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Posts posted by KalamazooJay

  1. 8 hours ago, VogueMusic said:

    To more than half of this country, yes, it's a huge deal.

    We need to stop seeing everything through the lens of his base someday waking up. It's a cult. Most likely they're never going to see the light.

    But for the historical record...for the straight up facts...for the rest of us, it does matter. Even if he's never impeached, the facts still matter.

    Of course Iā€™m in the category that believes itā€™s a huge deal. Itā€™s an unprecedented situation. And in a functioning democracy with a functioning national press, impeachment papers may very well start being drafted.Ā 

    I was more or less speaking from the point of view of a Trump supporter when I was asking if it were a ā€œbig dealā€. Because itā€™s prerty obvious his ā€œbaseā€ doesnā€™t think it is. NOTHING is a big deal to them. And thatā€™s what is so terrifying to me. Thereā€™s blatant criminal activity in front of their faces, and theyā€™re still more concerned about those illegals pouring across the borderĀ 

  2. But is this REALLY a big deal? Really? Do his supporters care? FoxNews had the story of the girl who was (tragically) killed by an illegal immigrant in Iowa as their top story last night. And while it is indeed a tragedy, for them to brush the Manafort and Cohen stories under the rug just goes to show the lengths theyā€™ll protect and insulate him. And they reach millions of people on a daily basis.Ā 

    So, Iā€™ll be curious to see if this really moves the needle. I mean, Iā€™ve said it time and time again, if his behavior over the last 70-some years hasnā€™t turned people off by now, nothing really will. They believe, despite how abominable he is, that heā€™s still better than the alternative - LIBERALS.Ā 

  3. 9 hours ago, Paul Wade said:

    I'd like to see Madonna give her twist on the Greta Garbo as Mata Hari look. What do you guys think?Ā 








    I love this.Ā 

    Itā€™s much more feminine and softer. The VMA look isnā€™t my fave. Thereā€™s a tad too much going on and comes across as a little ā€˜costume-yā€™. If sheā€™s gonna do the whole Earth Goddess thing 2.0, Iā€™d like to see to see more the Met Gala performance look in the white dress. Now THAT was absolutely gorgeous.Ā 

  4. 13 hours ago, Magician said:

    DelusionalĀ sleazy wench! :sour:

    NBC News:Ā WATCH: Kellyanne Conway, a senior adviser to President Trump: "Why is everybody so obsessed with the president of the United States that they can't even begin or finish a sentence without mentioning his name five times? It's kind of weird."



    The thing about this monster is that she is pretty incredible at what she does. She can spin and lie and spew garbage without any kind of hesitation. She does it with a smile. She has ZERO regard for facts and is able to NOT answer questions better than any official I've ever seen.Ā 

    What's REALLY unfortunate is that she sold her soul to her Trump without a second thought. She USED to be a very respectable and reputable conservative analyst and pollster. And while I didn't agree with anything she stood for, she used to be one of the 'better' republicans out there when she was giving her commentary.Ā 

    I hope she's happy with the money she's making while she walks this earth. It won't come in handy when she rots in hell.Ā 

  5. It is absolutely incredible to me that there are actually people out there (MILLIONS OF THEM) that GENUINELY are motivated by this type of shit. The fake 'War on Christmas', the idea that there are MILLIONS of Mexicans stampeding across the border, kneeling during the national anthem - they are TRULY bothered by it all. Never mind the decay in so many of our urban communities, the opiate problem ravaging rural America, the deficit which has EXPLODED again under Trump. Real issues that have serious consequences ARE NOT on their radar.Ā 

    No, they get whipped up into a frenzy by Trump and his accolades because people are taking away their right to sayĀ MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS.Ā Ā Ā 

    Deplorable's indeed.Ā 

  6. Well.Ā 

    I guess I'll take some crumbs from Madonna over nothing at all. And these are some pretty small fucking crumbs.Ā :chuckle:

