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OPENING NIGHT THREAD: Live from Montreal - updates in real time.. (part 1)

Platinum Gold

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My laptop is ready for tonight, and my body is more than ready for my first Madonna show on January 27th. It's going to be a great tour! Bring it on!

That's a great message from Liz Smith, by the way.

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Tonight I'll know if my artwork will be part of the show or not. I am SO FUCKING EXCITED at the prospect of seeing pictures and video of MY drawings actually on screen with Madonna performing in front of it. I'll cry, I'll literally break down and cry!!!

OMG I forgot about this. I hope mine's in it too!!! But I'm sure yours is a shoo in!!!!!

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Madonnas top 9 tours ranked.

ALthough I dont agree with the order, its still nice to see.

My favorote phrase:

Frankly, until the Blond Ambition Tour came along, we had no idea what a concert could be. This show created the template for the modern-day Madonna concert.


I like this ranking

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Tonight I'll know if my artwork will be part of the show or not. I am SO FUCKING EXCITED at the prospect of seeing pictures and video of MY drawings actually on screen with Madonna performing in front of it. I'll cry, I'll literally break down and cry!!!

I wonder if it will be shown during the (ridiculously long) wait before M takes the stage. Hope your artwork shows up!
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