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Everything posted by cardiganstarlet

  1. I’m so sick of hearing how much money each side raises, as though it’s something to be proud of. These same structural problems will still be hear in another four years time.
  2. Well a bully would think like that. Instead of campaigning against a party and policy agenda, he SPECIFICALLY targets his rivals on very personal levels. Once again loser, you made a bad deal.
  3. ‘American exceptionalism’ is so incredibly toxic. Not sure how you can wind people back to a realistic point of view after a couple of hundred years of gaslighting.
  4. Everything about her just looks painful. And filler has to be one of the worst forms of enhancements by the cosmetic industry. Whoever invented the idea that looking swollen equals youth really made their mark.
  5. Actually the Australia policy is VERY problematic and has really been a win for conservative politics only, hence why it’s travelled by word of mouth and used be certain political groups as a ‘successful response’. It’s what inspired the UK conservative party’s obscene Rwanda scheme. By ‘stopping the boats’ our Australian Conservative Party was able to claim they had won the issue. And Labor have been too scared to touch it since. But what this actually involves is ‘offshore processing’ whereby Australia pays other countries to dump the refugees there. And the treatment of refugees includes mandatory detention, overcrowding, inadequate health care including mental health care, assault, sexual abuse, self-harm, ill-treatment and suspicious deaths. All illegal under UN conventions. But because it’s all done under ‘offshore processing’ the Australian government is able to claim they’re not responsible. Just one example of the ridiculousness of the policy - in 2014, the Australian Government agreed to pay the Cambodian government $55 million AUD to resettle refugees from Nauru. Cambodia agreed to take only those who agreed to go. Only seven did and most of them have now left Cambodia. Just shows what a political football the issue is. Ignorant people screaming that refugees are coming to live off benefits but happy for the government to use tax payers money to send them elsewhere.
  6. I think for a lot of people the despair is beyond the election. America has an internal rot, which has been growing for decades. Even if a Democrat takes the White House it isn’t going to stop the noise from the other side. Republicans have fully embraced fascism and authoritarianism, but I would hardly say Democrats are bastions of left wing ideals. And so the shitshow persists. As an outsider I’m sick of hearing all sides of their media about it being the best or only democracy in the world. About their freedoms. About their rights. This gaslighting of American exceptionalism (which is really just nationalism) is exactly how they/we got here. No country is perfect but I certainly wouldn’t put the US in the top ten if we’re weighing social-economic factors. And I’m sorry, I’m really not trying to be insulting to any American posters here. I do love to visit the country and think it’s beautiful both geographically and demographically. But for better or worse their politics trickle down toxically. Much like the capitalism that dominates their every political policy. Apologies for the rant.
  7. Bottom feeders. At some point you just need to accept that a (not so small) percentage of the country gravitate towards racism, hate, and the ‘strong man’ persona. They will never be reasoned with as they’re beyond misinformed and have a warped view of society in that it has robbed them. And in some instances that’s true but if you ask them to reflect on their voting patterns they’ll just stare at you blankly. The problem is this percentage of people are highly dangerous and drag the rest of us down with them with their voting habits. I hope Labour will use this opportunity to enact change and start real conversations about policies but I’m not so sure. It seems centre left parties (lol) across western countries are so determined to appear quasi conservative to appeal to constituents who will never vote for them at the next election cycle, that they end up wasting their time in power. Then again, maybe I’m just old and jaded.
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