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Posts posted by acko

  1. Acko is sleeping with QUICK CHANGE QUICK CHANGE beardy wardrobe Cher loving dresser from IGTTYAS

    Sadly there r no good quotes in I'm going to tell u bout my ego...

    Except 4:

    'I read my prayers, I read my Zohar..& then I read..Gone With The wind.'

    Cher lover is a cunt...he was on that Airport reality show picking up Vadge's lost luggage...

    *bam right back 2 the crowd...right back 2 crowd*


    & channel light & fuck their hotdogs.... :confused:

    c not funny.

  2. Like shagging the WHOLE of Belgium? ;)

    Never joined Icon and always got good tickets, so no miss here.

    I always join that crap when it's tour year...it's pathetic really.

    but then..

    I've never been able 2 get tickets with a regular sale..

    of course the bitch don't come here..so why shag the whole of Belgium?

    I go 2 Rome & places...:fag:

  3. No, it's just that stadium shows entirely suck ass. And not in the good way.

    The worst shows r the the ones with floor seats :thumbsdown:

    I saw confessions wembley arena & it was so lifeless..

    But Rome Olympic Stadium was amazing, great energy.

    just go..chances r someone will rub his cock against u..like the whole time :thumbsup:

  4. Finland - 15k (gold) (I think this was confirmed?)

    Belgium (Flanders) - 15k (gold)

    Belgium (Wallonia) - 15k? (gold)

    I'm not exactly sure what gold is in Wallonia but I think it's the same as in Flanders... anyone from Belgium who knows if these are counted seperately? which would mean that HC would have sold/shipped 30k in Belgium?

    certifications r based on national shipments. Flanders + Wallonia = 15 k

  5. Breathe Mary Breathe!

    Here's our future excuse:

    Madonna wanted Hard Candy to do bad,

    Cuz Warner didn't promote her previous albums

    so she was just fullfulling her contract, that's why she

    hired expensive producers so Warner would lose money in the end

    cuz they sued her for Maverick and made her duet with Britney.

  6. but who's #1 in Belgium then??

    I mean since 4M is #1 in both Flanders & Wallonia I thought this would have been an easy #1 for HC too?

    hopefully she'll save Belgium next week then :dramatic:

    I doubt it.

    dEUS are #1. & They really are God here..so much media hype.

    They are our Nirvana, Oasis & U2 all in2 one.. :fag:

    Next week is mother's day & it'll b all about 'Frans Bauer & Laura Lynn'

    a schlager duo. I don't think HC will go #1.

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