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Posts posted by KalamazooJay

  1. 9 hours ago, horn said:

    OMG! New album rumors :rosey: 

    1. The vocal on the new album are mainly Madonna

    2. Madonna has recorded a lot of songs but not all will make it to the cut

    3. Beautiful Game may be the lead single but it's up to Madonna's final decision

    4. There will be at least 5 songs on the album

    5. The album will have a few mid-tempo songs

    6. A few songs are inspired by Madonna's personal experience

    7. Whitney Houston and/or Michael Jackson are not involved in this project

    8. New photo will be used for album cover

    9. New album will be distributed by UMG

    10. It will not be released in Antarctica and Galapagos Islands

    I read this as MANLY Madonna. :lmao:

    And I thought 'Oh fuck...Here we go'

  2. 18 minutes ago, Brasileiro said:

    1. Get a new manager. A Project Manager for this album.

    2. Clean your Instagram account.

    3. Stop trying to appeal U.S. audiences only! You sell more records overseas nowadays. Embrace the power of YouTube (Shakira, Maluma...)

    4. Bring back SPECTACLE. RH Tour was cute but your one performance at the MET was spectacular!

    5. Don't be greedy. You might make less money but you fill stadiums in Latin America. Start your tour here!

    6. Don't ever use those hideous grills ever again.  They don't look good at any age (I don't blame Drake for not liking them).


    God I love all of this so much. 

  3. I really enjoyed her on Ellen. It’s kind of mind boggling that people didn’t. Her performances of JOA and Ghosttown were pretty fucking great. And the Dress You Up skit was pure Madonna. Sure, the interview wasn’t that good but none of Ellen’s interviews are. 

    I’d personally like to see her do a sit down interview with Cynthia McFadden again. They’ve always had great chemistry and Cynthia seems to ‘get her’. 

    And I don’t care how cliche it is, but she should do a big live production on one of the morning shows like Today or Good Morning America. Anyone who does those seems to get great press afterwards (or shit press, deepening on how good/bad it is)

  4. 3 minutes ago, Katypatra said:

    I’m thinking the album is going to be more spiritual than political. 

    Ding, ding. 

    I absolutely agree. She seems to be more reflective of herself and her legacy than at any other point in her career since maybe ROL. I just have a feeling we're going to be getting a very reflective, introspective record. Mirwais brought that out of her on Music and AL so I have no reason to believe he won't do so again. 

    At least that's what I'm hoping for anyway. 

    And this may be an unpopular opinion, but I would take her working with Mirwais again over William Orbit ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Nessie said:

    Its disgusting how the american ‘free press' are trying hard to imply that Palestinians are to be blamed for their Genocide... 🤮

    Well. it's because we have a disgusting press. 

    This is same press who helped elect Donald Trump so they could profit off of his insanity. Fuck the country. Fuck the progress made under Obama. Fuck it all. As long as he continues to say crazy shit and tweet out blatant lies on a daily basis, they get their pockets lined with profits. 

    He'll be reelected in 2020. No problem. 

  6. 18 minutes ago, Genevieve Vavance said:

    so true, Frozen also had very simple lyrics but as you said it's all about the delivery

    And Music? 

    “Music makes the people come together”

    I mean, picture Taylor Swift singing that song. It’s a disgusting thought. Because while Taylor DOES have some solid melodies, her delivery is so flat and fembot like that her songs don’t have any magic to them. 

    It’s all about the vocals, melody and delivery. And Madonna nails all three. 

    There isn’t a pop star around who can nail pop music the way she does. None. Past OR present. 


  7. Madonna makes POP music. Pop music isn’t supposed to be lyrically brilliant. It’s about balancing lyrics with a memorable melody. Something Madonna has done brilliantly throughout her entire career. 

    “If I ran away, I’d never have the strength to get very far.”

    Isn’t groundbreaking by any means. But her delivery is heart wrenching. And that, kiddos, is what makes Madonna stand out among the pack. 

    People here complaining about lyrics simply don’t understand pop music.

  8. Call me callous, but I really don't any sympathy for people who willingly put themselves face to face with these wild animals. They're.....wild animals. They can attack on a dime and kill in an instant. I don't know what kind of society we've become when human beings seem to forget this. 

    I feel for the family members who had to watch such a tragedy unfold, but no, if you want to take your chance with these beasts, you deserve everything that's coming to you. 

  9. She was magnificent.

    I love seeing all of these republicans clutch their pearls and pretend to be OUTRAGED over how VULGAR she was when their fearless leader is constantly disparaging everyone under the sun and has been a vulgar shitbag his entire life. If anything, I thought Michelle Wolf was fairly tame. I wish she would've really unloaded on that cow eyed monstrosity, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. That bitch and her daddy run around waving their *s, yet she gets up there every single day and tells blatant lie after lie. 

    She's so fucking awful.  

  10. On March 27, 2018 at 3:28 AM, Jazzy Jan said:

    Waste of time people talking about his affair with Stormy Daniels. Trump's supporters are going to support him and even admire him for this.  Sad but true. Remembers Trump lovers could not of cared less about his sexist, vile comments about women previously  so why would they blink an eye that he slept with another woman while married with a young child.  Melania would not care either.  She probably is relieved  he is touching another woman and not her.  More bread and circuses to distract from the real damage he is doing. 

