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Madonna Moving Back to Britain

Guest chatty kathy

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She was GOOD when she was with Ike and had Phil Spector pointing a gun at her head to get a decent performance out of her on "River Deep, Mountain High" :bad: Only kidding.

But really, the wife beating years stuff was actually GOOD. The MOR 80s stadium rock years was horrific.

She is a nice lady and all but I hate her voice and her music is played to DEATH here, been on a constant loop since 1984 and as with many stuff from that year like "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" has completely lost any allure.

Gimme Cher, or better still, Miss Ross any day. :wow::sassy::queenbitch:

Ike Turner may have been an utter cunt, but he made the first rock n roll record and was an important figure - you can't just wipe out these controversial people who did evil things like Spector and Roman Polanksi. The art is too strong to get rid of some. Gary Glitter can go though :vomit:

And was it Tina who got invited to be on a Gorillaz record? Nope

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Riiiight :lmao:

Like I said, Guy is the reason she lived there for 8 years. FACT. The marriage is over, and so is the postal code. :thumbsup:

And I actually do see celebrities on a near daily basis. From the A list to the C list, so I don't get starstruck anymore. I worked for Miramax for years, so I've seen everyone you could possibly dream of, and in the most mundane circumstances. So try again.

And I'm not anti british, but it's so funny how brits like you jump to that conclusion, when there's any perceived slight against cool britannia. Quite telling :lmao:

So you're a jaded stalker? Interesting...But Madonna was living in England PRIOR to marrying GUY. I don't understand how hard that is to comprehend. She was basically living in London from about 1997 and if you look at her social circle from then onwards (or at least what we know about) it was all English people. Sting, Trudy, Rupert, Gwyneth, Stella etc etc. I really don't care which country she lives in, but I can NOT ignore factual happenings just for the sake of it. It's like me saying that she only lived in America after she married Sean. Sean...Sean. :rotfl:

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Guest edsalas

Well she got a TYPICAL male and look where that landed her :demonic:

Well she kicked the shit out of him out of her life, thank goodness!!! Does she have a typical male in her life right now?

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Now now, you don't want to be claiming that stick up her azz bytch Gwyneth as one of our/your own. I am mortally offended, the English are so much cooler than THAT

Ha. I didn't mean English people, I meant English residents. No worries there. :demonic:

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But didn't bytch face move here later after she bought won her Oscar? She did a few films where she showed off her shytty British accent - Emma and Sliding Doors. I think the turning point was Chris Martin.

Coldplay were dead to me after that. I was in love with Chris and was sure he was gay - and plenty have commented that he doesn't give off the straightest of vibes. Their music got progressively blander and his voice more off key and irritating and he more of a cunt with each album.

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