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M14 updates 2

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1 hour ago, rayofgod said:

A friend just linked me to this video on Instagram...

I can usually spot a fake easily (like the albummagic account) but this really sounds like a Mirwais production.. American Life vibes.

It doesn't show up on Shazam either



Wow , I love it.. just few secs but I imagine this sound with her voice ..it will be a killer 😉

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I don't know what to make of it... the sound is exactly what I'd want for this album, and if it's real then there's a guarantee that the album will be experimental and rebellious (genre-wise) as many of us hope it will be.

It doesn't sound very Lisbon inspired though, although there are some 'world music' type drums right in the beginning?

Luckily there's still no threat of leaks since the person claims to be an insider and has some kind of permission to post that clip.

I'm hoping it's real, and if it isn't - I'm hoping the real thing is better


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I'd love a snippet from Madonna herself. Why the hell not? It would keep anticipation and discussion high, and it doesn't have to be super long 10 or so seconds is fine. Lots of artists today post snippets for the fans but I don't know if that's something she would do.

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