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Shep Pettibone on Vogue Facebook Post

Guest lautnerfied

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For years I thought Vogue (and Like A Virgin) were going to be her definitive song to the general public. However, I think Like A Prayer has eclipsed both somewhat in recent years.

But it just goes to show what an amazing catalog this woman has. Unbeatable.

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Vogue is more "Madonna defining" than Like A Prayer :sassy:

Couldn't agree more. Great song, the instrumentation, everything.

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Shep Pettibone still does gigs. He has a pretty notorious name, you'd think he'd promote his upcoming events to let people know. Better yet, use an updated photo for his "official" Facebook. He doesn't even use a scan on his grindr profile.

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I doubt its him. Shep has rarely talked about anything he did with Madonna for years and years.

It just goes to show this was created by a Madonna fan.
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