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BUENOS AIRES - December 4/5/7/8 - PRESS Reports/Reviews/Pics


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I have two groups of friends who travelled to Argentina to see her, one group was supposed to see her today, the other one was supposed to see her on Saturday, this completetely messed up their schedules :confused:

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Apparently the plane carrying her sound equipment and costumes had mechanical problems and that caused the delay. I feel bad for fans who travelled to see her and can't change their travel plans but it's not really Madonna's or anyone's fault. Just very unlucky for those fans.

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A friend of mine is also in Argentina and was meant to see her last night. Now he has to pay the penalty for changing the plane ticket, pay a couple of extra nights at the hotel and so on.

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Considering this is the only bump in the road the tour hit people should stop complaining. She could have canceled the show and then you're friends would have wasted an entire trip and not seen the show. I'd rather pay another thousand dollars, extend the trip, and see the show... than to have wasted all the money for nothing. They should consider themselves lucky they are going to get to see her at all. It was beyond her control.

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December 4, 2008

Madonna's Message To Her Argentinian Fans

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2008 - For Immediate Release:

Further to this morning's announcement regarding the rescheduling of the Buenos Aires performances, Madonna personally sends this message to her fans.

"I am so disappointed that I had to cancel my show tonight. I've been so looking forward to these four shows in Argentina. When I found out my stage was not going to arrive due to plane delays, I started to cry. Fortunately I am able to make up the show and I am very sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused anyone. I look forward to seeing you all at River Plate Stadium tomorrow night and this weekend." Love, Madonna

Unfortunately, due to a technical failure of one of the planes that was transporting Madonna's stage from Mexico City where Madonna performed 2 sold out shows at Foro Sol stadium this past weekend, the show schedule in Buenos Aires was forced to change. The good news is that Madonna, her crew and all of the local staff worked extremely quickly to ensure that fans in Argentina who had purchased tickets to her four sold out performances would still have the chance to see Madonna's Sticky and Sweet Tour this week.


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December 4, 2008

Madonna's Message To Her Argentinian Fans

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2008 - For Immediate Release:

Further to this morning's announcement regarding the rescheduling of the Buenos Aires performances, Madonna personally sends this message to her fans.

"I am so disappointed that I had to cancel my show tonight. I've been so looking forward to these four shows in Argentina. When I found out my stage was not going to arrive due to plane delays, I started to cry. Fortunately I am able to make up the show and I am very sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused anyone. I look forward to seeing you all at River Plate Stadium tomorrow night and this weekend." Love, Madonna


yeah right :nosey::lmao:

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Guest ditaluver

or perhaps shes human, like anyone, and was upset.

Im sure shes already highly emotional these days.

sometimes I can cry at the drop of a hat, I dont see why its so impossible for M to be the same way. she is human!

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Guest Pud Whacker
or perhaps shes human, like anyone, and was upset.

Im sure shes already highly emotional these days.

sometimes I can cry at the drop of a hat, I dont see why its so impossible for M to be the same way. she is human!

I agree darlin' but as my mother so wisely said many moons ago, "she asked for it" her persona is so hard and tough that even her hardcore fan base believes she is a superwoman. they cant imagine her being soft.

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Guest ditaluver
I agree darlin' but as my mother so wisely said many moons ago, "she asked for it" her persona is so hard and tough that even her hardcore fan base believes she is a superwoman. they cant imagine her being soft.

madonna has said it herself

"But this heartache isn't going anywhere

In the public eye I act like I don't care

When there's no one watching me

I'm crying"

Its sad people dont see her as human.

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Guest Pud Whacker
madonna has said it herself

"But this heartache isn't going anywhere

In the public eye I act like I don't care

When there's no one watching me

I'm crying"

Its sad people dont see her as human.

si si siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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"But this heartache isn't going anywhere

In the public eye I act like I don't care

When there's no one watching me

I'm crying"

Those lyrics are pretty telling. I always thought of her like that. Her public persona is quite different from the private one, sure she can be tough but she does have a very soft side too.

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It's sad (and telling) that so many people who call themselves fans, can't see Madonna as a human being. I've always seen her as someone with a strong emotional core.

She's a Human too :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Somebody please Translate it:

Madonna: vivir para contarlo

66 mil personas deliraron ante la aparición de la Reina del Pop en el escenario del Monumental. Crónica y fotos.

Luego del festejado set de Paul Oakenfold (que incluyó "By The way" de Red Hot Chili Peppers y "Seven Nation Army" de White Stripes), Madonna salió por fin al escenario del Monumental, más de media hora después de lo previsto. Con algunas modificaciones en la lista de temas que viene tocando en el resto de sus presentaciones del Sticky & Sweet Tour, la Reina del Pop comenzó su primera presentación en Buenos Aires con "Candy Shop".

