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Status Updates posted by Apples388

  1. I Googled da bitch. I don't even know who dat bitch is!

  2. OMG that sounds crazy... are you OK? Were you shaken up by the accident? Did it take you a while get back to normal? That's so surreal.. it's almost like B&S Series 4 finale... were you all disorientated like Kitty in the car.

  3. Wikipedia tells me it hasn't aired yet...

    The buzz from the B&S forums is that we may get a 6th season.. but the clip from the 100th episode party tells me that Sally & Calista seem to be ready to move on.

  4. It's the M-A-D-O-NN-A




    *thud thud thud thud*

    What's new you ARGENTINA?!!

    and yes S&S BluRay is still everything...

  5. I was more concerned with Balthazar's AIDS/cancer/heroin-chic weight loss.. not a good look.. I liked Scotty's shopping-spree thing with Olivia.. totally the kind of thing I would do with my kid..

  6. And yes I'm having Nonni withdrawals as well... I was listening to Bedtime Stories the other day for God's sake..

  7. Now move your big ass round this way so I can work on that ZIPPER baby...

    Tonight... you're a STAR...

  8. Sounds like a REAL MAN 2 me...

  9. He's gotten really big.. not a cute little puppy anymore more like a gentle giant.. still gorgeous..

  10. Nope.. all my favourite US shows seem to be on a break this week. pfft... never mind I'm too obsessed with Black Swan at the moment (seeing it for the 3rd time on Sunday). Nina Sayers, I love you more than life.

  11. Clear out your inbox! Ghent awaits.

  12. QUESTION: Why do I love for Who's That Girl World Tour 1987?

  13. Have you seen this legendary performance? I know you're a Rafaella fan.


    Do it DO IT again


    Do it DO IT again WITH LOVe

  14. Sally Field = Nora Walker = QUEEN OF LIFE!!

  15. Kylie Aphrodite/LES FOLIES.. have you seen the clips? It's too amazing.

  16. It was great! Just wish I wasn't 'preoccupied'.. but I had a wonderful time catching up with friends.. drinking lots of coffee & beer, nice food, window shopping etc. big party yesterday outside town.. all good.. now back to "reality". How awful.

  17. Loads to tell.. mostly not good I'm afraid..

  18. I will PM you very soon - possibly later today. A lot to tell, as I said. But I hope that it will all soon clear up. And I need to know all about you as well! x

  19. I just hate it when that entitled bitch's fans start going on about how she's slaayyyyyiing or whatev. Plus Roxette are bigger than Janet in Europe!

  20. Give it to me yeah

    No one's gonna stop me



  21. Yes ackito that's right. You know why I'm posting that song right? I'm right back where I started with my drama.. :(

  22. Yeah, all good thanks! Just having some weird moods lately..

  23. There's a she-wolf in your closet, open up and set her free AWOOOOOOH *cocksucking eyes*

  24. Ding dong the witch is dead! (And I'm talking about Lady GOOBER). As usual you were right about that whore all along!!

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