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Guest Not4Pussies

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Somone hurry up upload it a.s.a.p. cuz I don't know how much longer this forum can stay working we just smashed the online record of 605 people from SuperBowl night :scared:

Online At Once Record 788

On Today, 05:23 PM

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don't download the link from twitter.

i heard gang bang, b-day song, beautiful killer and superstar.

and paula abdul! WTF!

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Okay if you don't have IPHONE/IPOD, you can hear the album on your computer by clicking on this link:http://aolradio.slacker.com/?aolid=

You'll have to do a SEARCH on MDNA there are several... they all work. One says DELUXE, but you can hear the bonus tracks on either. Also, you don't hear the song in order of the album. Not only that, you may hear other 80's songs that aren't Madonna. But you can exit out of the station and re-enter to hear a new song. It's a little tedious, but it works.

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You have to type in MDNA in the search bar on that AOL site. Shame it doesn't play the album in chronological order, otherwise I would have listened.

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