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Posts posted by TrueBlue

  1. I'm pretty sure it's d.

    Now, my round: what does the "devil" says in Devil Pray chorus? Have we figured out already?

    But that's easy?

    Oo save my s., oo save my s., oo save my soul, devils here to fool ya.

    Oo sing hallelujah oo save my soul, ooooo the devils here to fool ya, until my story is told.

    Or did I miss something?

    I had this on repeat for hours straight making my collage.

  2. I wrote this is in another post about Voices....

    That's it, good thing someones more eloquent :lol:

    But what about the lyrics in Devil? At least the meaning dosen't change quite as drastically as when I first heard Inside Out and tried to forgive Madonna/figure out why she was singing "I'm your niece confess to me". The relief when I saw it was on your knees! :lol:

  3. I have always thought it's I bet he couldn't recognize, but now I'm unsure :cries:

    But I'm sure it's You claim madness on Voices.

    DanM, yes I think it's "that dog istn't new" because she is speaking in metaphores, "or is that dog walking you" .

  4. Not us I hope? I don't feel like the people always critizing M are really her fans.

    I had forgotten about that immature Drake douche, and all the sexist backlash garbage. It's a non-event in the end of the day.mJust wish she hadn't supported him by showing up I guess, but it's no big deal. And I'm proud of the immaculate professionalism she showed after the fall, just grateful she didn't come to harm physically.

  5. Stop spreading lies, please! I am Italian and I have been to Rome a lot of times. Martyrs are part of Italian history. No evidence? Please, don't destroy history because you don't agree with it. Some people also say the holocaust never existed either... Please, don't make the same mistake!

    You may have divisive ideas or negative vibes about the Catholic Church and religion in general but let's not forget who and what actually moulded our society to be who we are now.

    Do you know what kind of world we were living in before Christianity? Yes the Romans did convert to Christianity and by doing so they converted the known world back then. The Roman Empire is part of history. Nobody made that up! The colosseum was specifically designed for murdereous purposes; I know the idea today in 2015 seems rediculous but back then hate/ murder was actually part of every day life. Many of you watch Game Of Thrones... Well, that was real. The way women and children were treated.. The weak were always killed by the strong ones. No police or save the children charities back then. It was the old world! Christianity changed that. Even when the Christians started killing people because of heresy.. You know how many weird religions and faiths were going around in those days? Paganism was everywhere... People believing in all sort of superstitions and magic tricks.. If the church didn't get rid of it all how would we have accomplished a unified society? Even science itself came about when the people started to be unified in one big religion! Can't you see the plan of God? Don't mock God or religion because you DON'T believe. Especially don't mock history because you don't want to see...

    You only see what your eyes want to see

    How can life be what you want it to be

    You're frozen

    When your heart's not open

    Uhm, you pick on me in this uneducated way and tell me I mock history? I'm sorry but you are deluded. You also attack me wrongly beacuse I never said there has never been any Christian martyrs. What I SAID was that the feeding of christians, to the lions in the Colosseum is a MYTH that sprang up long after it was used for gladitorial combats and executions. I will take the classes of archeology professors in Rome, Italy over your words. There are NO ancient sources that mentions christians in the Colosseum, you can write to your nearest archeological department and ask.

    Magic tricks, heh? What do you call turning wine into blood and biscuits into Jesus flesh..? You are rambling, of course christianity has a lot to say on our history. But it is by sheer luck that Constantine made it a state religion, there were many other salvation religions and cults around (several also influenced christianity a lot).

    You don't seem to be aware of the bloodstained history parallell to the nice bits of christianity, or the repression, enslavement etc. Its sad that you think science is a christian invention, or indeed human kindness.

    Oh, what would we have accomplished in society if we hadnt rediscovered the ancient philosophers and mathemathicians thanks to both the christian renaissance and the muslim arab scholars? Thats the more correct sentence. Science and knowledge was not exactly encouraged by the church, poor Giordano Bruno..

    Don't be such a fucking jerk to tell me about holocaust, two of my great uncles were sent to a german concentration camp you fucking idiot!

  6. I miss the days when Christians were fed to the lions :nasty:

    They weren't though, there is not one singel evidence of that Colosseum myth. It was made up during the early middle ages. Some of them still might have been executed there as criminals, but not because of their religion per se. one very lucky thing about the myth is that it led to Colosseum being classified as a sacred building, until that happened people treated it as free building blocks. So it helped to save it just like Pantheon.

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