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Posts posted by MadFan

  1. 2 hours ago, Gaudet said:

    There should be no bloody leisure walks or jogging, ffs

    I agree with everything you said except this. Gyms are shut & not everyone has equipment at home, if I couldn't exercise or ever leave the house I'd lose my fucking sanity. :lmao:

    This virus is not airborne, It spreads through exhaled droplets of moisture which can land on surfaces that are touched by others. There's nothing wrong with a solo jog or walk if you keep clear of others.

  2. 1 hour ago, Dany Targaryen said:

    I'm not gonna lie guys, I'm scared.

    I have some health issues, and the situation is becoming more scary every day. I've been to the market and the supplies are getting bad. People on TV are saying that millions could die, and my father is very meak right now. If he gets the virus, he's history.

    And whenever I stop to think about this, I get very scared. Because this virus speads like nothing we've ever seen. And if we have to keep the whole system in lockdown for too long, it will crumble.

    And that's what biggest fear is. We can't sustain food, water, energy and money, if everybody's in lockdown. What are we supposed to do?

    I completely hear your concerns, especially with a sick, old, or weak parent. It's terrifying. My mom is also immunocompromised because she has ulcerative colitis. It's such a scary time for everyone because we don't know how to cure it, or when it will end.

    Stop watching TV if you have to - they're in their glory because this is a ratings gold mine. And if this is any help: the reality is that history has and will always have pandemics, and in terms of mortality rate this one doesn't even hold a candle to another recent one like Ebola (though I appreciate that Ebola is harder to transmit), let alone Spanish flu. We're also in the best and most advanced position that we've ever been in medically and scientifically to fight it. Italy's peak is now expected to be some time between now and the end of next week, and then it should go down. The global position is not too far behind that. We're riding the worst of it now, but it will get better. 💋

  3. Just now, karbatal said:

    In Spain is all about blaming the left wing and nationalism. I'm detoxing from now on. 

    Yeah right now I'm getting things done I've been meaning to do, a course online about learning foreign languages, and reading into meditation. And my place has never been cleaner. :lol:


  4. 7 minutes ago, karbatal said:

    I was stupid enough to read social media these days. The stupidity and selfishness of those people is incredible. 

    I logged IN and immediately back OUT.

    Stories of people in large groups, statuses from gays about how their Pride body will be affected...


  5. 1 hour ago, rebelvvv said:

    Cause math and common sense is beyond many people.  Tons of MN regulars saying the exact thing on this thread alone until I started posting a week ago and now suddenly everyone "knew all along".  Revisionist history at its best.


  6. 43 minutes ago, Suedehead said:

    If only a few of these self indulgent assholes donated some money to make more ventilators or even protective equipment for clinical frontline staff that would be far more helpful than hearing their shitty ass off key voices singing the most overrated song of all time



  7. These giant corporations paying millions to their 'Risk management' teams this whole time...puh-lease.

    It just reinforces how little "wealth" is actually real and how much of it is just perceived value. One change in perception and the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.

  8. My best friend is a nurse in Holland, just told me that at his hospital 50 out of the 96 patients in critical care are under 50 years old. But this kind of news isn't broadcasted by our news or governments at all.

    It's not only serious for the elderly.

  9. 8 hours ago, acko said:

    Those clips overdubbed with American pop songs are not cute in fact, they are in bad taste .

    This is directed @ me, sorry if I offended babe, the laugh is in that celebs could believe that those flop B tracks would be sung by anyone, much less a group of Italians on their balconies. :lol: Not, of course, in the terrifying situation itself...


  10. 52 minutes ago, karbatal said:

    Sorry but no. 

    It's all about having another way of life that normally (when there's no dangerous pandemic originated by people brewing bats and eating them) is far more healthier. No wonder in South Korea the population was restraint when they're enslaved by 60 hours a week system and are usually treated like robots. Not to mention that China is a dictatorship. 

    This is the first dangerous pandemia we suffer in the first world and obviously we are not used to this. But I'm not changing my way of life in the future, once this is over. I'm not becoming a sheep.

    Huh? Lol I don't wanna change my lifestyle either, I'm just saying how, amidst a pandemic, they tested for the virus earlier, and more widely, than almost any other country. Free of charge.

    Early and widespread testing appears to be a better indicator of success in outcomes - see: the very low death rates in Germany.

    There are a few reasons for why this may be. E.g.

