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Song of the Week 08 June 2014 : SANCTUARY


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So I wanted to possibly start a new weekly feature on the forum to discuss Madonna's music-past and present. I used to post a similar thread on Absolute Madonna and I really enjoyed it and have missed it so I hope people will enjoy it here as well.

It's a pretty simple concept: I hit shuffle on my Ipod for M songs and pick the first one that comes up and then everyone comments on the song. You can post that you love it, hate it, or are indifferent to it. You can also add personal stories and memories or your own interpretation of the song's meaning - anything goes really. Feel free to also post favorite videos, performances, covers, remixes, and chart info if any. I really enjoy reading other fans opinions, stories, and feelings about different songs as they have sometimes made me see a song in a whole new way or even appreciate a song I didn't think much of before.

So no song is off limits for discussion (I'm talking to you Jimmy Jimmy). I also will take requests if you want to message me to have a certain song featured. So here goes nothing!



Surely whoever speaks to me in the right voice
Him or her I shall follow

Who needs the sun, when the rain's so full of life
Who needs the sky
It's here in your arms I want to be buried
You are my sanctuary

Who needs the sun, when the rain's so full of life
Who needs the sky, when the ground's open wide
It's here in your arms I want to be buried
You are my sanctuary

Who needs a smile, when a tear's so full of love
Who needs a home, with the stars up above
It's here in your heart I want to be carried
You are my sanctuary

Who needs the light, with the darkness in your eyes
Who needs to sleep, with the stars in the sky
It's here in your soul I want to be married
You are my sanctuary

And the earth was void and empty
And darkness was upon the face of the earth

Is all of this pain so necessary
You are my sanctuary

Surely whoever speaks to me in the right voice
Him or her I shall follow
As the water follows the moon, silently

Who needs the sun (with fluid steps)
Who needs the sky (around the globe)
Who needs to sleep (I hear your voice)
You are (you are) my sanctuary
You are (you are, you are)
You are (you are) my sanctuary

This is one of my absolute favorites from the Bedtime Stories album. It is beautifully written and sung and has a haunting, almost eerie quality which I find so interesting. The spoken lines from Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass "Voices" poem also add to the mysterious quality of the song. Who is she speaking to in the song, a lover, her mother, a higher power? I'm not sure if she has ever revealed what the song is about (please share if you have any quotes from her about the song's meaning) but I personally get a very spiritual vibe from it in the lyrics as well as her delivery. I think this is one of her more experimental outings and I for one would have loved to see a video for this song - maybe a future tour interlude? One can only dream...

What do you all think of this song?

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Guest Rachelle of London

My fave song of all time! I have some of the lyrics tattooed on my back! I was JUST listening to it. It's perfection! It's amazing! It's brilliance! THIS is music!

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My fave song of all time! I have some of the lyrics tattooed on my back! I was JUST listening to it. It's perfection! It's amazing! It's brilliance! THIS is music!

Would you mind telling which lyrics are tattooed? :ohmy:

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Guest Rachelle of London

"Who needs a home with the stars up above" I have it in my mums handwriting. I got it on the 18th anniversary of BS albums release. I didn't even realise the date until later on there were all these tweets about it.

Amazing thread for an amazing song! Everyone I play it for LOVES it

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lol... Sanctuary.

Okay, have to confess, I haven't heard this song since BS came out and, even then, only once. I'm a remix gal and don't usually pay attention to full albums.. songs beyond singles.. unless I instantly like them (such as Till Death Do Us Part from LAP, Don't Stop from BS, a couple from Erotica). It wasn't until ROL that I REALLY paid attention to M's full albums (except for LAP, which I love start to finish). The exception is AL. I don't know that full album too well.

Anyways, I just went and listened to Sanctuary now. It's not bad... not my cup of tea, but the intro is pretty. I can see what others would like in it.

Short of True Blue and LAV, BS is probably my least favorite M album AS A FULL ALBUM. I LOVE the era, DON'T GET ME WRONG. I LOVE THE SINGLES, VIDEOS, etc. Just not into R&B sound.

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I agree with Sloane, BS is probably my least favorite album as whole. I NEVER find myself listening to the album tracks themselves. And Sanctuary was probably one of my least favorite, even of those!

I do a like the singles, especially Secret and Human Nature. The videos from this era were very, very well done.

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Guest Rachelle of London

Herbie Hancock is amazing! He was at a few of the MDNA shows! Watermelon Man = flawless Sanctuary = flawless extravaganza

I'm full on stanning out right now!

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"Who needs a home with the stars up above" I have it in my mums handwriting. I got it on the 18th anniversary of BS albums release. I didn't even realise the date until later on there were all these tweets about it.

That's awesome!

