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  1. he's going to turn the U.S. administrative state into a shitstorm like he did twitter. but that's the point. they want to kill it. trump gained votes from latino and black MEN because he ran a sexist, id-driven campaign that preyed on masculine insecurity. and the latino vote is way too nuanced to unravel here, but it's ultimately about identity politics and a desire to be white-adjacent. it will backfire on them if the nazi (oops, I mean white christian nationalist) ghouls in trump's new administration fulfill their promise to deport and even denaturalize latino citizens in an effort to purify the electorate. now let's unpack the "name-calling": trump's own VP called him a nazi. trump and his MAGA allies are the ones who called people "scum" and "garbage" and one she conveniently left out, "vermin," which is straight-up nazi propaganda. (biden used the word "garbage" to describe the rally speaker who called puerto rico "an island of garbage.") "fascist" is a political term for a wannabe fascist, which is what trump is. i suppose autocrat or authoritarian would be less offensive to those with more delicate sensibilities, but it's not "name-calling" to call a spade a spade. so yeah, that rosie person can fuck right off with her sanctimonious bothsides bullshit.
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