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OMG it would be so great. I love her awards performances, they give me life for YEARS. I still get goosebumps with EMA Hung Up.


I really don't understand why she bothers, if it's only going to be a promo in the Us and Uk.

Unlike the Grammys (which, like the Oscars are a truly global event),

the Brits is an event that is only important on their Island nation.

Japan and Germany are more important markets

in terms of music sales.

And anyway, since album sales are way lower than ticket sales

from Concert tours, it would make more sense

for her to focus on countries where she actually

fills stadiums: Italy, France, Brazil, and even Australia (where she could easely break every

record in terms of touring revenue and attendance).

So instead of just being an album-promo tour,

it should be a promo tour for the actual tour that

will follow. (These days, albums are nothing

more than a promotional tool for Concert tours anyway).

In the Uk her concert attendances have become lower and lower.

Even if Rebel Heart becomes a big hit in the Uk,

she won't be able to pull a multiple-nights-Wembley sellout like in back in the 80s or 90s.

So to sum it up: Guy Oseary, think outside of the

Anglo-box and focus on doing promo in countries

where she is actually the most sucessful.

There are so many wrong things here... This can't be a real person, this has to be some robot who took some random sentences and put them together.


Media coverage from what media? US and UK

that focus on the US and UK.

Of course the US and UK export most of the

music! The big record companies are all based there.

That doesnt make the Uk more important than Germany or Japan or other countres.

Bris Awards have an status. No matter if in UK are considered some kind of joke, if you perform in Buenos Aires you don't have the same press coverage as if you perform in London with Taylor Kunt and those people.

It's logical.

QUESTION: this is a very silly and stupid question but i really don't understand why singers doesn't use the exposure that is Eurovision. No matter how tacky the show is, or whatever, the audience is like 150 million people, and let's face it, people who are very likely to buy an album. I've always wandered why they don't use that. Instead, we always end up with some corny thing those 10 minutes between the performances and the voting.


The single is released the week the Brits is on. Of course she's gonna perform there. It's no coincidence to get that maximum exposure. She'll be on every newspaper


^ exactly. Far better than some talent show. And next top will be Germany in that Wetten Dass thing.

Ten years later, she's about to promote properly! Love it.


^ exactly. Far better than some talent show. And next top will be Germany in that Wetten Dass thing.

Ten years later, she's about to promote properly! Love it.

There is no more Wetten Dass. That dead horse has finally been laid to rest.


This is awesome news, she's finally going to promote this album the proper way. Ugh imagine if the EMAs and VMAs were around this time of the year she would've perforrmed there as well :cries: I mean it's been ages...


The mtv movie awards are on april 12, dunno what rules they have... any chance she could perform there as well?


OMG it would be so great. I love her awards performances, they give me life for YEARS. I still get goosebumps with EMA Hung Up.



The mtv movie awards are on april 12, dunno what rules they have... any chance she could perform there as well?

She won't overdo it. Grammys and Brits will be more than enough. Maybe another thing in Germany and i guess the rest will be that promo tour in small venues.


Oh dear... somebody did unleash the British bulldogs...

I was making a statement based on facts reported by Some Medias like Billboard (see link in original post).

If some people (Anglos?) feel "their status" or whatever is threatend because their nation has become second league then that's another story.

The fact remains: Germany abd Japan are bigger markets than the Uk, therefore more important.

Now sit doggy!

ps: Yes i know El Salvador. it's basically the spanish speaking extension of the USA. Right? lol


I want her to assault us and appear on everything that week the single is out! I want that 14th #1


I think/hope she'll do Jonathan Ross as well.

She needs something in the UK were she does a sit down interview, as well as a performance, and I think JR would be the best option.


Can't wait!


She won't overdo it. Grammys and Brits will be more than enough. Maybe another thing in Germany and i guess the rest will be that promo tour in small venues.

Yeah I guess you're right, I feel really greedy I want her to be everywhere!!


Ok, sorry guys, but in Italy she HAS TO BE IN THE VOICE WITH RAFFAELLA CARRÁ!!!!!

That's a fact.


... Yes... And in Los 40 PRincipales In Spain too... Please...

Are you suddenly gone bonkers or something? Los 40 concert show in Spain is absurd. In fact, she can avoid promo in Spain entirely, we already love her and radio stations love her too. Very few cds are sold here and it's all about the concerts, that are always sold out.

Guest HaveASit

Promotion in Japan would be very welcomed. I think it is the second biggest market of the world, and they love promotion. Considering Madonna is a very established act there, a mininal tv apperance would do wonders for her


If Japan promo happens, she has to go to Australia too or else riots will happen lol


I went to Tokyo last month and heard GMAYL twice in some random local stores and also Hung Up on the street. M still seems like a big force there!


So this is not 100% sure yet, right? I do hope it happens. I can't believe it has been 20 years?? :ohmy:

I want to see this woman everywhere in spring 2015! I mean EVERYWHERE! I want that people can't avoid seeing or hearing her. She seems to be in love with her new album so everything is possible this time around.

Guest HaveASit

If Japan promo happens, she has to go to Australia too or else riots will happen lol


Posted (edited)

And I think it would be a really smart move to do at least a small promo interview / performance in Australia. Then she should bring the tour there. Her tickets would sell like ice cream in hell. All those gorgeous australians deserve to have her this time around.

If she wants to break her own tour record, Australia is the way to do it.

Edited by Soma

^ exactly. Far better than some talent show. And next top will be Germany in that Wetten Dass thing.

Ten years later, she's about to promote properly! Love it.

LOL that "wetten dass "- thing does not exist anymore:))))) thank God, never liked it

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