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Guest Rachelle of London

Bedtime Stories is my personal favourite. It's the album I associate with my first memories. Singing in the kitchen with my sister when I was three with it playing in the cassette player. It just takes me back to an amazing time. She collaborated with some of my fave producers Dave Hall, Dallas Austin, Babyface, Nellee Hooper etc. despite working with such famous and acclaimed producers from the rnb hip hop world Madonna still retained a Madonna sound. BS bridges the gap between Erotica and ROL perfectly and she naturally falls into STR and Evita. She had so much to say after the sex backlash, the interviews, the looks, the videos are all epic. I personally think Madonna really proved her artistic ability with this album.

I cannot wait for the 20th anniversary this October.

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Mooncrown, so glad you have continued your great Song of the Week thread. Everyone at Madonnantion is in for a treat because Mooncrown's song of the week was a highlight on Absolute Madonna and Mooncrown is one of the most positive and knowledgeable Madonna fans around. He reminds me a lot of Whoopie and Mattress with his love and knowledge for Madonna music and sharing that information.

I love Sanctuary. The lyrics are just beautiful and her vocals are gorgeous. One of my favourite tracks on Bedtime Stories. A very different type of song for Madonna as well.

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Mooncrown, so glad you have continued your great Song of the Week thread. Everyone at Madonnantion is in for a treat because Mooncrown's song of the week was a highlight on Absolute Madonna and Mooncrown is one of the most positive and knowledgeable Madonna fans around. He reminds me a lot of Whoopie and Mattress with his love and knowledge for Madonna music and sharing that information.

Aww thanks Jan :blush:

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Fantastic song. Evocative. It really begs for visual treatment on tour or something.

This was probably my favorite song on that album when it first came out. Eventually, I fell in love with others - but this one will always be my first love from that record. It's absolutely gorgeous. There are so many great little production nuances like the little flute darting about, the growling guitar, and the twinkling blips that take the song out at the end as the synth-strings swell up into the atmosphere.

It's beautifully alien.

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I love almost all M albums, but BS is one of the few that I can listen without needing to skip any songs. Sanctuary & Bedtime Stories tracks on the album showed her growth as an artist & moving further away from her more commercial sounding music from the eighties.

I also miss M during the BS time period because she was willing to release unconventional singles & videos for BS & HN.

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my instant favourite from BS, and there are a lot of great tracks....it's simply haunting. her voice combined with Watermelon sample is just magic....

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I'll never forget hearing this song for the first time. I love how Bedtime Stories ends in a dream like state and then Take A Bow sounds like a lullaby. It felt like she was moving on.

I had this song on repeat. It beautifully continues the music on Bedtime Stories but becomes more atmospheric which I love! ...and Madonna's voice! The idea of a sanctuary is also very appealing to me.

..and yes Mooncrown! LOVE your Song of the Week and you are amazing!

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I'll never forget hearing this song for the first time. I love how Bedtime Stories ends in a dream like state and then Take A Bow sounds like a lullaby. It felt like she was moving on.

I had this song on repeat. It beautifully continues the music on Bedtime Stories but becomes more atmospheric which I love! ...and Madonna's voice! The idea of a sanctuary is also very appealing to me.

..and yes Mooncrown! LOVE your Song of the Week and you are amazing!

Thanks Lisa - you are pretty amazing yourself ;)

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SANCTUARY is the Avant Garde song of Bedtime Stories followed by Love Tried To Welcome Me...

I love it how MADONNA use samples as she used to... did she sample anything in MDNA?

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I love EVERYTHING about this song. It has such a dark, yet romantic vibe. The way it transitions into Bedtime Story is spine tingling. Also love the Walt Whitman poem...


Vocalism, measure, concentration, determination, and the divine
power to speak words;
Are you full-lung'd and limber-lipp'd from long trial? from vigorous
practice? from physique?
Do you move in these broad lands as broad as they?
Come duly to the divine power to speak words?
For only at last after many years, after chastity, friendship,
procreation, prudence, and nakedness,
After treading ground and breasting river and lake,
After a loosen'd throat, after absorbing eras, temperaments, races,
after knowledge, freedom, crimes,
After complete faith, after clarifyings, elevations, and removing
After these and more, it is just possible there comes to a man,
woman, the divine power to speak words;
Then toward that man or that woman swiftly hasten all--none
refuse, all attend,
Armies, ships, antiquities, libraries, paintings, machines, cities,
hate, despair, amity, pain, theft, murder, aspiration, form in
close ranks,
They debouch as they are wanted to march obediently through the
mouth of that man or that woman.


O what is it in me that makes me tremble so at voices?
Surely whoever speaks to me in the right voice, him or her I shall follow,
As the water follows the moon, silently, with fluid steps, anywhere
around the globe.

All waits for the right voices;
Where is the practis'd and perfect organ? where is the develop'd soul?
For I see every word utter'd thence has deeper, sweeter, new sounds,
impossible on less terms.

I see brains and lips closed, tympans and temples unstruck,
Until that comes which has the quality to strike and to unclose,
Until that comes which has the quality to bring forth what lies
slumbering forever ready in all words.

Edited by Love Technician
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