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Guest chatty kathy

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Lol at all the Madonna sheep defending Madonna. She has, and always will be, an egotistical shit. As a Madonna fan you should just accept the fact that she has a very cuntish and perfectionist personality, shes a rigorous and cold woman to the bone. And I love her. But 5 people walking out like this? It screams suspicion, and anyone who thinks otherwise ought to think better of it.

Of COURS she is a hard person to work for. Shes a diva.

Is that a bad thing?

It screams suspiccion? like what? "I had a bad day today i'm gonna fire 5 people that work for me".

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I know the media is gonna act like Madonna is the bitch,but these employees should have known what they were getting into when they accepted their jobs.It's no secret that Madonna is a hardworking,committed person who never takes 'no' for an answer.She's strong,demanding,professional and very disciplined and she wants her employees to be the same.There's nothing wrong with that.

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I wonder why these ppl signed up in the first place? Did they actually read the job description before they sign the contract?

Exactly! It's never been a secret that Madonna is a strong,determined,demanding person who never takes 'no' for an answer.I'm pretty sure that she told them upfront what she requires from them.

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I think its no big deal that this individuals quit, I mean it boils down to job satisfaction if you do not like what your doing then stop. I suppose for the 5 employees its not worth their time anymore to be working for Madonna. So they express their intention to quit and I guess Madge beat them to the punch by letting them go earlier than what their contracts says. It would even be a holiday for them with pay eventually , That is up until when the time comes that they have to look for another job. All I can say is Good Luck especially with the recession.

And it makes me laugh that one is even saying that she lost her boyfriend due to her demanding job...Oh cmon.

Im sure they just watched too much the devil wears prada and the nanny diaries. These people are being so overly dramatic, Given that madonna is a bitch then if they were really that incensed about how she runs her household , then why didnt they just quit early on. So as not to loose a boyfriend LOL :larz:

Im sure the press is having a field day with this....

But at the end of the day the job that they left will definitely be filled.....As quoted from Prada " it's a job a million girls would die for". :lol:


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Guest waiting
Oh come on, I'm sure she's a nightmare to work for. She has a brutal work ethic and, I imagine, would expect nothing less from those working for her, especially if she's paying them.

A few years ago a colleague of mine was working on a TV project with Guy and went to their London house for a meeting. Apparently the staff were incredibly tense and literally jumped when my friend walked into the kitchen, thinking M was sneaking up on them!

My friend also regaled an amazing story about M berating Guy over an intercom system (I love the thought of M communicating with Guy or her staff via an intercom - what a cunt!). Midway through the meeting a disembodied voice was heard barking for Guy "Guy, I need you upstairs NOW", he replied "I'll be five minutes darling, just finishing my meeting". Two minutes later the intercom crackled and M screeched "How dare you keep me waiting Guy? How FUCKING DARE YOU!". The meeting was hastily called to an end, my colleague was ushered out of the house but not before seeing a furious M at the top of the stairs, with Guy calling up to her "see darling, it's the TV people, I told you I was having a meeting, it's OK, they're going now".

True story.

Great story! I can't imagine working for her much less being married to her! The bitch is truly terrifying.

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Guest ursaminorjim

Is she really that demanding and that much of a perfectionist, though? I mean...you've seen her album covers, right?

And her film work?

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Actually its her UK staff and they did not quit but Madonna doesnt need them anymore so she let them go because she has moved back to USA.

Yes, that's what Mike from Madonnadownload says. He's usually correct:



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I think most regular people don't want to work with their friends, changes things.

Anyway her friends in her career are different than hired nannies and help.

I think she respects her friends who don't take her shit, lol


Her nose looks like a nosejob in this pic with alex...........im just sayin... :nocomment:

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Guest ursaminorjim
Madonna has only DIRECTED one film.

And she also doesnt work at the record label. She isnt a photographer either. What a lazy, stupid joke that was Jimbo.

She's directed one, written two, acted in several others. And the general consensus is that for a filmmaker she's a damn fine pop singer.

As for the art question - come on. Don't be so naive. I didn't work at my record label, and I'm not a photographer, but our band still had the final word on all artwork related to our releases, and we were small potatoes. You think someone of her stature, someone who's that concerned with image would be stupid enough just leave that in the hands of the label? I'm not suggesting she has any design skills, but you can be damned sure she has final veto power.

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Guest Disgusting Cat
Only LAZY BITCHES find PERFECTIONISTS cuntish. Because they dont understand that hard work = success.