Las 66 mil personas que llenaban el Estadio River deliraron con la increíble aparición de la dama: sentada en un sillón con un gran despliegue de bailarines, pantallas y luces. Antes de "The Beat Goes On", Madonna saludó a la audiencia: "Hello, Buenos Aires", fueron sus primeras palabras. Para la tercera cancíón, "Human Nature", la diva se calzó un sombrero blanco mientras en las pantallas pasaban imágenes de Britney Spears, Pharrel Williams y Kanye West. Luego, Madonna salía para su primer cambio de vestuario y el fin del primer segmento de su concierto: ese en el que todos vimos en vivo y en directo que todas las fotos que observamos sobre su gira eran, ni más ni menos, que una verdad irrefutable (¿cómo se mete un covertible blanco en un escenario y se lo da vuelta como si nada?).

La segunda parte de su show fue la pop, con "Into The Groove" como caballito de batalla y, al mismo tiempo, burla al rock de atletas que ella misma encarna (mientras las pantallas mostraban a unas siluetas animadas saltando la soga Mrs. Ciccone, con look de boxeadora, hizo lo mismo en vivo y en directo, dando cuenta de su excelente estado físico). Una versión hard rock del clásico "Borderline", de su álbum debut, la llevó a empuñar su guitarra por segunda vez en la noche. Y, para "She’s Not Me", aparecieron varias falsas Madonnas, junto con fotos que recorrieron todas las épocas y looks de la cantante (salvo su veta porno soft). Esta lección de música para las masas terminó con "Music" en versión hip hop, y varios cráneos desnucados dando vueltas por todo el estadio y alrededores.

Tras un interludio de danza étnica en "Rain", otro nuevo vestuario y una sentida toma de "Devil Wouldn’t Recognize You" hizo que Madonna se ponga su nuevo traje camaleónico: el de la cantaora flamenca / étnica. Doce bailarines con togas negras en "Spanish Lesson", y la suma de músicos gitanos para "Miles Away", "La isla bonita" (en versión símil Gogol Bordello) y un inevitable en las tierras de Eva Duarte: "Don´t Cry For Me Argentina", después de "You Must Love Me", iconografía justicialista incluida (la bandera de guerra argenta más una noche con un clima, parafraseando al General, bien peronista) .

Y, otra vez, un nuevo look de hombreras brillantes y la aparición en pantalla de Justin Timberlake y Timbaland adornaron el single "4 Minutes", que fue seguido por un gran segmento dance con "Like a Prayer" y "Ray of Light".

Entonces fue cuando se dio la estudiada salida de libreto (no olvidar que en esta seguidilla de cuatro shows se está grabando un DVD): "Esta es la parte del show en la que le pregunto al publico qué canción de mis oldies quieren escuchar". "Like a Virgin" fue el tema elegido por una persona del publico, un tal Tomás, después de que Madonna preguntara si ya habían tenido suficiente y con la pantalla enfocando, en primer plano, a un desatado… ¡Pablito Ruiz! coreando el tema. El grand finale fue el esperado: sus recientes hits "Hung Up" y "Give It 2 Me" dejaron a los concurrentes más que satisfechos. La primera de las revanchas, mañana, a la misma hora y en el mismo lugar.

Producción, informes y textos: Yamila Trautman y Pablo Strozza

Fotos: Rafa Suarez

Mirá la lista de temas

"Candy Shop"

"The Beat Goes On"

"Human Nature"


"Die Another Day" (intervalo con video)

"Into the Groove"



"She’s Not Me"


"Rain" (intervalo con video)

"Devil Wouldn’t Recognize You"

"Spanish Lesson"

"Miles Away"

"La isla bonita"

"You Must Love Me"

"Don’t Cry For Me, Argentina"

"Get Stupid"

"4 Minutes"

"Like a Prayer"

"Ray of Light"

"Hung Up"

"Give It 2 Me"


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Beyond positive. Those reviews are great and the audience amazing.

is this the first time Madonna gives an extra to the show? (Don't cry for me Argentina)

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All i can say it's wowww....it was the first time ever i went to a Madonna show and it was incredible, amazing night amazing crowd and Madonna was........that woman it's out of this world, she moves and moves and sang for two straight hours!!!! she was more than happy and the crown .....my god i will never forget to see the entire stadium jumping and singing during like a prayer, ray of light and give it 2 me, it was amazing, well i will post photos maybe tomorrow now i'm partying in Bs As jejejeje.........she sang the entire don't cry for me Argentina with the hole stadium and in the screens the flag of Argentina was there, the requested song was like a virgin so we had 2 sing a long songs!!!!!!!! My %$#/%$ god wait till you see the dvd we are the best crowd ever !!!!!!lol

see you guys

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