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Madonna to record a Michael Jackson's song?


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I'm sorry but on this case you are obviously highly misinformed. John Lennon gave the whole latter part of his life for charity and helping others. He didn't live a particularly outrageous or grand lifestyle. Yeah he had money, but that doesn't mean he was obsessed with his posessions. Like Madonna says, you can value the physical but don't ever rely on the idea that you actually HAVE it forever. It's quite shocking that someone would have this view of John as a greedy, selfish bastard. He was anything but! Your point is null and void and John basically ended the Beatles career to pursue a musical direction that supported what he felt were the more important things in life. He was very down to Earth and positive.


I think the son he abandoned for Yoko might have a different take on St.John.

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Maybe I shouldn't have responded to you in that manner, but in my experience, ones posts are quite reflective of the person. This is from someone who's met several people off Madonna messageboards.

Mother Theresa was more concerned with helping the poor, Martin Luther with black people... they weren't pop stars. That's what John Lennon was. Why is it that pop stars can't make a statement without some a-hole coming in saying "You don't know what it's like to be poor! Shut up". Even if they DO know what it's like to be in that state. Please. They have a large audience. Music affects a good portion of the world's population, and it's a great way to get a message across to the masses.

You don't sound awake.

I never said he didn't know what it was like to be poor! He was poor (or not well off anyway) growing up, then later became rich -one of the biggest beneficiaries of capitalism, you know, POSSESSIONS. By all means try and get a message across to people as a pop star, but if that message is 'there shouldn't be any possessions, everything should be shared equally' and you happen to be not only a millionnaire, but seemingly one who was not in the least bit interested in sharing his material wealth, expect someone to call you on your bullshit.

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Do we all need to give up our entire earnings and live in grass huts to show that we care about the less fortunate?


NO, CLEARLY NOT, but then DON'T sing 'imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can'?? It doesn't take an A level in philosophy to see the basic hypocrisy there right? It's like Mama Cass releasing a song advocating everyone to eat less, or George Michael releasing a stirring anti-drug anthem after being found slumped over the wheel of his car again. The message might be good, but how and why should it change the life of anyone listening to it when it clearly didn't change the mind of the person writing it?

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Guest Pud Whacker


NO, CLEARLY NOT, but then DON'T sing 'imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can'?? It doesn't take an A level in philosophy to see the basic hypocrisy there right? It's like Mama Cass releasing a song advocating everyone to eat less, or George Michael releasing a stirring anti-drug anthem after being found slumped over the wheel of his car again. The message might be good, but how and why should it change the life of anyone listening to it when it clearly didn't change the mind of the person writing it?

mark chapman? :scared:

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Guest bluejean


NO, CLEARLY NOT, but then DON'T sing 'imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can'?? It doesn't take an A level in philosophy to see the basic hypocrisy there right? It's like Mama Cass releasing a song advocating everyone to eat less, or George Michael releasing a stirring anti-drug anthem after being found slumped over the wheel of his car again. The message might be good, but how and why should it change the life of anyone listening to it when it clearly didn't change the mind of the person writing it?

The song 'Imagine' doesn't say "Give up all your possessions and share everything you own with everyone else." He's saying imagine if we didn't have all this greed, hunger and wars, and he's dreaming and hoping that one day the world can be free of those things.

The song isn't preaching to anyone to do anything but "imagine" what it would be like. It's an idea he's posing, not a reality.

I think you're missing the point of the song.

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The song 'Imagine' doesn't say "Give up all your possessions and share everything you own with everyone else." He's saying imagine if we didn't have all this greed, hunger and wars, and he's dreaming and hoping that one day the world can be free of those things.

The song isn't preaching to anyone to do anything but "imagine" what it would be like. It's an idea he's posing, not a reality.

I think you're missing the point of the song.

So the point of the song is to hear the song, IMAGINE if everything was nice and equal, and then keep sitting on your pile of enormous wealth whilst Africa starves, but somehow feel BETTER about doing so, because you WISH the world was different.

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I'm sorry but you are purely full of bullshit. How much do you give to charity of your earnings? For any person of notoriety or fame, the best they can give to any charity is awareness. Imagine is simply a song that is supposed to explore a new possibility of living. It isn't saying anywhere that posessions and the people that posess them are evil. It is saying IMAGINE a new unity, a life where all these things DONT MATTER. Like I said before, it is having the concept that your posessions are attached to YOU that is detrimental to yourself. Of course, you ignored it as you are too ignorant or too obsessed with the concept that John is a twisted hypocrite. John didn't create all the unequality of the world, just like he didn't fix it. I really don't know what your problem is. If you don't like the song that is up to you, however please don't try to taint its meaning or Johns intention. Maybe it is because YOU, yourself cannot see beyond the physical that you have the difficulty of understanding this VERY SIMPLE song.

I give £6 a month to a cancer research charity by direct debit, aside from which if I have change I will donate to a good cause when I see a collection. It probably doesn't amount to much but it's what I feel I can afford. None of which is relevant because I'm not advocating a world with no property. You seem to be very good at attacking me, and putting words in my mouth (where did I accuse John Lennon of creating all the inequality in the world??) but not what I'm actually arguing. It's slightly off topic, but on the subject of famous people and giving; charity begins at home, and I don't see any reasons for famous people who are also very wealthy (as often happens) not to give their own money as well as raise awareness of issues, especially if they are asking others to do the same.

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