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Raider of the lost Ark

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Posts posted by Raider of the lost Ark

  1. You know when they say "save the best for last". I'm pretty sure, this applies to Don jr. It is still not really clear what happened at that Trump Tower meeting. About Russian adoptions it was not, we know that. I sincerely hope, they have something on Don jr. and it will be fun to watch what his despicable father will do. Throw his son under the bus or pardon him. 

    Anyway, as horrible as his presidency is, there is a glimmer of hope. Once it is over, he will be the most depised president ever. And where will he go? Where will he live? Will he ever be able to go out in public? If he moves back to NYC, I can see him totally shunned everywhere. I doubt anyone will invite him. He will sit in his ugly tower, in his faux Versailles in the sky, alone, isolated. And Milania will be gone, the minute his presidency ends. 

  2. 15 hours ago, Jazzy Jan said:

    Love Nancy !  

    Does anyone else find those chanting "  USA USA USA "  like they are at a world sporting event so annoying and arrogant ?  

    I'm afraid, the rest of the world will never really understand that kind of patriotism. Even worse, the tradition of rallying around the flag. But I guess being German makes me especially suspicious about those things. After all, the history of my country shows clearly what happens when patriotism turns into nationalism. Now most Germans are only patriotic when there are championships and Germany is playing a great game. Other than that, no one really cares. The concept itself seems so superficial. The whole "I'm proud to be American (or German)"? While I'm proud of the many achievements of my country in so many fields, I never felt pride for the mere fact that I was born in this particular country. As if I had any choice? Ridiculous. It's the same when people claim the U.S. (or any other country) is "the greatest country ever". Such thing simply does not exist. 

  3. 7 hours ago, karbatal said:

    I read somewhere that Germany will be the most affected country. We all will lose a lot, tbqh, because Spain exports so many agricultural items, for example. This is not benefiting anybody. 

    What we shouldn't expect anytime soon is a Nethernexit. The country is LOADED with all this Brexit thinngs. Most firms and such are moving from UK to the Netherlands to keep working in the common market! Even EU agencies. 

    We will have to wait and see what happens. But that does not mean Germany is not prepared. I'm pretty sure, preparations started immediately after the Brexit vote. You know, if Germany wants one thing above everything  else, it's stability. Of course, Germany will no longer export so much to the UK but I don't think it will be a desaster of epic proportions. Afterall there are certain industrial things where Germany is the sole producer or the producer of the premium product. If people want it, they will pay for it, even if it's more expensive. That's why I always found Trumps threats about higher taxes for German cars laugable. As if someone in the US who can afford an expensive Audi, Mercedes, BMW or Porsche cares about a few thousand dollars more. 

    I also think that Spain should not really worry about their agriculture or tourism. The UK will still buy fruits and vegetables from Spain. Where else are they supposed to get these things? From the US? That will be just as expensive. And keep in mind they don't have trade deals immediately after the Brexit. UK citizens will still travel to Spain. A 2 Hours flight to get in the sun. What's the alternative? UK citizens will end up paying more when the pound crashes but will they stop travelling or buying Spanish fruit and vegetable. I don't think so. 

  4. And there are still some British politicians who claim Germany and France will cave in the very last minute "because those countries need the UK". Obviously they still have not understood how it works, that every EU member needs to agree to such deal. It really shows how unprepared the UK really is in case of a hard Brexit. It's frightening. 

  5. 12 hours ago, windsor67 said:

    Stop it with the exaggeration about brexit 

    🇬🇧 will be better off in the long run and the disruptions will be minimal

    i love Europe and its utopia but the U.K. does not belong, and the U.K. certainly does not need any lessons about democracy and human rights from Brussels. The U.K. is the mother of modern democracy and was always there when all these countries were having their nationalist quarrels. 

    No country in the world is more multicultural than the U.K. 

    europe is rife with far right parties. Extremism never made a mark in the U.K. unlike mainland europe

    brexit is about independence, being able to do your own trade deal, it is about opening oneself to the world

    meanwhile all the European countries have a far right party that gets a lot of votes, even Spain where the PP incorporated francoists 

    not everything is black and white

    and I despise the antisemitism from so many people who are left wing


    Fasten your seatbelt, it's gonna be a bumpy ride. 

