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Everything posted by Michael.

  1. That’s exactly my point though. The perception people have is they were better under Trump because they were. But it had nothing to do with him. Inflation and cost of living are a result of COVID and various other factors and are effecting everyone globally. But the average voter isn’t smart enough to understand that. Exactly same thing is playing out in Australia. The government released the latest economic data showing increase in GDP and inflation at 2.1%. The economy is recovering and doing great under Albo but voters aren’t experiencing those benefits yet. (Or if you read the comments most people don’t even believe the data and just claim they’re made up figures). Interest rates are still high so the voters are blaming Labor. Then add a complicit media who take any chance to beat up the PM. Just look at the reporting about the Qantas upgrades. Meanwhile everyone in the Coalition got the same benefits and media has been largely silent. Bridget McKenzie who was on every news program attacking Albo just admitted she got 16 upgrades herself. The hypocrisy is outstanding and the media just gloss over it.
  2. Personally I think it just comes down to cost of living and inflation. The perception is that people had it easier under Trump. The Dems have been blamed for it though and one actually listens or believes the facts anymore so they were unable to change the narrative. Also immigration and the border played a big factor. A second Trump presidency is going to be 10000% times worse than his first. It’s going to be a shit show.
  3. At least he won’t be able to run again, but seriously what the actual fuck.
  4. I hope I’m wrong but I think Trump will win.
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