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Manchester Arena UK 14th December


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Omg THATS the only thing I actually feel bad about. The unapologetic bitch! 😡😡😡 that must feel HORRIBLE! 😥😥😥 but it's unfortunate this happened. She should've cut rebel heart+the improv section, skipped UB so she could finish with Holiday!

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No one was booing everyone was just really confused. People are NOT happy leaving though.

Well people should stop going to that arena and I'm sure Madonna won't be booking that arena again

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Well people should stop going to that arena and I'm sure Madonna won't be booking that arena again

She should buy the arena and fire the manager. I mean, really? Pulling the plug on FUCKING MADONNA!!!!


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What's all this I'm reason about her hitting her head and being out of it?!

She said she hit her head under the stage and couldn't concentrate on the chords for WTG so she did Open Your Heart (which was incredible)

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What kind of shit is this? :( UK shows are so stressful if you're always getting worried about a curfew, always praying everything will work out.

So many little things that could fuck up and, boy, did they.

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I guess she meant diva bitches to those who say that she's the reason the shows have been starting late, not to the crowd in general.

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