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Status Replies posted by Mats

  1. acko

    acko    Mats

    U'll always b my boy. Now go 2 ur room.

    1. Mats


      who made several videos of famous people eating things and doing stuff

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

    1. Mats


      I know that reference now that you mention it but didn't make the connection to the pizza video. I actually believe that the burger video with Warhol was shot by Jørgen Leth!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Mi corazon Matsie, r u a fan of Babettes gæstebud?

    1. Mats


      I have never seen it :-( it won an Oscar, didn't it? must be worth something then!

  3. acko

    acko    Mats

    Hey Matsieeeeee you say u wanna lose control...

    1. Mats


      it must be the Hendrick's, I'm about to go astray

  4. acko

    acko    Mats

    Im ur daddy & im'a track u down on facebook in 15 yrs...b ready.

    1. Mats


      poke me, D-A-D-D-Y!

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