    But we should stay civilized. Therefore Europe would like to thank you for all the banks, insurances and companies that move their headquarters to Paris, Amsterdam and Frankfurt because they are no longer able to do business with the EU from the City of London. We would like to thank you for the heavily needed workforce in healthcare and care for the elders by kicking all those Wonderful Polish and Baltic workers out. We would like to thank you for strenghtening European universities and research institutes by sending top people, because staff has no longer access to European research funds at British research hubs. And the list goes on. So much to be thankful for. Be proud of yourselves, you did it all on your own. Of couse, when the shit hits the fan, there will be mass amnesia and all of the UK will claim it's all the evil EUs fault. But that's fine. We are used to this fairytale. 

    By the way, Scotland and Northern Ireland are very welcome in the EU, if they want to join. Wales? Well, I guess they really need to come crawling. They were especially ungrateful considering the EU probably did more for Wales than the British government ever has. 

  6. I don't get the whole "democracy" and "people have spoken" argument. What do they think elections are? Every four years people change their minds and vote a new government or parliament. It happens all the time. And what I will never understand is that for such a radical move as the Brexit a simple majority is sufficient. Most countries have huge hurdles when it comes to really important legal matters like changing the constitution or things that affect the majority of the citizens of a country. For those things usually a two third majority is needed and to make it even harder they have a quorum set. Without these hurdles a minority is very well able to change things in a way that they might be negative for certain parts of society or society in general. Exibit A) Brexit. 

  7. 10 hours ago, VogueMusic said:

    It's crap like this that makes people who might otherwise actually care about animal rights just roll their eyes and not care instead. 

    PETA tries and always fails.

    So true. I have not heard of them in ages here in Germany. I think the nail to their coffin was a campaign where they compared the situation of caged animals to the Holocaust. 

  8. 14 hours ago, Magician said:




    Ahead of the curve? Well, only if begging the OPEC to not lower the oil output so US citizens can still get their cheap fuel  is ahead of the curve? The truth is, his loyal subjects will get very angry with winter coming and they may need to pay substantially more money for fuel and heating oil, not to mention for products that contain oil, so basically everything plastic. Say goodbye to the money you saved by lowered taxes. And emmissions went down in the US? How is that possible considering the hundreds of coal mines re-opened and giving tens of thousands of workers their jobs back. …. Oops, that never happened.

  9. 2 hours ago, sotos8 said:

    That's because the left wing In Europe has failed miserably and they don't even get it .They were soaked in scandals and corruption as governments and the lost touch with the people .It's the same in every European country 

    Where in Europe is the so called "left wing" still existent? When it comes to political parties I would like to argue that everything has become very centrist and that it is exactly the absence of a real "left wing" alternative that is responsible for the rise of right wing groups. All they have to do is to pick up all those who are unhappy how things are going or hijacking movements that may even have a proper cause like those yellow vests. Is someone seriously believing those riots were initiated by normal citizens that were demonstrating against that fuel tax? 

  10. I have lost all patience with these ignorant people. Even people that have no real insight in certain industries and only use simple logic understand that certain things simply cannot work out or come back. How many coal mines have been re-opened? Yeah right. Exactly. Because coal is such progressive and above all profitable thing. I bet there are some TV technicians still waiting for their tube TV factories to be re-opened as well. All it takes is to open your eyes to see that the US is lacking knowledge and skills in so many industries and they are producing sub-par products that cannot stand a chance on international markets. How many US cars do you see on European Streets? Exactly. Step by step US consumers realize that they can get better, much better with non-American products. And what is Trumps solution? Slapping tariffs on foreign products to make them more expensive and in result making the US products cheaper and therefore more competive. It's the oldest trick in the book. It's basically the same as decreasing the value our your currency artificially. Exactly what southern European countries have done for ages before the Euro. In the long-term this is the worst you can do because you do not invest in improving your products. But long-term is unheard of in US financial circles anyway. They want return of investment immediately.  And shareholders always come first. Again, all of this is not witchcraft our nuclear science, no one should be surprised about factory closings and people losing there jobs. But there is hope. Without the Influx of workers from Middle and South America, American farmers are in dire need of workers picking fruit. 