    And his approval rating is ticking up. I blame the constant focus on this distracting bullshit. 


    Is ANYONE surprised by this in the least? Especially his supporters. If they haven't been appalled by a lifetime of deplorable behavior from this pig, they're certainly not going to clutch their pearls over him fucking a porn star. 


    But I suppose it's ratings gold for CNN since they have their 100 person panels screaming over each other to talk about it. So pathetic. 


    The media put this madman in office and I'm starting to think they're going to get him reelected. 

  11. https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/14/politics/pa-18-democratic-playbook/index.html

    For what it's worth, this Dem (who's cute in a wonky, nerdy way) won in a district that Trump carried by over 20 points in 2016. Pair this with the Alabama election last December and the fact that Dem's have won in all sorts of state and local elections, and you may have quite the wave building for the mid terms this November. 

    Trump shot his whole load on this PA race. Campaigned there, sent his creepy, chinless kids there, and even the The Crypt Keeper herself, KellyAnne Conway. So the fact they lost this is a pretty big deal. 

    Let's just hope all those women wearing pussy hats who marched last January and these kids walking out of their schools protesting gun control show up and vote. 

  12. 29 minutes ago, ULIZOS said:

    Yes, but the economy IS better, Unemployment IS down, immigration numbers are the best ever (a 15+ years long trend), etc., etc. That's all most voters care about.

    True. But the election is a few years away and anything can happen. These economic numbers can't sustain themselves forever. And republicans do a spectacular job of crashing the U.S economy with all of their deregulation's that allows Wall Street to create their very own playground. 

    IF the economy teeters, he's gone. That's the ONLY thing propping him up. If it's still chugging along, it's a 50/50 chance at best. It truly will go down to who the Dem's nominate. 

  13. I go back and forth about him winning reelection. 

    He ONLY won because of 70,000 votes in 3 states. Dems will NOT fly over PA, MI, and WI again. And if turnout is anywhere near where it has been for these special elections, it's conceivable to think they could win back NC, FL, OH, and maybe even AZ for the first time in 30 years. 

  14. I try to be selective with my outrage over this man, because every day is some fresh hell from him or one of his minions, but his shithole comments really got to me. It's so blatantly racist that he's not even trying to  hide it anymore. Nor is anyone else who supports him. It's just like 'Yeah, he said it, let's move on'. I never thought, in my lifetime, that I'd be witnessing full blown racism and bigotry come out of the White House. It defies logic how anyone can still support him.

    He continues to degrade the presidency in ways that I never though possible. 

  15. 3 minutes ago, Ciccone's Cheeks said:

    Thanks luv. And *obviously when I said 'Rust Belt folk' you were absolutely the furthest thing from my mind! Duh! ;P lol  Prob. didn't need to clarify but still making sure lol. Trump obviously also won (or came too close) in WAY too many purple educated-ish states he shouldn't have!

    And it wasn't at all being 'condescending' (to the other poster). I know we're just reading words here and could interpret as you choose. But I meant everything I said. You're in Ireland. Not discounting that but you're not here in the US dealing with the toxic tension in many places. And the 24/7 never-ending stench on quality of life here. It's way over a year now since the election is while the initial trauma is gone it's still an unacceptable, skeezy vibe and tone in the air. I

    Oh I know you weren't referring to me. :smooch:

    I live in a solidly blue county anyway. He lost by 13 points in Kalamazoo County. The purple-ish counties and states, I believe, will be the blue wave that comes crashing down on him this fall. 

  16. It is absolutely DETESTABLE that he was invited to the Golden Globes. It just shows how tone deaf the entertainment industry is. They wear their black dresses and run around with their #MeToo and #TimesUp hashtags yet they prop up an individual that is clearly mentally unstable who's been having surgeries to make him LOOK LIKE A DOLL. 

    A DOLL. 

    He should't be invited to anything. I find him to be disgusting on so many levels. 

  17. On 1/6/2018 at 4:53 AM, BrendanT1993 said:

    I don't disagree with you about Trump but is there really any need to act so condescending like this? It's one of the reasons why Trump won, unfortunately.

    Yes. Yes there is a reason to act condescending. Because he's absolutely right. These people voted for him out of hatred, fear, and ignorance with some good old fashioned racism, misogyny, and xenophobia sprinkled on top. Him and his whole movement need to be put back into the box they came from. 

  18. Republicans were ready to put up iron curtains at the Canadian and Mexican borders last week when a Muslim committed a terrorist act. BAN THEM. 

    Now we just have a 'mental health issue' in this country. I love it when republicans talk about how much they care about mental health after a white man guns down dozens of people. Then they slash funds for research with their ghastly tax proposals. 

    And let us never forget that Reagan nixed the Mental Health Systems Act within a year of his presidency, thus shutting down DOZENS of mental hospitals across the country. 

    I don't know what makes me more angry. That they hide behind this talking point in order to just ignore the disgusting gun culture we have in this country, or that there are millions of Americans who believe it and would rather own a gun and tolerate these shootings to maintain their 'right to bare arms'.

    I'm a pretty optimistic person by nature, but the past year has caused me to lose faith in just about everything this country stands for. This is not the America I once thought it was. And I don't see it getting any better. 

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