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promise to try

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Everything posted by promise to try

  1. well, I guess people are going to vote for kamala...not! trump is going to win easily, but at least the debates are going to be better.Anyways, it seems to me that they should have kept kamala for the next elections
  2. I didn´t have dooubtd about trump winning the elections. Now, we all know he is going to win. Unless the Simpson´s prediction happens, and he does this year
  3. or you don´t vote in the first one as a protest...it seems the first vote could be more with the heart, and the second week with the mind. Anyways, Lepen has millions of votes
  4. not if trump wins, it seems... anyways, I think it´s not a wise idea to have all those countries that have borders with Russia being in the nATo.I get why putin is not happy with that. Is like having the USSR having its misils in Cuba or Mexico, the USA wouldn´t be happy with that.
  5. well, so not a far right prime minister in France. It´s not a surprise for me, I mean, the system that it´s in France alowes you to think twice who do you want in charge.
  6. can somebody tell me what was/is the Rwanda plan? because I don´t know if I have understood it corerctly: was the british government planning on sending all the refugees to Kigali? even the ones that weren´t from there?
  7. so, the people with money will go to other countries...and the people without money...
  8. am I the only one that thinks that the west will sign a pact with Puttin, and that we are going to leave Ukraine alone? or even worse, that we are going to let Puttin do all the dirty job, and later we are all going to scrumble Ukraine between EU-USA-Russia?
  9. thank you raider!!!! I don´t know if the rest of the countries are better informed, but we don´t have good information about what´s happening in the rest of europe. Maybe we have more info about France, but not that much either.
  10. how important has the war in ucraine been in this election??? I mean, not here, but probably in the easter countries, it has been. Also, the green party, well, the german green party is with Israel in the genozide, aren`´t they? so maybe...
  11. it´s weird, because I have also read the opposite, that he wants a sease of fire...it´s so difficult to know what´s happening nowadays
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