  11. 31 minutes ago, Magician said:

    Another one bites the dust. I’m surprised he didn’t get fired much sooner the way Trump taunted him and threatened to fire him almost daily.


    He waited until the midterms were over. Firing him before would not have been a good picture because this is clearly about Sessions recusal from the Mueller investigation. The only thing he has done right. With all other things, shady things, he was playing the good soldier. But Trump never forgave him the recusal. Trump is a vindictive asshole. It's not the first time. And he is a coward. He never fires anyone himself. It has been revealed that once again Chief of Staff Kelly had to do it. 

  12. But Jazzy, think About the milions of Jobs that will be lost when you stop doing Business with dictatorships. So So sad. 

    I can only speak for Germany and the truth is, no one will lose his/her Job when they stop doing Business with certain parties, unless stopping Business completely. And I would like to believe in most of the so called 1st world countries, the Situation is the same, Businesses can't afford to let any staff members go because they may have to shut down production because there is simply no qualified workforce available anymore or no one is willing to work in certain industries (retail, hospitality etc.) because they pay so low wages, that they have to hire students or lease staff (which funnily enough Costs them way more Money then hire someone full time and pay them properly). 


  13. This is fake, right? If not, I hope they kick him out of the country. Or the Queen may cancel the meeting? It's hilarious that all other members of the Royal Family had prior commitments. Yeah Right. The younger ones despise him with passion and would not honor him with their presence. They most definitely did not forget how he treated Obama. 

    Anyway, on CNN they had an editor of the Spectator (I suppose that's a right wing or at least conservative publication?) who had the nerve to call the demonstrators "rude" because some had signs calling Trump a racist and a fascist. It starts getting annoying. In the name of freedom of speech they say the most offensive and divisive things, yet other people making use of their freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are "rude". Democracy truly is on life support.

  14. 3 hours ago, Morevi said:

    if it's about the sample, and the song will be a hit, then it's good for M.

    For younger generation this will confirm M's legend status once again. I hate to say this though.. but while Oseary is doing nothing, this kind of 'promo' could possibly work.

    This is not true. He is taking care of his Investments in Ãœber and AirBnB. This is sharing economy, it's more important than Madonna. Sharing is caring. (Where do I find a sarcasm Emoji, for f*cks sake?)

  15.  Is anyone else confused about the mini submarines by Elon Musk? I can't help to think this is for PR purposes only. How are those supposed to be helpful in this particular situation? I guess they did not watch the news? They are showing models of the caves and the way they have to take through the tunnels all the time. Much of this is extremely narrow, they basically have to climb through holes. Not everything is under water. There is just no way they could use those submarines in there. 

  16. When will he be in Great Britain? Can't wait to see the crowds demonstrating against this idiot. It's gonna be fun and uplifting to see people make a stand. But I guess in his warped mind he will claim people are just there to cheer to him. He really is the Pippi Longstocking of politics. And not only because of the red hair. 


  17. What a coward he is. When he was still at the meeting, he told the press how great the relationship with all the other allies is. A 10! And as soon as he fled the meeting to meet with a dictator he is voicing what he really thinks? 

    The U.S. (the beacon of democracy, allegedly) has sunken so low with its current administration. Everyone should have realized by now that Trump does not want to be president, he wants to be an autocratic ruler that is not limited or controlled by other governing parts in a democracy such as courts and parliaments. There is a reason why he seems to get along quite well or at least has a strange admiration for dictatorships, from North Korea to Russia, from Saudi Arabia to Israel (at least when it comes to Netanyahu) and China. When he talks about good relationships he expects other countries to bow down before the U.S. We have reached a point were people in the U.S. really need to step in. He is alienating the U.S. and is doing huge damage how the rest of the first world and developing countries see the U.S. We have reached a point where there is hardly any trust left, at some point there'll be no allies left. America alone it is. 