    Oh well. It's something.Ā 

    The video is pretty opulent and reminds me of of her whole Super Bowl show and look.Ā Ā Maybe a little special effects-y but it is pretty gorgeous. The song has definitely grown on me and I'm sure it'll be on repeat by tomorrow.Ā Ā Ā 

  7. Only someone as mind boggling stupid as Sarah Palin could be 'duped' like this. Doesn't she have assistants or publicists or ANYONE that filters this shit for her?Ā 

    God she's the fucking worst. The original Donald Trump who helped usher in the current toxic political climate we're in.Ā 


  8. 21 hours ago, jamesshot said:


    Tom Arnold, Roseanne's ex, said he and his attorney Michael Cohen have ALL the tapes and are going to take down Trump. Holy Shit this looks ominous for Trumpy Dumpy.

    We've heard all of this before. That there's some tape of him out there calling somebody on the set of the Apprentice the 'n' word.Ā 

    If these tapes existed, I'm sure someone would've released them. Besides, the majority of his followers won't care anyway. He was right - He COULD go out onto 5th Ave and shoot someone and his Cult would still vote for him. He would just say 'GUNS KILL PEOPLE! People DON'T kill people! #FAKENEWS'

  9. 22 minutes ago, LSD said:

    He's holding the children hostage. Essentially, he's said that they stay in the prison camps away from their parents until he gets the money to build his wall. If it works, he'll know it's an effective tactic and he'll add it to his regular repertoire in the future.

    That's exactly what he's doing. It's been reported that this plan was being concocted months ago. They know what they're doing.

  10. The last year has been so horrendous in terms of politics and Trump has just skated through everything by denying, distracting, lying, blaming and using his propaganda station, FoxNews, to cover for him. I thought, if he can deflect the fact that a NAZI ran over a crowd of people and killed one of them, then there really is nothing he can do to crack the support of his base.

    Then these images of children in cages started coming up. And this policy of ripping families apart just blew up. I thought to myself 'maybe this is it....'

    But it's not. His supporters are still standing by him. Still believing him when he says it's the democrats fault, Obama's fault, that he can't do anything to stop. He says he's just following 'the law'.Ā The talking heads on Fox are taking his cue and repeating everything he says on air.

    There is no policy too grotesque. No lie too demonstrably false. No behavior too crude. There's nothing - nothing - that is going to change these peoples minds about him. He will continue to hold together 35-40% of this country as part of his 'cult'. He'll keep 10-15% disillusioned to the point of tuning out completely. And the rest is the liberal and progressive base that isn't big enough to stop him.Ā 

    This is what we've become. This is who we are. And as horrifying as it sounds, I don't see an end in sight.Ā 


  11. 3 hours ago, Martin B. said:


    I'm tired of hearing the lament about theĀ poor Melania. She married an asshole for his money. Alright, it's herĀ choice and itā€™s nobodyā€™s business. However, she must accept the consequences of such a choice.

    She knew EXACTLY what she was getting with that pile of garbage.Ā 

    AndĀ might I add, the same goes for Ivanka. SheĀ IS a cunt. Samantha Bee was SPOT. ON. She's justĀ like her sleazy monkey brothers, just speaks softer and has a vagina. It's comical that she's 'championing women's rights' and Melania wants to end bullying. Are you fucking trolling us?Ā 

    That whole nasty family can burn in hell.Ā 

  12. She's recovering from some botched plastic surgery.Ā 

    Everyone is always like 'Oh poor Melania! Leave her alone!' and that she's pretty (which sheĀ is) and classy (that too) but you know what?

    Fuck. Her.

    Before she was First Lady she was just another star-fucking, money grabbing nude model who married a shitstain of a man for his wealth, fame, and power. And now because the asshole accidentally became President - and it was an accident - we're supposed to grovel and wipe away her tears? I DON'T THINK SO.Ā 

    I have ZERO sympathy for her. NONE. She made her god damn basket and can sleep in it with the rest of the deplorable's.Ā 

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