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We need a place where we can post rare/hard-to-find interviews, preferably without many discussion tangents. Just a place where we can collect them all.

I'll start with the uncut studio footage from MTV's Ultra Sound: The Making of Ray Of Light:

Anyone know where the full VH1 One2One interview from '95 is?

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Not really an "interview," but I think it's worth posting here:


Sorry vocalism, but I can't find the full, uncut "One2One" interview. And thanks for posting the "Dinner with Madonna" one! I was going to ask, but you beat me to it! :smooch:

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^ loved that interview but she was such an ice queen during the majority of it. Talk about clash of the titans, you could clearly see Madonna getting irritated by Oprah's constant need to butt in and talk over Madonna. I don't think she was quite used to being interviewed by someone probably as famous as herself. It was a weird dynamic. The ROL and English Roses interviews were much less awkward to view and Madonna had tangibly become a softer more down to earth person.

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Guest material_boy

Two early interviews with MTV:

I love the quick smackdown of John Oates. She's not heated at all -- just direct and factual. He has no comeback. Perfect.

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We need a place where we can post rare/hard-to-find interviews, preferably without many discussion tangents. Just a place where we can collect them all.

I'll start with the uncut studio footage from MTV's Ultra Sound: The Making of Ray Of Light:

Anyone know where the full VH1 One2One interview from '95 is?

this was so cool, she was truly inspired at this time. the Madonna Rising interview from around this time was fascinating aswell.

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Two things I just noticed about that ROL interview. First, she talks about a dream she had where was in an art class and she was the canvas. Some girl painted a sad clown face on her and she started to cry ("Applause"/Artpop anyone?).

Also, Kurt asks her what she's listening to and she says Daft Punk (presumably their first album). I dread her working with them and everyone saying she's jumping on the bandwagon because a) they'd be partly right, but b) she's been a fan since day one. I just wish she had worked with them 15 years ago.

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"I live like a GYPSY"

Did Gaga study this interview too?

. Most of today's Pop tarts have studied Madonna's interviews like Christians study the Bible.

GaGa and Christina are the most obsessive. My jaw drops at how much they try to imitate her in their interviews and try to act like these are their own thoughts. It's embarrassing.

People go on about how artist copy Madonna's style in looks and music, but her whole persona is copied in almost stalker uh fashion. Has there ever been an artist who inspires such a degree of all-round imitation?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Rocco Papa

Have you guys seen this one? "Weird Al" "interviews" Madonna...

"Say hello Madonna." "Hello hello hello" :lol:

Here's the original...

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Here's one interview from the early 90s where she specifically mentions having an agenda (around 3 minute mark). Should be required viewing for little monsters and anyone who feels she is just now using gay rights as trying to stay relevant:


Edited by rocknrolla
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Can anyone link up the infamous Jane Pauley Today show interview from 1987?

There is an uncut 45 minute version on YouTube, and talk about Jane trying to come at Madonna and start drama!

I watched this interview in full a few months ago and I was MESMERIZED by it

Jane's cuntiness towards Madonna has to be seen to be believed!

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Guest Rocco Papa

Can anyone link up the infamous Jane Pauley Today show interview from 1987?

There is an uncut 45 minute version on YouTube, and talk about Jane trying to come at Madonna and start drama!

I watched this interview in full a few months ago and I was MESMERIZED by it

Jane's cuntiness towards Madonna has to be seen to be believed!

Here you go... :)

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I just watched the entire Jane Pauley interview from 1987 for the first time, and I did not think Jane was as bad as I have always heard! Not until the last five minutes, with her whole "I feel like I've hit a wall bit."

Obviously she thought she was not getting the interview she wanted, but Madonna actually opened up to her a bit more than she has to others.

Worst interview I have ever seen was in 1998 or '99, for 60 Minutes, with some ass hat hammering away at M., basically demanding that she renounce her past actions and say that she regretted them in light of her new spiritual ROL era.

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