    And what about all his lies about trade? Did he take a course at Trump University in macro economics? Other countries are robbing the U.S.? What a nonsense. The truth is that no one forced U.S. consumers or U.S. companies to buy products from outside the U.S. They just do. For various reasons. a) they are cheaper than U.S. products b) the U.S. does not even produce certain goods anymore, because they can be produced cheaper outside of the U.S. or the U.S. are no longer able to produce certain goods (machines and materials) anymore because they do not have the knowledge/skills and technologies and c) quality. Instead of adressing the real issues why the U.S. do have this huge trade deficit (which is actually not that big with certain countries if you add investments to the equation, but of course that doesn't fit the narrative) Trump is blaming others. The truth is, the U.S. problems are home made. a) It was the U.S. economy that decided at some point that producing certain goods in China, India or Mexico is he logical thing to do because those goods can be produced much cheaper there, compared to the U.S.(lower wages, less regulation regarding workers rights, health, safety issues). b) The financial strategy of U.S. corporations and investment funds is the quick buck. Every Dollar invested must create a nice profit immediately for owners and share holders. Putting money away for development and research to improve your products and keep them competitive in the future. In result certain materials and goods need to be bought overseas. Which was no issue until now. But with the tariffs? The very reason why U.S. companies that are supposed to be protected by Trumps measures are protesting is because they rely on high finished aluminium and steel from other countries because the technologies needed, simply do not exist in the U.S. If this steel or aluminium were needed for one of Trumps ugly buldings, he would sing a different tune. Oh, I forgot the Trump hotel in Vegas was build with Chinese steel as far as I remember. c) Quality. U.S. products are not really known to be of best quality. Not to talk about chlorine-washed chicken and food that contains genetically altered ingredients. The U.S. have not understood that there is a market outside of the U.S. that has different needs and different expectations. The U.S. were spoilt for two decades after 1945 and exporting goods to a war ridden Europe to re-build its countries. That made the U.S. the economic powerhouse it used to be. But at some point in the late 60s, early 70s with Europe having full functioning societies and economies again, European companies and consumers became independent and decided they want different, they want better. At this point the U.S. failed because they had this huge domestic market, that along created nice profits. Why care about foreign markets? You can see the results for quite some time already. European and Asian consumers are not interested in American cars (I use this example because Trump is riding it like a dead horse). They don't like the technical features and most above all the design. After all, a car is an emotional investment. 25% tariffs on American cars in Europe? Thinking this is the reason why no one buys them, just shows the ignorance. Just as believing that slapping a tariff of 25% on foreign cars in the U.S. will make U.S. consumers stay away from let's say German cars. What a joke. First of all, except for Audi all big German Brands do have production facilities in the U.S. BMW in Spartanburg is even exporting from there. Oh, the irony, a bad bad German car company that has basically created tens of thousands jobs in the area. High paid jobs. Secondly, does he really believe people with money will stop buying those expensive cars because they cost 15% more? Ridiculous. Again, cars are an emotional thing and at some price point a status symbol. And if "being part" means driving a BMW, Mercedes, Audi or Porsche, people will continue to buy them. Especially when U.S. car makers are unable to come up with cars that are equal in many ways. 

    And about the tariffs? Oh yes, they are so unfair. Well, someone may explain to him how it works and most above all that the U.S. agreed to those tariffs back in the day. Of course, Trump is a simple minded person. When he sees that European cars in the U.S. only have 10% slapped on them while U.S. cars in Europe have 25% slapped on them, it appears unfair. The truth is that this works vice versa with many other products. When those tariffs were negotiated, they were negotiated on an overall equation. A little give and take, but as we all know now, this has not really to do with the percentage at all. We know now that all of our Canadian, Japanese, European products are security threads to U.S. consumers. Again, what a joke.

    Sorry for my long post. 

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