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Posts posted by Paul

  1. Yes.

    1. Illuminati

    2. Bitch, I'm Madonna

    3. Best Night

    4. S.E.X.

    5. Holy Water / Addicted

    6. Unapologetic Bitch

    7. Iconic

    8. Veni Vidi Vici

    9. Rebel Heart

    10. Joan of Arc

    11. Body Shop

    12. Devil Pray

    13. Inside Out

    14. Ghosttown

    15. Hold Tight

    16. Heartbreak City

    17. Messiah

    18. Wash All Over Me / Borrowed Time / Grafitti Heart / Freedom (1 of them)

    19. Living for Love

    Seriously, if you want Folkdonna/Preachydonna go listen to Hey You or American Life. Rebel Heart is not going to be that album.

    I can live with that, except where is beautiful scars? the lines "i think youre confusing me with somebody else; i wont apolgise for being myself" are her best pair of lines since cherish. Im feeling a ROL feel to the music would suit it well. plus, she also references "always been a rebel" so it kind of ties together.

  2. ^ I actually have wondered why Joan of Arc title was revealed on itunes but not the song and no other titles. as she said at the time of the first leak that 'half of those wont be on the album' i wonder if that was to just let us know that JOA would be on the album, but none of the other first demos. But clearly Rebel Heart will be on there (and a single). And since JOA also had the time (4:01) it means it must be finished, so why not release it then? or maybe it was all jsut an accident.

  3. I think this era will have the following songs as singles:

    1. Living for Love

    2. Devil Pray

    3. Ghosttown

    4. Rebel Heart

    5. Bitch I'm Madonna

    6. Wash All Over Me

    7. Jon of Ark

    May be even more. This era is not HC/MDNA guys. I think she really is going to outdo herself. There is a lot of money put into this project and Madonna has a lot to say this time. Be prepared for an amazing album with incredible videos, performances and promotions.

    Im pretty sure that of the 6 already released, only LFL is a single. All other singles would be saved for the later release.

    although, there's always a chance that a song not planned for a single might become a single if popular - like what happened with Get Together.

    I just hope the singles are released not too far apart, need to keep momentum. and lots of them!

  4. Agreed, and it may sound selfish but, to be honest, I hope we get at least 8- 10 new tracks, unheard, so we have more to enjoy... I am considering the demos as a complete album in itself ,and waiting for the second album to drop.

    I actualy thought that when she rushed the release of the 'finished' songs before christmas, instead of being tracks from the album she shoudl have done an EP to go with LFL, and then another EP in February with the next single, and then the album in April that could be the hits plus all new songs. Sort of like what Robyn did with Body Talk Part 1, 2,3 etc. that way she coudl of started getting songs out without spoiling the album (and probably got more sales out of the process).

    But actually, Ive decided to not listen to the demos much anymore - its only a month til we get more finished songs so I can wait.

  5. Here is my tracklist. Not necessarily my favourites, but what I think will give her a great album that wil have widespread success. So its not about every track needing to be a 'hit' but an album that will show off a good range, and be regarded as good solid pop music. Personaly, I judge music by how it gets into your head and if you find yourself singing it when youre doing something else - that has been the case with nearly all the demos, so they definitely all have potential. But to cut it down to 19 tracks is hard, so some tough decision will need to be made.

    My thoughts:

    1. LFL - although I dont really like the vocals or effects in the verses

    2. Devil Prays

    3. Ghosttown

    4. Unapologetic bitch

    5. Illuminati

    6. Bitch Im Madonna

    8. Joan of Arc - I hope this is not changed too much from the demo, as its almost perfect the way it is

    other songs to include on the album:

    rebel heart - needs to be more like the acoustic version, or else a full dance track. She has tended to overuse the "soft acoustic verses build to EDM post chorus breakdown" on too many songs, so if this is going to be a single, go all out, otherwise forget the EDM

    addicted - definitly one of the more catchy. Could be a bit less rock and more pop in the beginning

    Wash all over me - i like either version, although her vocals are a bit off in the chorus so hoepfully she re-records those

    never let you go - its fun and solid, not a single but adds dimension to the album.

    beuatiful scars - deifntly one of may favourites. Nothing to change except it needs a more instantly recognisable intro.

    inside out - excellent song

    body shop - its so cute. I wouldnt change anything about it. It sounds liek it was written as a love song from a pixar Cars movie.

    graffit heart - its OK at the moment, and fits where this album shoudl be going, but needs some work on the production (and a bridge)

    best night - great song, nothing to change

    god is love or revolution or freedom or borrowed time - she should only have one these songs, as they are basically all about the same thing (and all too much like Hey You). I think Freedom is the strongest of these, although maybe she could reword the best bits from all of these into a single song.

    iconic - i dont really like this song, it sounds like it woudl be better as a Katy Perry song. but i'll give it the benefit of the doubt that it has been reworded, as it defintely has potential to become a belter anthem. She needs to sing it out more and get rid of the dubstep post chorus.

    messiah - a nice ballad to balance out the album. Although this is the song to move out if there's a great new song we havent heard yet.

    songs not on the album:

    2 steps behind me - Guy seemed to make it clear it wasnt developed past demo stage. Its a nice little catchy song, but nothing outstanding, so no loss.

    back that up - its kinda fun, but covers old ground and has no use. maybe reworded with pharrel might may it better.

    nothing lasts forever - it has a catchy melody and lyric but the overall music doesnt really work for me. It sounds like its trying to be a different kind of song but not quite getting there. Like a them song from one of those over budgeted hollywood movies.

    veni vidi vici - I love this song. its perfect (although coudl have a better intro), and its so clever. but that cleverness is a bit too self-indulgent. She shoudl leave this for hard core fans as it is and not put on the album (it will be too easy for haters to criticise) - better to jsut focus on really solid music.

    holy water and SEX- she's not really showing anything new here. they're fun, but nothing outstanding. (Is it just me, or is 4 Minutes playing in the background of holy water?)

    tragic girl and Heartbreak city - I dont think she can have al album full of breakup songs - she;s done it on recent albums already and this album already has LFL, so these just seem redundant. As much as I love Tragic Girl. HC is Ok in parts but the pre-chorus just sounds like leftover lyrics from Best Friend.

    Hold tight - its catchy, but if its not a single it doesnt need to be catchy, it needs to be solid. and its not quite there. the line "everythings gonna be alright" always reminds me of East 17 song. It might be reworked but I just not feeling it now.

    Just my opinion.

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