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Madonna on Kid Kraddick Show 10/5

Guest chatty kathy

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All fluff with the obligatory mention of the Greatest hits at the end. I agree this interviews can be fun and entertaining, but there is really no meat on these bones.

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3 diva mentions

1. they mentioned she had 12 number ones, second only to mariah

2. they also mentioned she had 13 number ones in uk double of 2nd place, kylie

3. she said janet was great at the mj tribute

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She said that she loves "Mad Men" as it's so politically incorrect; boys who cheat and smoke and women that know their place. :lol:

I keep hearing from people that it's great, but haven't had the time to check it out yet.

It was funny how at the end of the interview they said she can't end the conversation like that; she said "yeah, talking about panties and Jesus." :D

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Guest boytoyville

I liked the interivew but what was with Liz Rosenberg interrupting and being such a bitch. I think it made Madonna look a little silly having her publicist jump in like that protecting her and correcting the DJ.

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Guest Pud Whacker

I liked the interivew but what was with Liz Rosenberg interrupting and being such a bitch. I think it made Madonna look a little silly having her publicist jump in like that protecting her and correcting the DJ.

just out of curiosity, define the job of a publicist for me.

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Guest boytoyville

just out of curiosity, define the job of a publicist for me.

Here is the definition. lol

pub⋅li⋅cist  /ˈpʌbləsɪst/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [puhb-luh-sist]

–noun 1. a person who publicizes, esp. a press agent or public-relations consultant.

2. an expert in current public or political affairs.

3. an expert in public or international law.

but seriously Pud. I love you but don't be an ass. You should know more than anybody here that Madonna is a big girl and very intellegent. I think she could've handle the situation herself. I mean yeah, probably not the bvest idea to talk about Catholics,Jesus, and panties but Madonna has held her own in far more unproper situations. In bad her loo like a controlled popstar when we all know she isn't. I mean hell even if Liz wanted to stick her nose in their she could have been more less obvious as well. She could have said "sorry got to go, time for another interview" or something like that instead of " ok I'm not happy now...and You can ask one more proper question". It was a silly move a Liz's part and it wouldn't surprise me if Madonna scolded her slightly after that. Madonna being the master she is handled the situation very well with a funny joke.

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Im so sick of these bullshit interviews with ridiculous panter from these radio hosts. Ask Madonna about the bloody music and cut the crap!!

Me too, I also hate when like 3 or 4 people are in the DJ booth interjecting and cracking jokes when she is trying to answer a question.

In their defense though, radio interviews are rarely deep or good for information. I think they are meant to be "light and fun." Whatever. I actually thought several of the interviews she did to promote "4 Minutes" with a couple of Chicago radio stations were quite good - they talked about the origin of "Spanish Lesson" for gods sake - an album track that wasn't even being played on the radio.

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Me too, I also hate when like 3 or 4 people are in the DJ booth interjecting and cracking jokes when she is trying to answer a question.

Really, though, why does this show have like 6 fucking people talking at once? What a mess.

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