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I loved everything about CoadF I had so many good memories at that time

I remembered a friend of my roommate asked me who sing the song while Sorry being played


omg this whole era is just magical. Anticipation started with Live 8/The View when she said that the album would be "all dance" and it just built and built and she delivered in every way. Everything was so immersive - I don't really know how to describe it but it really did feel like she took over the world again with all the disco imagery. All my friends who weren't really fans were absolutely loving this album and many of them had bought it. I had just started university and living that life and I started posting on here around this time too, so this album holds really fond memories for me.

p.s. I was watching Saturday Night Fever last weekend and hadn't realized that the part where her and Hypnosis were spinning around on rollerskates in Sorry video was inspired by Tony Manero and his partner spinning in the dance studio

p.p.s. Hung Up is one of her greatest videos and possibly the first where she dealt with ageism - this older woman in her outdated leotard doing her outdated dance moves, indoors, by herself, while these young people were krumping and freestyling outside in public spaces amongst people - and how they merged together in this underground tunnel (the only part of the video where the location is undefined) through this song. Music makes the people come together indeed


Hung Up - snippet, Motorola ad, EMA's performance and the video. THE WHOLE LOOK.

Get Together. Instant favourite on first listen.

Future Lovers? Best song off COADF. The opening of the CT was God landing on Earth.

The rest is history. :thumbsup:

Wonderful era. :wow:

Seems like HC and MDNA didn't exist.

Guest juliebean

I think Confessions is better then HC and MDNA. But I have to say it's up there with RH for me. lol


The good old days! Unfortunately I only became a fan after the Confessions Tour was released on DVD. I wish I lived through this era. It was the last era where everything just worked for Madge.


I was 13 when Hung Up and that is when I realized the legend and icon that is Madonna. Hung Up was the first song I ever bought on iTunes and Confessions was the first album.

The whole album era thrilled me to my core and excited me in a way that no other artist had before or has since. The excitement over this album was so huge for me that I forced my parents to drive me around to find every single past Madonna album. I remember watching the Confessions Tour on NBC with all family and I never once took my eyes off the tv once. Everything this era just worked perfectly and Madonna knew she held all the cards.

But even though this era was perfection it was definitely a sign of things to come what with the way the singles were received on the charts. If Hung Up couldn't go Number One, then nothing could or will it seems unfortunately.


I celebrated yesterday the anniversary by listening to the album properly again. I mean: headphones, lying down, eyes closed.

My thoughts.

1. The melodies, lyrics and construction of songs are sooooo good. Up there with Madonna's best work

2. The voice treatment is a pity. Too robotic and cold. It's so refreshing when Jump comes and the voice covers you, deep and warm, after the steel tones from previous tracks!

3. Stuart's production has dated, logically (it was 10 years ago!). But unlike other old productions, his productions date in a "headache" way. Some sounds and repetitions, etc, are nowadays a bit unnerving. ILNY, for example. You almost want it to end.

4. Other songs have improved with time. Like Push. I recall back then that it was among my less favs, and yesterday it was one of the songs that i enjoyed the most. The same with Isaac.


I burned a CD with the tracks to discover the 2 second gap between songs ruined the course of the album :rotfl:


When i listened to the album for the 1st time, the production was so refreshing and harmonious as opposed to Mirwais' bleeps/ buzzes and chopped guitar effects. Imho, the core of COADF was 80s synth music upgraded to 2000s music technology. <3


This is the era that made me a fan. I remember watching the concert on TV and being completely mesmerized: it was unlike anything I had ever seen before.

Guest Rachelle of London

I'll never forget being at Brixton Underground Station and hearing Hung Up blasting from the speakers. That started it for me. She was everywhere.


Has it really been 10 years?

I remember the day that this leaked, people were raving about it everywhere. I think I played it on a loop for hours. Stunning album and I still play it regularly to this day.



I remember listening the album for the first time 1 week before its release, I was on the phone with 2 friends commenting each tracks to them, cause they wanted to wait until the official release but was curious enought to hear my review: when Get Together start i was allready screaming of joy, it's holiday 2.0, that was my first words!! and when sorry came, I was allready in a gay coma :) LOL


I've been a fan since 1984 but the Confessions era is one of my favorite eras of all time. I loved everything. Obsessed still. The album, promo, tour, styling, colors, vibe. All of it. Lush and fabulous as fuck.


Guest gang bang

Amazing álbum , Amazing era

Guest Rocco Papa

in 2025 I'll feel Rebel Heart era like I'm remembering Confessions now.

I think I will too! :)

Guest gang bang


Confessions On A Dance Floor has racked up a pretty impressive 1.34 million chart sales, with over 1.32 million of those coming from physical sales, your actual CDs. 1,600 of you have downloaded the album so far this year alone.


Hung up was such a universal cross over hit was everywhere

As was she


still remember to this day the NME (when it was still respected and not a free rag) advertising the album, saying "believe the hype, its better than Ray of Light" and it wasnt, but it was still great purely because of Get Together.


and she was EVERYWHERE it was one of those insanely successful eras like ROL and Music and very welcome after that dire kids book author period. fucking hell.

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