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Lourdes Gone Gaga!


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I find it slightly amusing that there are actually news stories about what Madonna -- THE DIRECTOR -- is wearing on set and then people who snipe about what she's wearing. She's not meant to be in front of the camera -- and how many directors do you think wear whatever is comfortable when they're working on set?! When media report from the set of other films (directed by other directors), how often do they mention or comment on what Steven Spielberg or Penny Marshall or Baz Luhrman or whoever were wearing? No one cares how they were dressed -- they care about how the film comes out in the end.

I mean, I get it -- she's Madonna, so people talk about everything in relation to her. No matter what she does, it is a news item. But it's not like she's dressed to walk down the runway or shoot a fashion campaign. Who knows? Maybe she was riding a bicycle earlier and had her pant leg rolled up so as not to get it caught/dirty on the chain.


If she wasn't a woman it wouldn't matter that she is dressed like that or that her arms have veins. People need to get real, but Evolution takes time. Rocco is really cool and I think is going to be the total dark horse. I always thought he had a Ciccone look about him and never really saw him as a Guy look a like at all. Oh well, hope he has a fun childhood. :)

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