    1. Early testing means faster ID and quarantine and slower spread, giving the health care system a fighting chance.

    2. Early ID means faster medication intervention if needed, leading to better outcomes.

    3. ID'ing all of the cases increases the denominator and lowers the fatality rate.

    Our health agencies should always have plans for an outbreak not sit around with their thumbs up their asses until one happens. :lol: :fag:💋

  11. 43 minutes ago, XXL said:


    Exactly what I meant before

    They're all a bunch of 🤡

    Secretary of State Pompeo renaming it the Wuhan virus rather than utilising the scientific name (as everybody anywhere else has been calling it) COVID19 or Coronovirus says it all, people strumentalising the problem against China or the Chinese are the worst

    Then when the issue appears in your own backyard is a whole different song, isn't it. And thank God China and other South East Asian countries have managed well in terms of containment and significant decrease in new cases

    To be fair XXL, while this is obviously not the average Chinese citizen's fault nor should we tolerate sinophobia, the reality is that COVID-19 most likely originated in China's wild animal markets that should have been banned after SARS if not before. They remain a totalitarian state with a dangerous government who have vastly underreported their cases, censored and very likely killed one of their whistleblower doctors and tried to censor others, used propaganda that the US military started the virus, and still have trade in ivory, bear parts, etc. Among their many other crimes against humanity, democracy, free speech, and society. There's nothing exemplary about that.

    Nor does the "blame" lie entirely on China. We all have to ask questions and hold our governments (and others) to account.

    The South Korean people, leadership and healthcare system appears to be far more competent than the majority of the "first world" countries. They have data, they are using it, and they are moving forward. Once we're all through this we need to ask why we aren't meeting their standards.

    We also need to rethink our relationship with meat and the environment, immediately. If we continue to eat and encroach on wildlife habitats mindlessly, we will have more global pandemics to come.

  12. Canada's imposed a global travel advisory and Toronto is beginning to shut down.

    Among the services that will not be available from Saturday are all public libraries and licensed daycare centres.

    Affected programmes and facilities also include:

    • City-operated March break camps.
    • Community and recreation centres.
    • Greenhouses and conservatories.
    • Pools.
    • Fitness centres.
    • Ski hills.
    • City-operated galleries and museums.
  13. Things are starting to really kick off here now: I work in a department of 250 on a single floor and no laptops or phones to work from home - yesterday they shut down the entire building down the road because someone tested positive.

    The next few days are gonna be fun...

  14. Not peer reviewed so keep that in mind but evidence now suggests it can spread through breathing as well.

    "Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota: 'The findings [of the study] confirm that COVID-19 is spread simply through breathing, even without coughing. Don't forget about hand washing, but at the same time we've got to get people to understand that if you don't want to get infected, you can't be in crowds. Social distancing is the most effective tool we have right now.'" Source.

  15. 1 hour ago, Raider of the lost Ark said:

    It appears that HIV patients are safe. They are already testing HIV medication to fight Covid 19. At this moment the results seem to be the most promising. 


    That's fascinating, considering Coro is airborne...

  16. 6 hours ago, Jazzy Jan said:

    Agree 100 %.   So sick of the whole " women don't support each other"  when calling out the likes of Margaret Thatcher.  Being strong and iron-clad is abhorrent and cruel when policies are so damaging to so many.  Seen it on this forum too - the whole " women should support other women"   I will never support ANYONE who I find hard, damaging and dangerous. Man or woman.  Also agree with how insane it is that people now are called "the loony left"  for wanting things such as health care and a fair tax system that does not favour the ultra wealthy.  As you said,  everyone on the so called left is made to feel they have to be conservative.  I watch with horror as people that have benefited from such things as medicare, great working conditions, penalty rates etc now being made to feel that these things are wrong and some even getting swayed by corporations, the right wing media and business groups.  

    Absolutely. I've seen this point made in this thread, but it bears repeating that Bernie Sanders would be considered about centre-left in Canada and from what I gather most of the Western world. If any political candidate tried to abolish universal healthcare here, they would be considered further right than the most far-right party that we have, and laughed out of the room. It's heartbreaking for me that Americans will once again likely not be able to vote for universal healthcare. Having to make choices like putting food on the table or getting medical treatment - that's not histrionic rhetoric, that's reality. That the GOP party is so far right that any "electable Democrat" has to basically be 'Conservative-lite' is insane - and left-wing Americans have to compromise their values and desires every election. That's exactly why Bernie Sanders appeals to so many people - it's some long-needed fucking normality, and it's absolutely abnormal that he would not be able to pass common-sense legislation even if he were elected. That's not a failure on the part of Bernie, but on American society.

    It might be frustrating for Americans to see the rest of us weighing in all the time, I honestly just want what's best for you guys because it impacts all of us and historically the US and Canada have had a fabulous relationship. Huge symbolic ripples across the world obviously - the far right globally feel more emboldened than they have in decades. Foreign policy, trade, etc. And back to healthcare, Coronavirus is going to spread much more than it would have, in your country and mine, because Trump's administration gutted the government agency that focused on tackling these scenarios, and disregarded the WHO. You also have a large population who are forced financially to work while symptomatic and especially to avoid medical treatment. And yet here we are watching as you go into yet another election where you likely will not have a candidate who promises healthcare to be free at the point of access, and couldn't get it passed anyway.

    Obviously, I'd vote for a hair pin over Trump lol. 💋 Wishing you guys the best.

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