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Secret Project REVOLUTION!


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Ugg, I want to watch this so bad. Why the fuck did they have to make the release/bittorrent bundle on PST. ahhhh!! wtf!!!

Its worth the wait, not long now luv x (I cheated and watched a dodgy copy). Wait for the HD.

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The analogy you make with the Express Yourself video doesn't quite make sense as I said before because it's not a silent video. She's singing the song with lyrics which are very much about the message that you have to speak up and ask for what you want or you will be chained down. So in her videos she is definitely giving you the message in words as well as images, it's just that she's singing the message not speaking it. Maybe you just don't like her speaking, rather than singing?

Good point. And I thought about that too. But the visuals of that video could work on their own, without the song itself. And often the songs don't directly related to the video in an obvious way. Like "Like a Prayer." I adore Madonna's speaking voice, and I enjoy the sound of it in this film. It's WHAT she's saying that bothers me. Not the message, but the need she apparently has to spell everything out. (Maybe this answers drunkbysix's response as well? I don't think it would necessarily be better if it were "silent.")

Well obviously you have it all figured out. So why not put your own words/ideas to creating something that you think gets her message across if not your own, in the style you suggest? After all, Madonna is providing a platform for you to do so @ http://artforfreedom.com/

What I find interesting is that a number of people can sit here and criticize ..., (oh pardon me, I'm sorry, I mean... share their opinion of how she's doing it wrong or should do it) but contribute nothing to show they can do any better. I'm not trying to berate you or even say you're wrong, but too many spend so much time criticizing what she is doing, but I ask, what the hell are you doing in your life that gives you the authority to say she's expressing her message all wrong? For this specific project, I'd say it's pretty safe to say "put up or shut up!" Madonna's giving YOU a platform to contribute, so since you seem to think you have a better idea in how she should convey her message, then create something, rather sitting here, criticizing her work of art to help make the world a better place.

Once again, that website is: http://artforfreedom.com/

Fair enough! I don't think I'll contribute to it though. I have other outlets in my life where I express how I feel. My work, for one. And this happens to be one another one - where I feel free to express how I feel about my favorite artist's work. I find it ironic and little hypocritical that people who claim to adore this new project are attacking anyone who has a dissenting opinion.

I think people are giving vocalism a very hard time...

I think it's visually stunning and she looks great. I just think the voiceover is probably unnecessary. She would be better served using images and brief bits of spoke dialogue to convey her message. This, for me, is too dialogue heavy.

He never said he wanted it to be a silent film. He never said it was trash or anything else. He just said he didn't care for it. His dislike is not a threat to you or your tastes. If you love it, then love it with all your heart and don't worry about anything else. If your happiness is so fragile that it cannot withstand a differing opinion, I would question how much you believe in your own opinion.

Thank you. Although I don't really think they're giving me that hard a time. I mean, the whole purpose is to have a discussion, right? Get Unconscious just doesn't like me.

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Visually the film does look awesome even though it's not something we haven't seen before. I wish she would have picked a lesser known director than Klein just because his work is very familiar, and he works with so many other pop tarts these days.

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omg i watched it three times yesterday, and i want it watch the HD now over and over tonight

downloaded bittorrent...so now lets hope all i gotta do is get that email, unlock it with code, and BAM its all there and ready to go....like not all fuckin hard and technical and i have to be a NASA engineer to figure it out.

awesome pic!!!

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There's a pic of Billy meeting M but the quality is shit. I am so happy that so many fans had their dreams come true tonight! A brief handshake and conversation with the one and only!

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