Are you calling me a lazy bitch?, lol. You can be a perfectionist and still be a cunt. You can also be a lazy cunt, something which is a lot more common. Anyway, Madonna is a hard working cunt. Shes not nice at all, often confrontational because she thinks she is ''pushing peoples buttons and exposing things'' when really shes just being a plain, simple cunt. The ever image-concious diva is nice to people like Oprah, but she treats any other no-namer like shit and just tramples over them. Good music though.

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Guest Coked Up Baby Boy
Only LAZY BITCHES find PERFECTIONISTS cuntish. Because they dont understand that hard work = success.

Sorry? a hard worker doesn't need to be a demanding asshole. Perfectionist is one thing, uptight demanding jerks with control issues is another thing. Not that M is any of those things...........well, maybe a TINY bit :demonic: i'm just saying.

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This guy Mike Lighthouse from MadonnaTribe says that all these people did not quit but were let go. They were part of Madonna's London staff and she doesn't need them anymore. This guy Mike is a paparazzo himself so he's familiar with M's staff.

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Personal assistant Denise is due to finish working for the 50-year-old star this week, and Johanna quit saying she lost a boyfriend due to Madonna’s work demands.

I think I'd rather work for Madonna than have a boyfriend anyway...I'm sure M would let me borrow Jesus from time to time. ;)

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Are you calling me a lazy bitch?, lol. You can be a perfectionist and still be a cunt. You can also be a lazy cunt, something which is a lot more common. Anyway, Madonna is a hard working cunt. Shes not nice at all, often confrontational because she thinks she is ''pushing peoples buttons and exposing things'' when really shes just being a plain, simple cunt. The ever image-concious diva is nice to people like Oprah, but she treats any other no-namer like shit and just tramples over them. Good music though.


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Are you calling me a lazy bitch?, lol. You can be a perfectionist and still be a cunt. You can also be a lazy cunt, something which is a lot more common. Anyway, Madonna is a hard working cunt. Shes not nice at all, often confrontational because she thinks she is ''pushing peoples buttons and exposing things'' when really shes just being a plain, simple cunt. The ever image-concious diva is nice to people like Oprah, but she treats any other no-namer like shit and just tramples over them. Good music though.

Oops, it seems the supposedly resigned-en-mass employees are UK staff let go for unneeded services. Try again next time. :doh:

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Guest Disgusting Cat
takes one to know one!

Dont I know it. ;)

Oops, it seems the supposedly resigned-en-mass employees are UK staff let go for unneeded services. Try again next time. :doh:

Well thats okay. Doesnt change my opinion that she is a rude and uneccesarily confrontational woman.

Im sorry but people who call people a cunt just because they are demanding are stupid. Being a cunt is being intentionally ridiculous, rude, twattish. Etc etc.

Im not calling her a cunt solely because shes demanding. Im calling her a cunt because she is extremely rude (judging from interviews) So yeah, even by your standards she is just that.

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Guest Disgusting Cat
Please give me an example. Preferably not that guy on like Italian TOTPs or whatever it is...

That is one, her being a complete jackass on letterman among others. That italien interview was disraceful btw, if I were the one interviewing her there I would get out of my chair and put her stringy ass through the wall. Her general tone is so condenscending. I posted another link in this thread where she acts like a fucktard diva too. Of course she asslicks those rice cake human beings Oprah and Rosie. Pathethic. :lol: Gotta love that nasty whore.

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That is one, her being a complete jackass on letterman among others. That italien interview was disraceful btw, if I were the one interviewing her there I would get out of my chair and put her stringy ass through the wall. Her general tone is so condenscending. I posted another link in this thread where she acts like a fucktard diva too. Of course she asslicks those rice cake human beings Oprah and Rosie. Pathethic. :lol: Gotta love that nasty whore.

There are so many interviews of Madonna being a total cunt. It comes completely naturally to Madonna and she has a hard time covering it up. Look at the Australian COAD with Andrew G or the 60 Minutes interview from 99 on youtube. Madonna can sit there being a total cunt and say "love is the most important thing" hahaha

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The funny thing is the people defending her cunt-ish behavior wouldn't last 24 hours working under her.

You know how the saying goes: if you can't stand the heat,get out of the kitchen! I don't know why anyone would accept a challenging job,then whine and bitch about it later.

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The funny thing is the people defending her cunt-ish behavior wouldn't last 24 hours working under her.

Well, since you or probably none of us here have actually worked for her you can't really say that now, can you? Just sayin'

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Guest Disgusting Cat
What a trite, sly remark. Unless you are:




a stalker

then you have NOT met me...as you suggested.

Why all the hate, getunoconcious? Maybe its time to get unconcious for real...permanently. LOL.

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