and whispered sweet nothings in their ears about having control of their oil. The Cia and French Intelligence have been pouring money and arms into these insurgents groups inside Lybia. This is an armed insurrection financed by NATO countries, not the hand of a bunch of kids who have in mind American style democracy or something.
I can only imagine and Iraq like scenario or Afghanistan. What you now have in Afghanistan is 17 permanent US basis in Afghanistan and most of them are air basis who are not bombing the Talibans but are preparing for a coming war in 10 years with China or Russia perhaps
They've now got a military bastion in the heart of Central Asia, something that they never had during the Cold War, so I think Lybia is destined for a similar treatment
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Author and historian F. William Engdahl talks about what really lied behind the 2011 events that led to the start of the so called Arab Spring, among other things such as US intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq, US debt, Chinese and Russian interests and the Eurozone crisis


He also mentions a book by Zbigniew Brzezinski titled The Grand Chessboard published in 1998




The Arab Spring has State Department and US Intelligence written all over it.

And they are doing this for two reasons:
1) There is vast wealth in the leading circles of the Arab world. Sovereign wealth funds of countries like Kuwait etc and other resources. One of the agendas is to introduce, as it was done in the former Soviet Union after 1991 with its collapse, IMF privatisations, free market economy, so on so forth, so that western banks and financial agencies and corporations could come in and take the plunder
2) Military in places like Libya and South Sudan to militarize those oil resources that are directly strategic to China for its future economic growth, so it is all about controlling Eurasia, something Brezinsky talked about in his 1998 book The Great Chessboard. Controlling Russia and China in particular and any potential cohesion of the Eurasian countries, political or economical
As a result of the so called Arab Spring can we honestly say that Middle Eastern and North African countries that have gone through this have they really become more democratic?
Egyptians and Tunisian friends of mine say that it's just the opposite. The economy is in far worse shape than it was before. Lybia had the highest living standard in North Africa before the bombings of NATO. Today the country is in ruins because of the UK, France, Italy backed bombings not because of Gaddafi. The economy of Egypt is in dire straits, while the military remains in control
Do you think the instigators of those conflicts who seems to be the US and some European countries have any interest in the stabilisation of the region?
I think on the contrary they have an interest in complete militarisation. The next step is this so called transitional national council. to have that puppet governement give NATO permanent basing rights inside Lybia which is something they never had under Gaddafi. The Pentagon African Command is coordinating this, interestingly enough created after China's 2006 invitation of 40 African head of states to Bejing, when enormous deals were signed with the Chinese companies for oil exploration, to build hospitals, give soft loans. Everything the IMF hasn't done in Africa for the past 30 years and that had enormous results for China
We have to go back to the 80s with the role of the Dollar as world reserve currency. China has an enormous trade surplus, Walmart is essentially an outpost of Chinese manufacturing in America today. So the $300bn + that the Central Bank of China amasses every year, what do you do with that?
There's few markets big enough to invest in, supposedly they could buy gold for their central bank reserves, which they are doing by the way, but the only currencies thet could invest it into is either in dollar or the euro.
They've got something like $3tr of American Treasury bonds or bills as their reserve today, so in effect the US would not be able to finance the deficit that they're running to wage those wars in Afghanistan or Iraq or Lybia unless the Chinese were buying US Treasury bonds
So ironically the Chinese are financing wars directed against Chinese national interests for energy security
The only way Wall Street can survive and keep the dollar as their instrument is to find new areas of loot so the so-called Arab Spring is directed at grabbing and privatising that vast oil wealth of the Middle East, just as the use of the IMF in the former Soviet Union, consciously designed by WAll Street and Washington to plunder the vast resources of Russia
So if the dollar doesn't retain its status do you think that the Euro will retain it or inherit it from it?
One reason you see this situation with Greece and the so-called Eurozone crisis is that this is part of a covert financial warfare between the dollar and the euro, it started when China started to complain publicly about the flawed economic policies of Washington running up deficit and endagering the value of Chinese Treasury bonds
So enters the scene the so called Greek crisis which was masterminded in 2002 by none other than Goldman Sachs, the most powerful American bank, arguably still today, politically well connected.
So it is very clear if you follow the money trail that the Greek crisis was programmed to be detonated at command by Wall Street, the US Treasury as well as the Fed Reserve in order to defend the reserve currency role of the US dollar but I don't see the European economies in danger as the US economy because of one great difference: Europe still produces things, Europe still has real industry
Do you think there are some European countries that benefit from the situation unravelling now in Lybia? France?
I was going to say. Sarkozy had a meeting in March when the whole drama in Lybia kicked off and invited leaders of the so called transitional national council and whispered sweet nothings in their ears about having control of their oil. The Cia and French Intelligence have been pouring money and arms into these insurgents groups inside Lybia. This is an armed insurrection financed by NATO countries, not the hand of a bunch of kids who have in mind American style democracy or something.
I can only imagine and Iraq like scenario or Afghanistan. What you now have in Afghanistan is 17 permanent US basis in Afghanistan and most of them are air basis who are not bombing the Talibans but are preparing for a coming war in 10 years with China or Russia perhaps
They've now got a military bastion in the heart of Central Asia, something that they never had during the Cold War, so I think Lybia is destined for a similar treatment

So why are so many people on this board supporting someone who thinks the USA intervention in the middle east was a grand idea? OH, and I don't just mean Hillary and the Iraq war. I mean Hillary and Obama in the Arab Spring.

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It's disgusting how certain countries are FUCKING UP the world, creating so much HAVOC, POVERTY, MISERY, PAIN... and they all have that image of civilized, beautiful.. And they even dare to look down to other countries which don't create any pain in any way.

I feel recently so disgusted. In a very big way.

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I almost don't want to talk about this anymore. It's too painful for me. I have nightmares about this. The world screwed over Syria. Those pictures of gay men being thrown off buildings and then being stoned to death because they wouldn't die. The decapitations. The lies. I just can't anymore.

Ignorance is bliss.

This is why I refuse to vote for Hillary Clinton. I REFUSE

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Me too. I'm kinda blocking, which isn't good either. But it's that or being in complete frustration at EVERYTHING. The Spanish crisis and Greek crisis, so MANUFACTURED so we dump our salaries, sell our propierties cheaper and the same, always the same, get richer.

The refugees crisis, which is becoming a crime against humanity. Refugees who come from a countrie which was devastated so the same, always the same, get richer.

Always the same. Always the same COUNTRIES fucking up. And giving lessons afterwards.

Look at this. Do you know what this is? This happened yesterday. Some stupid Dutch hooligans laughing at misery in Madrid. Beggars from different nationalities (mostly Eastern countries) who where there, and these CUNTS laugh at them while throwing coins?

You know what? If i don't block i will explode


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